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Terraform Zabbix Provider

terraform terraform-provider zabbix

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

Terraform Zabbix Provider




# Overview

A [Terraform]( provider for [Zabbix](

# Index

## Data Sources

* [zabbix_host](#datazabbix_host)
* [zabbix_hostgroup](#datazabbix_hostgroup)
* [zabbix_template](#datazabbix_template)
* [zabbix_application](#datazabbix_application)
* [zabbix_proxy](#datazabbix_proxy)

## Resources

* [zabbix_host](#zabbix_host)
* [zabbix_hostgroup](#zabbix_hostgroup)
* [zabbix_template](#zabbix_template)
* [zabbix_application](#zabbix_application)
* [zabbix_graph / zabbix_proto_graph](#zabbix_graph--zabbix_proto_graph)
* [zabbix_trigger / zabbix_proto_trigger](#zabbix_trigger--zabbix_proto_trigger)
* [zabbix_item_agent / zabbix_proto_item_agent](#zabbix_item_agent--zabbix_proto_item_agent)
* [zabbix_item_snmp / zabbix_proto_item_snmp](#zabbix_item_snmp--zabbix_proto_item_snmp)
* [zabbix_item_simple / zabbix_proto_item_simple](#zabbix_item_simple--zabbix_proto_item_simple)
* [zabbix_item_http / zabbix_proto_item_http](#zabbix_item_http--zabbix_proto_item_http)
* [zabbix_item_trapper / zabbix_proto_item_trapper](#zabbix_item_trapper--zabbix_proto_item_trapper)
* [zabbix_item_aggregate / zabbix_proto_item_aggregate](#zabbix_item_aggregate--zabbix_proto_item_aggregate)
* [zabbix_item_external / zabbix_proto_item_external](#zabbix_item_external--zabbix_proto_item_external)
* [zabbix_item_internal / zabbix_proto_item_internal](#zabbix_item_internal--zabbix_proto_item_internal)
* [zabbix_item_dependent / zabbix_proto_item_dependent](#zabbix_item_dependent--zabbix_proto_item_dependent)
* [zabbix_item_calculated / zabbix_proto_item_calculated](#zabbix_item_calculated--zabbix_proto_item_calculated)
* [zabbix_item_snmptrap / zabbix_proto_item_snmptrap](#zabbix_item_snmptrap--zabbix_proto_item_snmptrap)
* [zabbix_lld_agent](#zabbix_lld_agent)
* [zabbix_lld_trapper](#zabbix_lld_trapper)
* [zabbix_lld_simple](#zabbix_lld_simple)
* [zabbix_lld_external](#zabbix_lld_external)
* [zabbix_lld_internal](#zabbix_lld_internal)
* [zabbix_lld_dependent](#zabbix_lld_dependent)
* [zabbix_lld_snmp](#zabbix_lld_snmp)
* [zabbix_lld_http](#zabbix_lld_http)

# Requirements

- Access to Zabbix API over http or https

# Using the provider

Build or download, and install the appropriate binary into your terraform plugins directory.

[Plugin Basics](

# Status

This integration is not feature complete and covers a limited set of Zabbix features.

# Testing

No Testing has yet been added to this repository

# Usage

All resources support terraform resource importing using zabbix ID numbers

# Templates to Terraform

The script `utils/template2terraform` provides the capabilities to convert (some of) a Zabbix XML template into Terraform HCL.

## Provider

Instantiate an instance of the provider.

provider "zabbix" {
# Required
username = ""
password = ""
url = ""

# Optional

# Disable TLS verfication (false by default)
tls_insecure = true

# Serialize Zabbix API calls (false by default)
# Note: race conditions have been observed, enable this if required
serialize = true

## Data Sources

### data.zabbix_host

data "zabbix_host" "example" {
host = ""
name = "Friendly Name"
hostid = "1234"

#### Argument Reference

* host - (Optional) FQDN of host
* name - (Optional) Displayname of host
* hostid - (Optional) Zabbix host UUID

#### Attributes Reference

* host - FQDN of host
* name - Displayname of host
* enabled - Host enabled for monitoring
* interface - Host Interfaces
* - Generated Interface ID
* interface.#.dns - DNS name
* interface.#.ip - IP Address
* interface.#.main - Primary interface of this type
* interface.#.port - Interface port to use
* interface.#.type - Type of interface (agent,snmp,ipmi,jmx)
* groups - List of hostgroup IDs
* templates - List of template IDs
* proxyid - Proxy ID
* macro - List of Macros
* - Generated macro ID
* - Macro name
* macro.#.value - Macro value

### data.zabbix_hostgroup

data "zabbix_hostgroup" "example" {
name = "Friendly Name"

#### Argument Reference

* name - (Required) Displayname of hostgroup

#### Attributes Reference

* name - Displayname of hostgroup

### data.zabbix_template

data "zabbix_template" "example" {
host = "template internal name"
name = "Friendly Name"

#### Argument Reference

* host - (Optional) Name of Template
* name - (Optional) Displayname of template

#### Attributes Reference

* host - Name of Template
* name - Displayname of template
* description - description
* groups - List of hostgroup IDs
* macro - List of Macros
* - Generated macro ID
* - Macro name
* macro.#.value - Macro value

### data.zabbix_application

data "zabbix_template" "example" {
name = "Friendly Name"
hostid = "1245"

#### Argument Reference

* name - (Required) Name of template
* hostid - (Optional) ID of host / template

#### Attributes Reference

* name - Name of Template
* hostid - ID of host / template

### data.zabbix_proxy

data "zabbix_proxy" "example" {
host = ""

