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Generate performance reports from your django database performance tests.

benchmark benchmark-framework benchmark-suite benchmarking performance-monitoring pytest pytest-django pytest-plugin

Last synced: 4 months ago
JSON representation

Generate performance reports from your django database performance tests.





Generate performance reports from your django database performance tests
(inspired by

Requirement Status

Coverage Status

Documentation Status


Latest Unstable on pypi

Commits since latest release

Supported versions

Supported implementations

## Usage
Install `pytest-django-queries`, write your pytest tests and mark any
test that should be counted or use the `count_queries` fixture.

Note: to use the latest development build, use `pip install --pre pytest-django-queries`

import pytest

def test_query_performances():

# Or...
def test_another_query_performances(count_queries):

Each test file and/or package is considered as a category. Each test inside a "category"
compose its data, see [Visualising Results](#visualising-results) for more details.

You will find the [full documentation here](

## Recommendation when Using Fixtures
You might end up in the case where you want to add fixtures that are generating queries
that you don't want to be counted in the results–or simply, you want to use the
`pytest-django` plugin alongside of `pytest-django-queries`, which will generate
unwanted queries in your results.

For that, you will want to put the `count_queries` fixture as the last fixture to execute.

But at the same time, you might want to use the the power of pytest markers, to separate
the queries counting tests from other tests. In that case, you might want to do something
like this to tell the marker to not automatically inject the `count_queries` fixture into
your test:

import pytest

def test_retrieve_main_menu(fixture_making_queries, count_queries):

Notice the usage of the keyword argument `autouse=False` and the `count_queries` fixture
being placed last.

## Using pytest-django alongside of pytest-django-queries
We recommend you to do the following when using `pytest-django`:

import pytest

def test_retrieve_main_menu(any_fixture, other_fixture, count_queries):

## Integrating with GitHub


## Testing Locally
Simply install `pytest-django-queries` through pip and run your
tests using `pytest`. A report should have been generated in your
current working directory in a file called with `.pytest-queries`.

Note: to override the save path, pass the `--django-db-bench PATH` option to pytest.

## Visualising Results
You can generate a table from the tests results by using the `show` command:
django-queries show

You will get something like this to represent the results:
| Module | Tests |
| module1 | +-----------+---------+------------+ |
| | | Test Name | Queries | Duplicated | |
| | +-----------+---------+------------+ |
| | | test1 | 0 | 0 | |
| | +-----------+---------+------------+ |
| | | test2 | 1 | 0 | |
| | +-----------+---------+------------+ |
| module2 | +-----------+---------+------------+ |
| | | Test Name | Queries | Duplicated | |
| | +-----------+---------+------------+ |
| | | test1 | 123 | 0 | |
| | +-----------+---------+------------+ |

## Exporting the Results (HTML)
For a nicer presentation, use the `html` command, to export the results as HTML.
django-queries html

It will generate something [like this](

## Comparing Results

You can run `django-queries backup` (can take a path, optionally) after
running your tests then rerun them. After that, you can run `django-queries diff`
to generate results looking like this:


## Development
First of all, clone the project locally. Then, install it using the below command.

./ develop

After that, you need to install the development and testing requirements. For that,
run the below command.

pip install -e .[test]