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custom journaling app

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

custom journaling app




# Blank Space

## Table of Contents
1. [Overview](#Overview)
1. [Product Spec](#Product-Spec)
1. [Wireframes](#Wireframes)
2. [Schema](#Schema)

## Overview
### Description
mobile journaling app that serves as a customizeable and secure space to place your thoughts. designed to be safe space for all issues that are going in your life

### App Evaluation
- **Category:** Journaling/Mental Health
- **Mobile:** Mobile aspect is essential for the instant logging of any behaviour. Individuals will be able to log in to a personal account and write thoughts
- **Story:** Creates a more intimate environment for a person to engage with their feelings and thoughts.
- **Market:** In general, any individual that is able to read and write English can utilize this. Monetization could be derived from a small fixed fee or minimum subscription per month, or possible licensing to group.
- **Habit:** Customers can fit this anytime throughout the day. Ideally, use of app would be instilled as a daily ritual to clear his/her head or make imporant connections between thoughts and feelings.
- **Scope:** Current scope is to create a secure environment for users to write thoughts in a text-based format.

## Product Spec

### 1. User Stories (Required and Optional)

**Required Must-have Stories**

* User can login
* User can create a new account
* User can stay logged even if they exit app
* User can create a new journal entry
* User can edit past entries
* User can delete entries
* User sees an organized Layout of journal entries
* Journals: Based on categories of topics
* Chapters: Categories further down into sections
* User can search for text

**Optional Stories**

* User can customize environment in settings(i.e. color scheme, font format)
* User can have text save in real-time (similar to Google Docs)
* User's text/data is encrypted
* User can coordinate journaling with music, either from streaming or fixed playlist set

### 2. Screen Archetypes

* Login Screen
* User can login
* Registration Screen
* User can create a new account
* Home Screen
* User sees an organized Layout of journal entries
* Creation screen
* User can create a new journal entry
* Edit/Delete screen
* User can edit past entries
* User can delete entries
* Search screen
* User can search for text

### 3. Navigation

**Tab Navigation** (Tab to Screen)

* Profile
* Settings

**Flow Navigation** (Screen to Screen)

* Login Screen
* --> Home
* Registration Screen
* --> Home
* Home Screen
* --> Create/Delete/Edit Screen. Users from home screen will be able to CRUD journal entries
* Creation Screen
* --> Home (after creation of journal entry)
* Search Screen
* --> None

## Wireframes

## Schema
### Models
| Propert | Type | Description |
| ------------- |:-------------:| -----: |
| journalid | String | unique id for journal entry |
| subject | String | Subject title of journal entry |
| content | String | actual content of journal entry |
| createdAt | DateTime | date when post is created (default field) |
| updatedAt | DateTime | date when post is last updated (default field) |

* Profile Screen
* -->(Read/GET) Query logged in user object
* -->(Update/PUT) Update user profile image

* Home Screen
* -->Read/GET
let query = PFQuery(className:"JournalEntry")
query.whereKey("JournalEntry", equalTo: currentUser)
query.order(byDescending: "createdAt")
query.findObjectsInBackground { (posts: [PFObject]?, error: Error?) in
if let error = error {
} else if let posts = posts {
print("Successfully retrieved \(posts.count) posts.")
// TODO: Do something with your journal entries

* Create Post Screen
* -->(Create/POST) Create a new post object