#### Argument Reference

* host - (Required) Name of proxy

#### Attributes Reference

* host - name of proxy

## Resources

### zabbix_host

resource "zabbix_host" "example" {
host = ""
name = "Friendly Name"

enabled = false

groups = [ "1234" ]
templates = [ "5678" ]
proxyid = "7890"

interface {
type = "snmp"
dns = ""
ip = "interface.ip.addr"

main = false
port = 1161

# if zabbix version >= 5 and type is snmp
snmp_version = "3"
snmp_community = "public"
snmp3_authpassphrase = "supersecretpassword"
snmp3_authprotocol = "md5"
snmp3_contextname = "context"
snmp3_privpassphrase = "anotherpassword"
snmp3_privprotocol = "des"
snmp3_securitylevel = "noauthnopriv"
snmp3_securityname = "secname"

macro {
key = "{$MACROABC}"
value = "test_value_one"

inventory_mode = "manual"
inventory {
alias = "bob"
notes = "test note"

#### Argument Reference

* host - (Required) FQDN of host
* name - (Optional) Displayname of host
* groups - (Required) List of hostgroup IDs
* templates - (Optional) List of template IDs
* proxyid - (Optional) Zabbix proxy id for this host
* macro - (Optional) List of Macros
* - Macro name
* macro.#.value - Macro value
* interface - (Required) Host Interfaces
* interface.#.type - (Required) Type of interface (agent,snmp,ipmi,jmx)
* interface.#.dns - (Optional) DNS name
* interface.#.ip - (Optional) IP Address
* interface.#.main - (Optional) Primary interface of this type
* interface.#.port - (Optional) Interface port to use
* inventory_mode - (Optional) Defaults to "disabled", can be one of "disabled", "manual" or "automatic"
* inventory - (Optional) Requires inventory_mode be set to one of "manual" or "automatic".
Block contains key/value pairs as supported by your zabbix inventory version

The following only have affect on zabbix versions >= 5 and where type == snmp

* interface.#.snmp_version - (Optional) SNMP Version, defaults to 2, one of (1, 2, 3)
* interface.#.snmp_community - (Optional) SNMPv1/v2 community string, defaults to {$SNMP_COMMUNITY}
* interface.#.snmp3_authpassphrase - (Optional) SNMPv3 Auth passphrase, defaults to {$SNMP3_AUTHPASSPHRASE}
* interface.#.snmp3_authprotocol - (Optional) SNMPv3 Auth protocol, defaults to sha, one of (md5, sha)
* interface.#.snmp3_contextname - (Optional) SNMPv3 Context Name, defaults to {$SNMP3_CONTEXTNAME}
* interface.#.snmp3_privpassphrase - (Optional) SNMPv3 Priv passphrase, defaults to {$SNMP3_PRIVPASSPHRASE}
* interface.#.snmp3_privprotocol - (Optional) SNMPv3 Priv protocol, defaults to aes, one of (des, aes)
* interface.#.snmp3_securitylevel - (Optional) SNMPv3 Security Level, defaults to authpriv, one of (noauthnopriv, authnopriv, authpriv)
* interface.#.snmp3_securityname - (Optional) SNMPv3 Security Name, defaults to {$SNMP3_SECURITYNAME}

#### Attributes Reference

Same as arguments, plus:

* - Generated Interface ID
* - Generated macro ID

### zabbix_hostgroup

resource "zabbix_hostgroup" "example" {
name = "Friendly Name"

#### Argument Reference

* name - (Required) Displayname of hostgroup

#### Attributes Reference

Same as arguments

### zabbix_template

resource "zabbix_template" "example" {
host = "template internal name"
name = "Friendly Name"

groups = [ "1234" ]
description = "Template Description"

templates = [ "5678" ]

macro {
key = "{$MACROABC}"
value = "test_value_one"

#### Argument Reference

* host - (Required) Name of Template
* name - (Optional) Displayname of template
* description - (Optional) Template description
* groups - (Required) List of hostgroup IDs
* templates - (Optional) List of template IDs to link to this template
* macro - (Optional) List of Macros
* - Macro name
* macro.#.value - Macro value

#### Attributes Reference

Same as arguments, plus:

* - Generated macro ID

### zabbix_application

resource "zabbix_application" "example" {
name = "Application Name"
hostid = "1234"

#### Argument Reference

* name - (Required) Name of application
* hostid - (Required) ID of host / template

#### Attributes Reference

Same as arguments

### zabbix_graph / zabbix_proto_graph

resource "zabbix_graph" "example" {
name = "Graph Name"
height = "100"
width = "100"
type = "normal"
percent_left = "0"
percent_right = "0"

do3d = true
legend = true
work_period = true

ymax = "100"
ymax_itemid = "1234"
ymax_type = "calculated"

ymin = "100"
ymin_itemid = "1234"
ymin_type = "calculated"

item {
color = "#ffffff"
itemid = "1234"
function = "min"
drawtype = "line"
sortorder = "0"
type = "simple"
yaxis_side = "left"

#### Argument Reference

* name - (Required) Name of graph
* height - (Required) Height of graph
* width - (Required) Width of graph
* type - (Optional) Graph type, defaults to "normal" one of "normal", "stacked", "pie", "exploded"
* percent_left - (Optional) Left percentile, defaults to 0
* percent_right - (Optional) Right percentile, defaults to 0
* do3d - (Optional) 3D graph, defaults to false
* legend - (Optional) Show legend, defaults to true
* work_period - (Optional) Show work period, defaults to true
* ymax - (Optional) Max value of y axis, defaults to 100
* ymax_itemid - (Optional) ItemID to use as the y axis maximum
* ymax_type - (Optional) Type of yaxis max limit, defaults to "calculated", one of "calculated", "fixed", "item"
* ymin - (Optional) Min value of y axis, defaults to 0
* ymin_itemid - (Optional) ItemID to use as the y axis minimum
* ymin_type - (Optional) Type of yaxis min limit, defaults to "calculated", one of "calculated", "fixed", "item"
* item - (Required) List of item objects
* color - (Required) Item Color
* itemid - (Required) ID of item
* function - (Optional) Data Function, defaults to "min", one of "min", "average", "max", "all", "last"
* drawtype - (Optional) Draw Type, defaults to "line", one of "line", "filled", "bold", "dot", "dashed", "gradient"
* sortorder - (Optional) Position of item in graph, defaults to 0
* type - (Optional) Type of graph item, defaults to "simple", one of "simple", "sum"
* yaxis_side - (Optional) Side of Y Axis, defaults to "left", one of "left", "right"

