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A sensible way to deal with XML & HTML for iOS & macOS

css html libxml2 objective-c swift xml xpath

Last synced: about 2 months ago
JSON representation

A sensible way to deal with XML & HTML for iOS & macOS




# Ono (斧)

Foundation lacks a convenient, cross-platform way to work with HTML and XML.
is an event-driven,
that can be cumbersome to work with.
offers a more convenient
but is only supported on macOS.

**Ono offers a sensible way to work with XML & HTML on Apple platforms in Objective-C and Swift**

Whether your app needs to
scrape a website, parse an RSS feed, or interface with a XML-RPC webservice,
Ono will make your day a whole lot less terrible.

> Ono (斧) means "axe", in homage to [Nokogiri]( (鋸), which means "saw".

## Features

- [x] Simple, modern API following standard Objective-C conventions, including extensive use of blocks and `NSFastEnumeration`
- [x] Extremely performant document parsing and traversal, powered by `libxml2`
- [x] Support for both [XPath]( and [CSS]( queries
- [x] Automatic conversion of date and number values
- [x] Correct, common-sense handling of XML namespaces for elements and attributes
- [x] Ability to load HTML and XML documents from either `NSString` or `NSData`
- [x] Full documentation
- [x] Comprehensive test suite

## Installation

[CocoaPods]( is the recommended method of installing Ono.
Add the following line to your `Podfile`:

#### Podfile

pod 'Ono'

## Usage

### Swift

import Foundation
import Ono

guard let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "nutrition", withExtension: "xml"),
let data = try? Data(contentsOf: url) else
fatalError("Missing resource: nutrition.xml")

let document = try ONOXMLDocument(data: data)

for element in document.rootElement.children.first?.children ?? [] {
let nutrient = element.tag
let amount = element.numberValue!
let unit = element.attributes["units"]!

print("- \(amount)\(unit) \(nutrient)")

document.enumerateElements(withXPath: "//food/name") { (element, _, _) in

document.enumerateElements(withCSS: "food > serving[units]") { (element, _, _) in

### Objective-C

#import "Ono.h"

NSData *data = ...;
NSError *error;

ONOXMLDocument *document = [ONOXMLDocument XMLDocumentWithData:data error:&error];
for (ONOXMLElement *element in document.rootElement.children) {
NSLog(@"%@: %@", element.tag, element.attributes);

// Support for Namespaces
NSString *author = [[document.rootElement firstChildWithTag:@"creator" inNamespace:@"dc"] stringValue];

// Automatic Conversion for Number & Date Values
NSDate *date = [[document.rootElement firstChildWithTag:@"created_at"] dateValue]; // ISO 8601 Timestamp
NSInteger numberOfWords = [[[document.rootElement firstChildWithTag:@"word_count"] numberValue] integerValue];
BOOL isPublished = [[[document.rootElement firstChildWithTag:@"is_published"] numberValue] boolValue];

// Convenient Accessors for Attributes
NSString *unit = [document.rootElement firstChildWithTag:@"Length"][@"unit"];
NSDictionary *authorAttributes = [[document.rootElement firstChildWithTag:@"author"] attributes];

// Support for XPath & CSS Queries
[document enumerateElementsWithXPath:@"//Content" usingBlock:^(ONOXMLElement *element, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
NSLog(@"%@", element);

## Demo

Build and run the example project in Xcode to see `Ono` in action,
or check out the provided Swift Playground.

## Requirements

Ono is compatible with iOS 5 and higher, as well as macOS 10.7 and higher.
It requires the `libxml2` library,
which is included automatically when installed with CocoaPods,
or added manually by adding "libxml2.dylib"
to the target's "Link Binary With Libraries" build phase.

## Contact


## License

Ono is available under the MIT license.
See the LICENSE file for more info.