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An Objective-C framework for your everyday HTML needs.

css3-selectors dom html html-dom-parser ios macos objective-c parsing swift tvos watchos whatwg

Last synced: about 2 months ago
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An Objective-C framework for your everyday HTML needs.





![HTMLKit Logo](

An Objective-C framework for your everyday HTML needs.

[![HTMLKit CI](](
[![Carthage Compatible](](
[![CocoaPods Compatible](](
[![License MIT](](

- [Quick Overview](#overview)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Parsing](#parsing)
- [The DOM](#the-dom)
- [CSS3 Selectors](#css3-selectors)

# Quick Overview

HTMLKit is a [WHATWG specification]( framework for parsing and serializing HTML documents and document fragments for iOS and OSX. HTMLKit parses real-world HTML the same way modern web browsers would.

HTMLKit provides a rich DOM implementation for manipulating and navigating the document tree. It also understands [CSS3 selectors]( making node-selection and querying the DOM a piece of cake.

## DOM Validation

DOM mutations are validated as described in the [WHATWG DOM Standard]( Invalid DOM manipulations throw hierarchy-related exceptions. You can disable these validations, which will also increase the performance by about 20-30%, by defining the `HTMLKIT_NO_DOM_CHECKS` compiler constant.

## Tests

HTMLKit passes all of the [HTML5Lib]( Tokenizer and Tree Construction tests. The `html5lib-tests` is configured as a git-submodule. If you plan to run the tests, do not forget to pull it too.

The CSS3 Selector implementation is tested with an adapted version of the [CSS3 Selectors Test Suite](, ignoring the tests that require user interaction, session history, and scripting.

## Does it Swift?

Check out the playground!

# Installation

## Carthage

[Carthage]( is a decentralized dependency manager that builds your dependencies and provides you with binary frameworks.

If you don't have Carthage yet, you can install it with Homebrew using the following command:

$ brew update
$ brew install carthage

To add `HTMLKit` as a dependency into your project using Carthage just add the following line in your `Cartfile`:

github "iabudiab/HTMLKit"

Then run the following command to build the framework and drag the built `HTMLKit.framework` into your Xcode project.

$ carthage update

## CocoaPods

[CocoaPods]( is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects.

If you don't have CocoaPods yet, you can install it with the following command:

$ gem install cocoapods

To add `HTMLKit` as a dependency into your project using CocoaPods just add the following in your `Podfile`:

target 'MyTarget' do
pod 'HTMLKit', '~> 4.2'

Then, run the following command:

$ pod install

## Swift Package Manager

[Swift Package Manager]( is the package manager for the Swift programming language.

Add `HTMLKit` to your `Package.swift` dependecies:

.package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "4.0.0")),

Then run:

$ swift build

## Manually

1- Add `HTMLKit` as git submodule

$ git submodule add

2- Open the `HTMLKit` folder and drag'n'drop the `HTMLKit.xcodeproj` into the Project Navigator in Xcode to add it as a sub-project.

3- In the General panel of your target add `HTMLKit.framework` under the `Embedded Binaries`

# Parsing

## Parsing Documents

Given some HTML content, you can parse it either via the `HTMLParser` or instatiate a `HTMLDocument` directly:

NSString *htmlString = @"


Hello there!


// Via parser
HTMLParser *parser = [[HTMLParser alloc] initWithString:htmlString];
HTMLDocument *document = [parser parseDocument];

// Via static initializer
HTMLDocument *document = [HTMLDocument documentWithString:htmlString];

## Parsing Fragments

You can also prase HTML content as a document fragment with a specified context element:

NSString *htmlString = @"


Hello there!


HTMLParser *parser = [[HTMLParser alloc] initWithString: htmlString];

HTMLElement *tableContext = [[HTMLElement alloc] initWithTagName:@"table"];
NSArray *nodes = [parser parseFragmentWithContextElement:tableContext];

for (HTMLNode *node in nodes) {
NSLog(@"%@", node.outerHTML);

// The same parser instance can be reusued:
HTMLElement *bodyContext = [[HTMLElement alloc] initWithTagName:@"body"];
nodes = [parser parseFragmentWithContextElement:bodyContext];

# The DOM

The DOM tree can be manipulated in several ways, here are just a few:

* Create new elements and assign attributes

HTMLElement *description = [[HTMLElement alloc] initWithTagName:@"meta" attributes: @{@"name": @"description"}];
description[@"content"] = @"HTMLKit for iOS & OSX";

* Append nodes to the document

HTMLElement *head = document.head;
[head appendNode:description];

HTMLElement *body = document.body;
NSArray *nodes = @[
[[HTMLElement alloc] initWithTagName:@"div" attributes: @{@"class": @"red"}],
[[HTMLElement alloc] initWithTagName:@"div" attributes: @{@"class": @"green"}],
[[HTMLElement alloc] initWithTagName:@"div" attributes: @{@"class": @"blue"}]
[body appendNodes:nodes];

* Enumerate child elements and perform DOM editing

[body enumerateChildElementsUsingBlock:^(HTMLElement *element, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
if ([element.tagName isEqualToString:@"div"]) {
HTMLElement *lorem = [[HTMLElement alloc] initWithTagName:@"p"];
lorem.textContent = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Lorem ipsum: %lu", (unsigned long)idx];
[element appendNode:lorem];