#### Attributes Reference

Same as arguments

### zabbix_trigger / zabbix_proto_trigger

resource "zabbix_trigger" "example" {
name = "Trigger Name"
expression = "{trigger:expression.last()} > 10"
comments = "Trigger Comments"

priority = "high"
enabled = false

multiple = false
url = ""
recovery_none = false
recovery_expression = "{trigger:expression.last()} > 15"

correlation_tag = "example"
manual_close = false

dependencies = [ "1234" ]

tag {
key = "service_type"
value = "webserver"

#### Note

When referencing hosts, templates or items within the expression, or recovery_expression, ensure you reference other resources via an attribute lookup.

Without this, simply specifying the raw strings, will prevent terraform from correctly understanding the dependencies between triggers and other resources.

# Bad
expression = "{Template Name:itemname.last()}>0"

# Good
expression = "{${}:${zabbix_item_snmp.b.key}.last()}>0"

#### Argument Reference

* host - (Required) Trigger name
* expression - (Required) Trigger expression
* comments - (Optional) Trigger comments
* priority - (Optional) Trigger priority, defaults to non_classified, one of (not_classified, info, warn, average, high, disaster)
* enabled - (Optional) Enable trigger, defaults to true
* multiple - (Optional) Generate multiple alerts, defaults to false
* url - (Optional) Trigger URL
* recovery_none - (Optional) Disable recovery expressions, defaults to false
* recovery_expression - (Optional) Use this specific recovery expression
* correlation_tag - (Optional) Use this specific correlation tag
* manual_close - (Optional) Allow manual resolution
* dependencies - (Optional) List of Trigger IDs to be attached as dependencies
* tag - (Optional) List of Tags
* tag.#.key - (Required) Tag Key
* tag.#.value - (Optional) Tag Value (for tags with a name and value)

#### Attributes Reference

Same as arguments

### zabbix_item_agent / zabbix_proto_item_agent

resource "zabbix_item_agent" "example" {
hostid = "1234"
key = "zabbix.hostname"
name = "Item Name"
valuetype = "unsigned"

delay = "1m"
history = "90d"
trends = "365d"

# only for proto_item
ruleid = "8989"
applications = [ "4567" ]

interfaceid = "5678"

preprocessor {
type = "5"
params = ["param a", "param b"]
error_handler = "1"
error_handler_params = ""

active = true

#### Argument Reference

* hostid - (Required) Host/Template ID to attach item to
* key - (Required) Item Key
* name - (Required) Item Name
* valuetype - (Required) Item valuetype, one of: (float, character, log, unsigned, text)
* delay - (Optional) Item collection interval, defaults to 1m
* history - (Optional) Item retention period
* trends - (Optional) Item trend period
* interfaceid - (Optional) Host interface ID, defaults to 0 (not required for template attachment)
* preprocessor - (Optional) Item Preprocessors
* type - (Required) Preprocessor type [docs](
* params - (Optional) Preprocessor params
* error_handler - (Optional) error handler type (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
* error_handler_params - (Optional) error handler params (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
* active - (Optional) zabbix active agent (defaults to false)
* ruleid - (Required for proto_item) LLD Discovery rule ID to attach prototype item to
* applications - (Optional) list of application IDs to associate

#### Attributes Reference

Same as arguments, plus:

* - Preprocessor assigned ID number

### zabbix_item_snmp / zabbix_proto_item_snmp

resource "zabbix_item_snmp" "example" {
hostid = "1234"
key = "zabbix.hostname"
name = "Item Name"
valuetype = "unsigned"

# only for proto_item
ruleid = "8989"

applications = [ "4567" ]

preprocessor {
type = "5"
params = ["param a", "param b"]
error_handler = "1"
error_handler_params = ""

snmp_oid = "

# below should only be used on zabbix versions < 5
snmp_version = "3"
snmp_community = "public"

snmp3_authpassphrase = "supersecretpassword"
snmp3_authprotocol = "md5"
snmp3_contextname = "context"
snmp3_privpassphrase = "anotherpassword"
snmp3_privprotocol = "des"
snmp3_securitylevel = "noauthnopriv"
snmp3_securityname = "secname"

#### Argument Reference

* hostid - (Required) Host/Template ID to attach item to
* key - (Required) Item Key
* name - (Required) Item Name
* valuetype - (Required) Item valuetype, one of: (float, character, log, unsigned, text)
* history - (Optional) Item retention period
* trends - (Optional) Item trend period
* preprocessor - (Optional) Item Preprocessors
* type - (Required) Preprocessor type [docs](
* params - (Optional) Preprocessor params
* error_handler - (Optional) error handler type (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
* error_handler_params - (Optional) error handler params (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
* ruleid - (Required for proto_item) LLD Discovery rule ID to attach prototype item to
* applications - (Optional) list of application IDs to associate
* snmp_oid - (Required) SNMP OID Number

