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# zabbix-map-builder-go

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## Table of contents

- [Description](#description)
- [Zabbix-nested-groups](#zabbix-nested-groups)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Fixtures (optional)](#fixtures-(optional))
- [Required environment variables](#required-environment-variables)
- [Install](#install)
- [Run](#run)
- [Completion](#completion)

## Description

This CLI tool is used to help administrator build a zabbix map using the given host mappings (network devices, etc.).

## Mapping format

Mapping required to be in json format and to respect the following format.
"local_host": "router-1",
"local_interface": "eth0",
"local_trigger_pattern": "Interface eth0(): Link down",
"local_image": "Firewall_(64)",
"remote_host": "router-2",
"remote_interface": "eth0",
"remote_trigger_pattern": "Interface eth0(): Link down",
"remote_image": "Switch_(64)"

***\*_host :***

Name of the host to used for the mapping (first host : local // second host : remote).
The value needs to be the name of the host on Zabbix for the search query to match.

***\*_interface :***

Name of the host interface attached to the other host.
This field is currently not utilize.

***\*_trigger_pattern :***

Pattern used to search a trigger configured for the host.
This trigger will then be attached to the link between the two hosts.

***\*_image :***

Name of the image used for the host.
The value needs to be the name of the image on Zabbix for the search query to match.

## Usage

### Examples (optional)

Export files are available in the *examples* folder.

- Hosts

The *'zbx_export_hosts.json'* export will create hosts that can be utilize with the *'docker-compose.yml'* file.

- Mappings

The *'mapping.json'* file can be used to create an example map.

> Using the *docker-compose.test.yml* stack combine with the export files can give you a good preview of the possibilities available with this CLI tool.

### Required environment variables

To use this tool, you will need to set up the following variables :

You can simply export the variable in your current shell :

Linux :
export ZABBIX_URL="http://:/zabbix/api_jsonrpc.php"
export ZABBIX_USER="some-zabbix-user"
export ZABBIX_PWD="some-zabbix-user-password"
Adding this configuration to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc will make the configuration persistent between shell.

Windows (example for powershell) :

### Install

1. With a script (available in the *scripts* folder):

bash scripts/

2. Manually :

Each time a new release is created, the cli is compiled and the resultant binaries are pushed as assets (

# Create a temp installation folder
mkdir /tmp/zabbix-map-builder

# Retrieve the archive for release $RELEASE
wget -O /tmp/zabbix-map-builder/zabbix-map-builder.tar.gz$RELEASE/zabbix-map-builder-go_$RELEASE_linux_amd64.tar.gz

# Remove previous install
sudo rm /usr/local/bin/zabbix-map-builder

# Extract the archive
tar -C /tmp/zabbix-map-builder -xzf /tmp/zabbix-map-builder/zabbix-map-builder.tar.gz

# Move the binairy
sudo mv /tmp/zabbix-map-builder/zabbix-map-builder /usr/local/bin

# Update permissions
sudo chown $(id -un):$(id -gn) /usr/local/bin/zabbix-map-builder

# Remove temp installation folder
rm -r /tmp/zabbix-map-builder

### Uninstall

1. With a script (available in the *scripts* folder):

bash scripts/

2. Manually :

sudo rm /usr/local/bin/zabbix-map-builder

### Run
This CLI tool is used to help administrator build a zabbix map using the given host mappings (network devices, etc.).


-c, --color string color in hexadecimal used for the links between each hosts (default "000000")
-v, --debug enable debug logging verbosity
--dry-run output to the shell the map definition without created it on the server
-f, --file string file containing the hosts mapping
--height string height in pixel of the map (default "800")
-h, --help help for this command
--name string name of the map
-o, --output string output the parameters used to create the map to a file
--spacer int space in pixel between each host (example : X_host2 = X_host1 + ) (default 100)
--stack-hosts bools connect multiple links to a single host. If set to false, each mapping will have is own hosts (local and remote). This can be useful for infrastructure with redundant connexion (default [true])
--trigger-color string color in hexadecimal used for the links between each hosts when a trigger is in problem state (default "DD0000")
--width string width in pixel of the map (default "800")

### Completion

1. Zsh completion

If shell completion is not enabled in your current shell (oh-my-zsh not running for example), add the following config to your .zshrc :

echo "autoload -U compinit; compinit" >> ~/.zshrc

- To load completions only in the current shell :
source <(zabbix-map-builder completion zsh); compdef _zabbix-map-builder zabbix-map-builder

- To make the configuration persistent between shells :
zabbix-map-builder completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_zabbix-map-builder"

2. Bash completion

To use completion scripts with bash, you will need to install the "bash-completion" package following your package manager recommendations.

- To load completions only in the current shell
source <(zabbix-map-builder completion bash)

- To make the configuration persistent between shells :
zabbix-map-builder completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/zabbix-map-builder

3. Other completions

- Completion for fish and powershell are available but haven't been tested.