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:fire: Angular Hot Module Replacement for Hot Module Reloading

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:fire: Angular Hot Module Replacement for Hot Module Reloading




Angular HMR

# Angular Hot Module Replacement
> Angular-HMR
Hot Module Reloading for Webpack and Angular. All versions of Angular and Webpack will work with this module

`npm install @angularclass/hmr`


import { removeNgStyles, createNewHosts, bootloader } from '@angularclass/hmr';

bootstrap: [ App ],
declarations: [ App ],
imports: [
// Angular 2
RouterModule.forRoot([], {
useHash: true
// app
// vendors
providers: []
class MainModule {
constructor(public appRef: ApplicationRef) {}
hmrOnInit(store) {
if (!store || !store.state) return;
console.log('HMR store', store);
// inject AppStore here and update it
// this.AppStore.update(store.state)
if ('restoreInputValues' in store) {
// change detection
delete store.state;
delete store.restoreInputValues;
hmrOnDestroy(store) {
var cmpLocation = => cmp.location.nativeElement);
// recreate elements
store.disposeOldHosts = createNewHosts(cmpLocation)
// inject your AppStore and grab state then set it on store
// var appState = this.AppStore.get()
store.state = {data: 'yolo'};
// store.state = Object.assign({}, appState)
// save input values
store.restoreInputValues = createInputTransfer();
// remove styles
hmrAfterDestroy(store) {
// display new elements
delete store.disposeOldHosts;
// anything you need done the component is removed

export function main() {
return platformBrowserDynamic().bootstrapModule(MainModule)
// use `hmrModule` or the "@angularclass/hmr-loader"
.then((ngModuleRef: any) => {
// `module` global ref for webpackhmr
// Don't run this in Prod
return hmrModule(ngModuleRef, module);

// boot on document ready

`bootloader` is only needed to detect that the dom is ready before bootstraping otherwise bootstrap. This is needed because that dom is already ready during reloading.

## Important Helpers
* **removeNgStyles**: remove angular styles
* **createNewHosts and disposeOldHosts**: recreate root elements for bootstrapping
* **bootloader**: boot on document ready or boot if it's already ready
* **createInputTransfer** and **restoreInputValues**: transfer input DOM state during replacement

## Production
In production you only need bootloader which just does this:
export function bootloader(main) {
if (document.readyState === 'complete') {
} else {
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', main);
You would bootstrap your app the normal way, in production, after dom is ready. Also, in production, you should remove the loader:


## @NGRX/platform (NGRX 4.x.x)
To hook into NGRX 4 you simply need to supply a reducer to set the state, and include it in your development metaReducers.
// make sure you export for AoT
export function stateSetter(reducer: ActionReducer): ActionReducer {
return function(state: any, action: any) {
if (action.type === 'SET_ROOT_STATE') {
return action.payload;
return reducer(state, action);
In your root reducer you can do something like this to include it in your `metaReducers`.
You should access your environment here and only include this in development.
* By default, @ngrx/store uses combineReducers with the reducer map to compose
* the root meta-reducer. To add more meta-reducers, provide an array of meta-reducers
* that will be composed to form the root meta-reducer.
export const metaReducers: ActionReducer[] = [stateSetter]
Simply supply the metaReducer to the `StoreModule` and your hmr is hooked in.
StoreModule.forRoot(reducers, { metaReducers }),

enjoy — **PatrickJS**