The following only have an effect in zabbix versions < 5

* snmp_version - (Optional) SNMP Version, defaults to 2, one of (1, 2, 3)
* snmp_community - (Optional) SNMPv1/v2 community string, defaults to {$SNMP_COMMUNITY}
* snmp3_authpassphrase - (Optional) SNMPv3 Auth passphrase, defaults to {$SNMP3_AUTHPASSPHRASE}
* snmp3_authprotocol - (Optional) SNMPv3 Auth protocol, defaults to sha, one of (md5, sha)
* snmp3_contextname - (Optional) SNMPv3 Context Name, defaults to {$SNMP3_CONTEXTNAME}
* snmp3_privpassphrase - (Optional) SNMPv3 Priv passphrase, defaults to {$SNMP3_PRIVPASSPHRASE}
* snmp3_privprotocol - (Optional) SNMPv3 Priv protocol, defaults to aes, one of (des, aes)
* snmp3_securitylevel - (Optional) SNMPv3 Security Level, defaults to authpriv, one of (noauthnopriv, authnopriv, authpriv)
* snmp3_securityname - (Optional) SNMPv3 Security Name, defaults to {$SNMP3_SECURITYNAME}

#### Attributes Reference

Same as arguments, plus:

* - Preprocessor assigned ID number

### zabbix_item_simple / zabbix_proto_item_simple

resource "zabbix_item_simple" "example" {
hostid = "1234"
key = "net.tcp.service[ftp,,155]"
name = "Item Name"
valuetype = "unsigned"

# only for proto_item
ruleid = "8989"

applications = [ "4567" ]

delay = "1m"
history = "90d"
trends = "365d"

preprocessor {
type = "5"
params = ["param a", "param b"]
error_handler = "1"
error_handler_params = ""

#### Argument Reference

* hostid - (Required) Host/Template ID to attach item to
* key - (Required) Item Key
* name - (Required) Item Name
* valuetype - (Required) Item valuetype, one of: (float, character, log, unsigned, text)
* delay - (Optional) Item collection interval, defaults to 1m
* history - (Optional) Item retention period
* trends - (Optional) Item trend period
* preprocessor - (Optional) Item Preprocessors
* type - (Required) Preprocessor type [docs](
* params - (Optional) Preprocessor params
* error_handler - (Optional) error handler type (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
* error_handler_params - (Optional) error handler params (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
* ruleid - (Required for proto_item) LLD Discovery rule ID to attach prototype item to
* applications - (Optional) list of application IDs to associate

#### Attributes Reference

Same as arguments, plus:

* - Preprocessor assigned ID number

### zabbix_item_http / zabbix_proto_item_http

resource "zabbix_item_http" "example" {
hostid = "1234"
key = "http_value_search"
name = "Item Name"
valuetype = "unsigned"

# only for proto_item
ruleid = "8989"

applications = [ "4567" ]

delay = "1m"
history = "90d"
trends = "365d"

interfaceid = "5678"

preprocessor {
type = "5"
params = ["param a", "param b"]
error_handler = "1"
error_handler_params = ""

url = ""
request_method = "post"
post_type = "body"
posts = "{}"
status_codes = "200"
timeout = "3s"
verify_host = true
verify_peer = true

auth_type = "basic"
username = "bob"
password = "supersecretpassword"

headers = {
"Accept": "application/json"

#### Argument Reference

* hostid - (Required) Host/Template ID to attach item to
* key - (Required) Item Key
* name - (Required) Item Name
* valuetype - (Required) Item valuetype, one of: (float, character, log, unsigned, text)
* delay - (Optional) Item collection interval, defaults to 1m
* history - (Optional) Item retention period
* trends - (Optional) Item trend period
* interfaceid - (Optional) Host interface ID, defaults to 0 (not required for template attachment)
* preprocessor - (Optional) Item Preprocessors
* type - (Required) Preprocessor type [docs](
* params - (Optional) Preprocessor params
* error_handler - (Optional) error handler type (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
* error_handler_params - (Optional) error handler params (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)

* url - (Required) URL to fetch
* request_method - (Optional) Method to use, defaults to "get", one of (get, post, put, head)
* post_type - (Optional) Post type to use, defaults to "body", one of (body, headers, both)
* status_codes - (Optional) Status codes to detect, defaults to 200
* timeout - (Optional) Request timeout, defaults to 3s
* verify_host (Optional) TLS host verification, defaults to true
* verify_peer (Optional) TLS peer verification, defaults to true
* ruleid - (Required for proto_item) LLD Discovery rule ID to attach prototype item to
* applications - (Optional) list of application IDs to associate
* auth_type - (Optional) Authentication type, defaults to "none", one of none, basic, digest, ntlm, kerberos
* username - (Optional) Username
* password - (Optional) Password
* headers - (Optional) Map of http headers to include

#### Attributes Reference

Same as arguments, plus:

* - Preprocessor assigned ID number

### zabbix_item_trapper / zabbix_proto_item_trapper

resource "zabbix_item_trapper" "example" {
hostid = "1234"
key = "trapper_item_key"
name = "Item Name"
valuetype = "unsigned"

# only for proto_item
ruleid = "8989"

applications = [ "4567" ]

preprocessor {
type = "5"
params = ["param a", "param b"]
error_handler = "1"
error_handler_params = ""

#### Argument Reference

* hostid - (Required) Host/Template ID to attach item to
* key - (Required) Item Key
* name - (Required) Item Name
* valuetype - (Required) Item valuetype, one of: (float, character, log, unsigned, text)
* history - (Optional) Item retention period
* trends - (Optional) Item trend period
* preprocessor - (Optional) Item Preprocessors
* type - (Required) Preprocessor type [docs](
* params - (Optional) Preprocessor params
* error_handler - (Optional) error handler type (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
* error_handler_params - (Optional) error handler params (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
* ruleid - (Required for proto_item) LLD Discovery rule ID to attach prototype item to
* applications - (Optional) list of application IDs to associate