* Remove nodes from the document

[body removeChildNodeAtIndex:1];
[head removeAllChildNodes];
[body.lastChild removeFromParentNode];

* Manipulate the HTML directly

greenDiv.innerHTML = @"

  • item 1

  • item 2";

    * Navigate to child and sibling nodes

    HTMLNode *firstChild = body.firstChild;
    HTMLNode *greenDiv = firstChild.nextSibling;

    * Iterate the DOM tree with custom filters

    HTMLNodeFilterBlock *filter =[HTMLNodeFilterBlock filterWithBlock:^ HTMLNodeFilterValue (HTMLNode *node) {
    if (node.childNodesCount != 1) {
    return HTMLNodeFilterReject;
    return HTMLNodeFilterAccept;

    for (HTMLElement *element in [body nodeIteratorWithShowOptions:HTMLNodeFilterShowElement filter:filter]) {
    NSLog(@"%@", element.outerHTML);

    * Create and manipulate DOM Ranges

    HTMLDocument *document = [HTMLDocument documentWithString:@"


    Hello there!

    HTMLRange *range = [[HTMLRange alloc] initWithDocument:document];

    HTMLNode *paragraph = [document querySelector:@"#foo"];
    [range selectNode:paragraph];
    [range extractContents];

    # CSS3 Selectors

    All CSS3 Selectors are supported except for the pseudo-elements (`::first-line`, `::first-letter`, ...etc.). You can use them the way you always have:

    // Given the document:
    NSString *htmlString = @"


    Hello there!

    This is a demo of HTMLKit

    HTMLDocument *document = [HTMLDocument documentWithString: htmlString];

    // Here are some of the supported selectors
    NSArray *paragraphs = [document querySelectorAll:@"p"];
    NSArray *paragraphsOrHeaders = [document querySelectorAll:@"p, h1"];
    NSArray *hasClassAttribute = [document querySelectorAll:@"[class]"];
    NSArray *greetings = [document querySelectorAll:@".greeting"];
    NSArray *classNameStartsWith_de = [document querySelectorAll:@"[class^='de']"];

    NSArray *hasAdjacentHeader = [document querySelectorAll:@"h1 + *"];
    NSArray *hasSiblingHeader = [document querySelectorAll:@"h1 ~ *"];
    NSArray *hasSiblingParagraph = [document querySelectorAll:@"p ~ *"];

    NSArray *nonParagraphChildOfDiv = [document querySelectorAll:@"div :not(p)"];

    HTMLKit also provides API to create selector instances in a type-safe manner without the need to parse them first. The previous examples would like this:

    NSArray *paragraphs = [document elementsMatchingSelector:typeSelector(@"p")];
    NSArray *paragraphsOrHeaders = [document elementsMatchingSelector:
    typeSelector(@"p"), typeSelector(@"h1")

    NSArray *hasClassAttribute = [document elementsMatchingSelector:hasAttributeSelector(@"class")];
    NSArray *greetings = [document elementsMatchingSelector:classSelector(@"greeting")];
    NSArray *classNameStartsWith_de = [document elementsMatchingSelector:attributeSelector(CSSAttributeSelectorBegins, @"class", @"de")];

    NSArray *hasAdjacentHeader = [document elementsMatchingSelector:adjacentSiblingSelector(typeSelector(@"h1"))];
    NSArray *hasSiblingHeader = [document elementsMatchingSelector:generalSiblingSelector(typeSelector(@"h1"))];
    NSArray *hasSiblingParagraph = [document elementsMatchingSelector:generalSiblingSelector(typeSelector(@"p"))];

    NSArray *nonParagraphChildOfDiv = [document elementsMatchingSelector:

    Here are more examples:

    HTMLNode *firstDivElement = [document firstElementMatchingSelector:typeSelector(@"div")];

    NSArray *secondChildOfDiv = [firstDivElement querySelectorAll:@":nth-child(2)"];
    NSArray *secondOfType = [firstDivElement querySelectorAll:@":nth-of-type(2n)"];

    secondChildOfDiv = [firstDivElement elementsMatchingSelector:nthChildSelector(CSSNthExpressionMake(0, 2))];
    secondOfType = [firstDivElement elementsMatchingSelector:nthOfTypeSelector(CSSNthExpressionMake(2, 0))];

    NSArray *notParagraphAndNotDiv = [firstDivElement querySelectorAll:@":not(p):not(div)"];
    notParagraphAndNotDiv = [firstDivElement elementsMatchingSelector:

    One more thing! You can also create your own selectors. You either subclass the CSSSelector or just use the block-based wrapper. For example the previous selector can be implemented like this:

    CSSSelector *myAwesomeSelector = namedBlockSelector(@"myAwesomeSelector", ^BOOL (HTMLElement *element) {
    return ![element.tagName isEqualToString:@"p"] && ![element.tagName isEqualToString:@"div"];
    notParagraphAndNotDiv = [firstDivElement elementsMatchingSelector:myAwesomeSelector];

    # Change Log

    See the []( for more info.

    # License

    HTMLKit is available under the MIT license. See the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for more info.