#### Attributes Reference

Same as arguments, plus:

* - Preprocessor assigned ID number

### zabbix_item_aggregate / zabbix_proto_item_aggregate

resource "zabbix_item_aggregate" "example" {
hostid = "1234"
key = "grpsum()"
name = "Item Name"
valuetype = "unsigned"

delay = "1m"
history = "90d"
trends = "365d"

# only for proto_item
ruleid = "8989"

applications = [ "4567" ]

preprocessor {
type = "5"
params = ["param a", "param b"]
error_handler = "1"
error_handler_params = ""

#### Argument Reference

* hostid - (Required) Host/Template ID to attach item to
* key - (Required) Item Key
* name - (Required) Item Name
* valuetype - (Required) Item valuetype, one of: (float, character, log, unsigned, text)
* delay - (Optional) Item collection interval, defaults to 1m
* history - (Optional) Item retention period
* trends - (Optional) Item trend period
* preprocessor - (Optional) Item Preprocessors
* type - (Required) Preprocessor type [docs](
* params - (Optional) Preprocessor params
* error_handler - (Optional) error handler type (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
* error_handler_params - (Optional) error handler params (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
* ruleid - (Required for proto_item) LLD Discovery rule ID to attach prototype item to
* applications - (Optional) list of application IDs to associate

#### Attributes Reference

Same as arguments, plus:

* - Preprocessor assigned ID number

### zabbix_item_external / zabbix_proto_item_external

resource "zabbix_item_external" "example" {
hostid = "1234"
key = "script[\"argv1\",\"argv2\"]"
name = "Item Name"
interfaceid = "5678"
valuetype = "unsigned"
delay = "1m"
history = "90d"
trends = "365d"

# only for proto_item
ruleid = "8989"

applications = [ "4567" ]

#### Argument Reference

* hostid - (Required) Host/Template ID to attach item to
* key - (Required) Item Key
* name - (Required) Item Name
* interfaceid - (Required) Host interface ID
* valuetype - (Required) Item valuetype, one of: (float, character, log, unsigned, text)
* delay - (Optional) Item collection interval, defaults to 1m
* history - (Optional) Item retention period
* trends - (Optional) Item trend period
* preprocessor - (Optional) Item Preprocessors
* type - (Required) Preprocessor type [docs](
* params - (Optional) Preprocessor params
* error_handler - (Optional) error handler type (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
* error_handler_params - (Optional) error handler params (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
* ruleid - (Required for proto_item) LLD Discovery rule ID to attach prototype item to
* applications - (Optional) list of application IDs to associate

#### Attributes Reference

Same as arguments, plus:

* - Preprocessor assigned ID number

### zabbix_item_internal / zabbix_proto_item_internal

resource "zabbix_item_internal" "example" {
hostid = "1234"
key = "zabbix.hostname"
name = "Item Name"
valuetype = "unsigned"

delay = "1m"
history = "90d"
trends = "365d"

# only for proto_item
ruleid = "8989"

applications = [ "4567" ]

interfaceid = "5678"

preprocessor {
type = "5"
params = ["param a", "param b"]
error_handler = "1"
error_handler_params = ""

#### Argument Reference

* hostid - (Required) Host/Template ID to attach item to
* key - (Required) Item Key
* name - (Required) Item Name
* valuetype - (Required) Item valuetype, one of: (float, character, log, unsigned, text)
* delay - (Optional) Item collection interval, defaults to 1m
* history - (Optional) Item retention period
* trends - (Optional) Item trend period
* interfaceid - (Optional) Host interface ID, defaults to 0 (not required for template attachment)
* preprocessor - (Optional) Item Preprocessors
* type - (Required) Preprocessor type [docs](
* params - (Optional) Preprocessor params
* error_handler - (Optional) error handler type (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
* error_handler_params - (Optional) error handler params (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
* ruleid - (Required for proto_item) LLD Discovery rule ID to attach prototype item to
* applications - (Optional) list of application IDs to associate

#### Attributes Reference

Same as arguments, plus:

* - Preprocessor assigned ID number

### zabbix_item_dependent / zabbix_proto_item_dependent

resource "zabbix_item_dependent" "example" {
hostid = "1234"
key = "custom.hostname"
name = "Item Name"
valuetype = "text"

master_itemid = "12344"

# only for proto_item
ruleid = "8989"

applications = [ "4567" ]

preprocessor {
type = "5"
params = ["param a", "param b"]
error_handler = "1"
error_handler_params = ""

#### Argument Reference

* hostid - (Required) Host/Template ID to attach item to
* key - (Required) Item Key
* name - (Required) Item Name
* valuetype - (Required) Item valuetype, one of: (float, character, log, unsigned, text)
* master_itemid - (Required) Master Item ID
* history - (Optional) Item retention period
* trends - (Optional) Item trend period
* preprocessor - (Optional) Item Preprocessors
* type - (Required) Preprocessor type [docs](
* params - (Optional) Preprocessor params
* error_handler - (Optional) error handler type (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
* error_handler_params - (Optional) error handler params (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
* ruleid - (Required for proto_item) LLD Discovery rule ID to attach prototype item to
* applications - (Optional) list of application IDs to associate

#### Attributes Reference

Same as arguments, plus:

* - Preprocessor assigned ID number

### zabbix_item_calculated / zabbix_proto_item_calculated

resource "zabbix_item_dependent" "example" {
hostid = "1234"
key = "custom.hostname"
name = "Item Name"
valuetype = "text"

formula = "1+1"

# only for proto_item
ruleid = "8989"

applications = [ "4567" ]

preprocessor {
type = "5"
params = ["param a", "param b"]
error_handler = "1"
error_handler_params = ""

#### Argument Reference

* hostid - (Required) Host/Template ID to attach item to
* key - (Required) Item Key
* name - (Required) Item Name
* valuetype - (Required) Item valuetype, one of: (float, character, log, unsigned, text)
* formula - (Required) Calculated Item Formula
* preprocessor - (Optional) Item Preprocessors
* type - (Required) Preprocessor type [docs](
* params - (Optional) Preprocessor params
* error_handler - (Optional) error handler type (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
* error_handler_params - (Optional) error handler params (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
* ruleid - (Required for proto_item) LLD Discovery rule ID to attach prototype item to
* applications - (Optional) list of application IDs to associate

#### Attributes Reference

Same as arguments, plus:

* - Preprocessor assigned ID number

### zabbix_item_snmptrap / zabbix_proto_item_snmptrap

resource "zabbix_item_snmptrap" "example" {
hostid = "1234"
key = "custom.hostname"
name = "Item Name"
valuetype = "text"

# only for proto_item
ruleid = "8989"

applications = [ "4567" ]

preprocessor {
type = "5"
params = ["param a", "param b"]
error_handler = "1"
error_handler_params = ""

#### Argument Reference

* hostid - (Required) Host/Template ID to attach item to
* key - (Required) Item Key
* name - (Required) Item Name
* valuetype - (Required) Item valuetype, one of: (float, character, log, unsigned, text)
* history - (Optional) Item retention period
* trends - (Optional) Item trend period
* preprocessor - (Optional) Item Preprocessors
* type - (Required) Preprocessor type [docs](
* params - (Optional) Preprocessor params
* error_handler - (Optional) error handler type (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
* error_handler_params - (Optional) error handler params (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
* ruleid - (Required for proto_item) LLD Discovery rule ID to attach prototype item to
* applications - (Optional) list of application IDs to associate

#### Attributes Reference

Same as arguments, plus:

* - Preprocessor assigned ID number

### zabbix_lld_agent

resource "zabbix_lld_agent" "example" {
hostid = "1234"
key = "zabbix.hostname"
name = "Item Name"

delay = "1m"
lifetime = "1d"
evaltype = "and"

interfaceid = "5678"

preprocessor {
type = "5"
params = ["param a", "param b"]
error_handler = "1"
error_handler_params = ""

condition {
macro = "{#name}"
value = "^blah"
operator = "match"

macro {
macro = "{#name}"
path = "$.bob"

active = true

#### Argument Reference

* hostid - (Required) Host/Template ID to attach LLD Rule to
* key - (Required) LLD Key
* name - (Required) LLD Name
* delay - (Optional) LLD collection interval, defaults to 1m
* lifetime - (Optional) Discovery Item lifetime, defaults to 30d
* evaltype - (Optional) Discovery Filter Evaluation type, defaults to andor
* formula - (Optional) Filter formula
* preprocessor - (Optional) LLD Preprocessors
* type - (Required) Preprocessor type [docs](
* params - (Optional) Preprocessor params
* error_handler - (Optional) error handler type (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
* error_handler_params - (Optional) error handler params (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
* condition - (Optional) LLD Filters
* macro - (Required) Filter macro name
* value - (Required) Filter Regex
* operator - (Optional) Filter operator, defaults to "match"
* macro - (Optional) LLD Macros
* macro - (Required) Macro name
* path - (Required) Macro JSON path
* active - (Optional) zabbix active agent (defaults to false)
* interfaceid - (Optional) Host interface ID, defaults to 0 (not required for template attachment)

#### Attributes Reference

Same as arguments, plus:

* - Preprocessor assigned ID number

### zabbix_lld_trapper

resource "zabbix_lld_trapper" "example" {
hostid = "1234"
key = "zabbix.hostname"
name = "Item Name"

delay = "1m"
lifetime = "1d"
evaltype = "and"

preprocessor {
type = "5"
params = ["param a", "param b"]
error_handler = "1"
error_handler_params = ""

condition {
macro = "{#name}"
value = "^blah"
operator = "match"

macro {
macro = "{#name}"
path = "$.bob"

#### Argument Reference

* hostid - (Required) Host/Template ID to attach LLD Rule to
* key - (Required) LLD Key
* name - (Required) LLD Name
* delay - (Optional) LLD collection interval, defaults to 1m
* lifetime - (Optional) Discovery Item lifetime, defaults to 30d
* evaltype - (Optional) Discovery Filter Evaluation type, defaults to andor
* formula - (Optional) Filter formula
* preprocessor - (Optional) LLD Preprocessors
* type - (Required) Preprocessor type [docs](
* params - (Optional) Preprocessor params
* error_handler - (Optional) error handler type (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
* error_handler_params - (Optional) error handler params (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
* condition - (Optional) LLD Filters
* macro - (Required) Filter macro name
* value - (Required) Filter Regex
* operator - (Optional) Filter operator, defaults to "match"
* macro - (Optional) LLD Macros
* macro - (Required) Macro name
* path - (Required) Macro JSON path

#### Attributes Reference

Same as arguments, plus:

* - Preprocessor assigned ID number

### zabbix_lld_simple

resource "zabbix_lld_simple" "example" {
hostid = "1234"
key = "zabbix.hostname"
name = "Item Name"

delay = "1m"
lifetime = "1d"
evaltype = "and"

interfaceid = "5678"

preprocessor {
type = "5"
params = ["param a", "param b"]
error_handler = "1"
error_handler_params = ""

condition {
macro = "{#name}"
value = "^blah"
operator = "match"

macro {
macro = "{#name}"
path = "$.bob"

#### Argument Reference

* hostid - (Required) Host/Template ID to attach LLD Rule to
* key - (Required) LLD Key
* name - (Required) LLD Name
* delay - (Optional) LLD collection interval, defaults to 1m
* lifetime - (Optional) Discovery Item lifetime, defaults to 30d
* evaltype - (Optional) Discovery Filter Evaluation type, defaults to andor
* formula - (Optional) Filter formula
* preprocessor - (Optional) LLD Preprocessors
* type - (Required) Preprocessor type [docs](
* params - (Optional) Preprocessor params
* error_handler - (Optional) error handler type (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
* error_handler_params - (Optional) error handler params (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
* condition - (Optional) LLD Filters
* macro - (Required) Filter macro name
* value - (Required) Filter Regex
* operator - (Optional) Filter operator, defaults to "match"
* macro - (Optional) LLD Macros
* macro - (Required) Macro name
* path - (Required) Macro JSON path
* interfaceid - (Optional) Host interface ID, defaults to 0 (not required for template attachment)

#### Attributes Reference

Same as arguments, plus:

* - Preprocessor assigned ID number

### zabbix_lld_external

resource "zabbix_lld_external" "example" {
hostid = "1234"
key = "zabbix.hostname"
name = "Item Name"

delay = "1m"
lifetime = "1d"
evaltype = "and"

interfaceid = "5678"

preprocessor {
type = "5"
params = ["param a", "param b"]
error_handler = "1"
error_handler_params = ""

condition {
macro = "{#name}"
value = "^blah"
operator = "match"

macro {
macro = "{#name}"
path = "$.bob"

#### Argument Reference

* hostid - (Required) Host/Template ID to attach LLD Rule to
* key - (Required) LLD Key
* name - (Required) LLD Name
* delay - (Optional) LLD collection interval, defaults to 1m
* lifetime - (Optional) Discovery Item lifetime, defaults to 30d
* evaltype - (Optional) Discovery Filter Evaluation type, defaults to andor
* formula - (Optional) Filter formula
* preprocessor - (Optional) LLD Preprocessors
* type - (Required) Preprocessor type [docs](
* params - (Optional) Preprocessor params
* error_handler - (Optional) error handler type (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
* error_handler_params - (Optional) error handler params (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
* condition - (Optional) LLD Filters
* macro - (Required) Filter macro name
* value - (Required) Filter Regex
* operator - (Optional) Filter operator, defaults to "match"
* macro - (Optional) LLD Macros
* macro - (Required) Macro name
* path - (Required) Macro JSON path
* interfaceid - (Optional) Host interface ID, defaults to 0 (not required for template attachment)

#### Attributes Reference

Same as arguments, plus:

* - Preprocessor assigned ID number

### zabbix_lld_internal

resource "zabbix_lld_internal" "example" {
hostid = "1234"
key = "zabbix.hostname"
name = "Item Name"

delay = "1m"
lifetime = "1d"
evaltype = "and"

interfaceid = "5678"

preprocessor {
type = "5"
params = ["param a", "param b"]
error_handler = "1"
error_handler_params = ""

condition {
macro = "{#name}"
value = "^blah"
operator = "match"

macro {
macro = "{#name}"
path = "$.bob"

#### Argument Reference

* hostid - (Required) Host/Template ID to attach LLD Rule to
* key - (Required) LLD Key
* name - (Required) LLD Name
* delay - (Optional) LLD collection interval, defaults to 1m
* lifetime - (Optional) Discovery Item lifetime, defaults to 30d
* evaltype - (Optional) Discovery Filter Evaluation type, defaults to andor
* formula - (Optional) Filter formula
* preprocessor - (Optional) LLD Preprocessors
* type - (Required) Preprocessor type [docs](
* params - (Optional) Preprocessor params
* error_handler - (Optional) error handler type (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
* error_handler_params - (Optional) error handler params (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
* condition - (Optional) LLD Filters
* macro - (Required) Filter macro name
* value - (Required) Filter Regex
* operator - (Optional) Filter operator, defaults to "match"
* macro - (Optional) LLD Macros
* macro - (Required) Macro name
* path - (Required) Macro JSON path
* interfaceid - (Optional) Host interface ID, defaults to 0 (not required for template attachment)

#### Attributes Reference

Same as arguments, plus:

* - Preprocessor assigned ID number

### zabbix_lld_dependent

resource "zabbix_lld_dependent" "example" {
hostid = "1234"
key = "zabbix.hostname"
name = "Item Name"

delay = "1m"
lifetime = "1d"
evaltype = "and"

master_itemid = "5678"

preprocessor {
type = "5"
params = ["param a", "param b"]
error_handler = "1"
error_handler_params = ""

condition {
macro = "{#name}"
value = "^blah"
operator = "match"

macro {
macro = "{#name}"
path = "$.bob"

#### Argument Reference

* hostid - (Required) Host/Template ID to attach LLD Rule to
* key - (Required) LLD Key
* name - (Required) LLD Name
* delay - (Optional) LLD collection interval, defaults to 1m
* lifetime - (Optional) Discovery Item lifetime, defaults to 30d
* evaltype - (Optional) Discovery Filter Evaluation type, defaults to andor
* formula - (Optional) Filter formula
* preprocessor - (Optional) LLD Preprocessors
* type - (Required) Preprocessor type [docs](
* params - (Optional) Preprocessor params
* error_handler - (Optional) error handler type (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
* error_handler_params - (Optional) error handler params (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
* condition - (Optional) LLD Filters
* macro - (Required) Filter macro name
* value - (Required) Filter Regex
* operator - (Optional) Filter operator, defaults to "match"
* macro - (Optional) LLD Macros
* macro - (Required) Macro name
* path - (Required) Macro JSON path
* master_itemid - (Required) ItemID this depends on

#### Attributes Reference

Same as arguments, plus:

* - Preprocessor assigned ID number

### zabbix_lld_snmp

resource "zabbix_lld_snmp" "example" {
hostid = "1234"
key = "zabbix.hostname"
name = "Item Name"

delay = "1m"
lifetime = "1d"
evaltype = "and"

snmp_version = "3"
snmp_oid = "

snmp_community = "public"

snmp3_authpassphrase = "supersecretpassword"
snmp3_authprotocol = "md5"
snmp3_contextname = "context"
snmp3_privpassphrase = "anotherpassword"
snmp3_privprotocol = "des"
snmp3_securitylevel = "noauthnopriv"
snmp3_securityname = "secname"

interfaceid = "5678"

preprocessor {
type = "5"
params = ["param a", "param b"]
error_handler = "1"
error_handler_params = ""

condition {
macro = "{#name}"
value = "^blah"
operator = "match"

macro {
macro = "{#name}"
path = "$.bob"

#### Argument Reference

* hostid - (Required) Host/Template ID to attach LLD Rule to
* key - (Required) LLD Key
* name - (Required) LLD Name
* delay - (Optional) LLD collection interval, defaults to 1m
* lifetime - (Optional) Discovery Item lifetime, defaults to 30d
* evaltype - (Optional) Discovery Filter Evaluation type, defaults to andor
* formula - (Optional) Filter formula
* preprocessor - (Optional) LLD Preprocessors
* type - (Required) Preprocessor type [docs](
* params - (Optional) Preprocessor params
* error_handler - (Optional) error handler type (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
* error_handler_params - (Optional) error handler params (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
* condition - (Optional) LLD Filters
* macro - (Required) Filter macro name
* value - (Required) Filter Regex
* operator - (Optional) Filter operator, defaults to "match"
* macro - (Optional) LLD Macros
* macro - (Required) Macro name
* path - (Required) Macro JSON path
* interfaceid - (Optional) Host interface ID, defaults to 0 (not required for template attachment)
* snmp_version - (Optional) SNMP Version, defaults to 2, one of (1, 2, 3)
* snmp_oid - (Required) SNMP OID Number
* snmp_community - (Optional) SNMPv1/v2 community string, defaults to {$SNMP_COMMUNITY}
* snmp3_authpassphrase - (Optional) SNMPv3 Auth passphrase, defaults to {$SNMP3_AUTHPASSPHRASE}
* snmp3_authprotocol - (Optional) SNMPv3 Auth protocol, defaults to sha, one of (md5, sha)
* snmp3_contextname - (Optional) SNMPv3 Context Name, defaults to {$SNMP3_CONTEXTNAME}
* snmp3_privpassphrase - (Optional) SNMPv3 Priv passphrase, defaults to {$SNMP3_PRIVPASSPHRASE}
* snmp3_privprotocol - (Optional) SNMPv3 Priv protocol, defaults to aes, one of (des, aes)
* snmp3_securitylevel - (Optional) SNMPv3 Security Level, defaults to authpriv, one of (noauthnopriv, authnopriv, authpriv)
* snmp3_securityname - (Optional) SNMPv3 Security Name, defaults to {$SNMP3_SECURITYNAME}

#### Attributes Reference

Same as arguments, plus:

* - Preprocessor assigned ID number

### zabbix_lld_http

resource "zabbix_lld_http" "example" {
hostid = "1234"
key = "zabbix.hostname"
name = "Item Name"

delay = "1m"
lifetime = "1d"
evaltype = "and"

interfaceid = "5678"

preprocessor {
type = "5"
params = ["param a", "param b"]
error_handler = "1"
error_handler_params = ""

condition {
macro = "{#name}"
value = "^blah"
operator = "match"

macro {
macro = "{#name}"
path = "$.bob"

url = ""
request_method = "post"
post_type = "body"
posts = "{}"
status_codes = "200"
timeout = "3s"
verify_host = true
verify_peer = true

#### Argument Reference

* hostid - (Required) Host/Template ID to attach LLD Rule to
* key - (Required) LLD Key
* name - (Required) LLD Name
* delay - (Optional) LLD collection interval, defaults to 1m
* lifetime - (Optional) Discovery Item lifetime, defaults to 30d
* evaltype - (Optional) Discovery Filter Evaluation type, defaults to andor
* formula - (Optional) Filter formula
* preprocessor - (Optional) LLD Preprocessors
* type - (Required) Preprocessor type [docs](
* params - (Optional) Preprocessor params
* error_handler - (Optional) error handler type (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
* error_handler_params - (Optional) error handler params (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
* condition - (Optional) LLD Filters
* macro - (Required) Filter macro name
* value - (Required) Filter Regex
* operator - (Optional) Filter operator, defaults to "match"
* macro - (Optional) LLD Macros
* macro - (Required) Macro name
* path - (Required) Macro JSON path
* interfaceid - (Optional) Host interface ID, defaults to 0 (not required for template attachment)
* url - (Required) URL to fetch
* request_method - (Optional) Method to use, defaults to "get", one of (get, post, put, head)
* post_type - (Optional) Post type to use, defaults to "body", one of (body, headers, both)
* status_codes - (Optional) Status codes to detect, defaults to 200
* timeout - (Optional) Request timeout, defaults to 3s
* verify_host (Optional) TLS host verification, defaults to true
* verify_peer (Optional) TLS peer verification, defaults to true

#### Attributes Reference

Same as arguments, plus:

* - Preprocessor assigned ID number