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cronicle is a simple and scalable task scheduler that builds on the foundations of git, golang and standard logging

cicd cron distributed git golang-tools task-scheduler workflow-engine

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

cronicle is a simple and scalable task scheduler that builds on the foundations of git, golang and standard logging




git integrated distributed workflow scheduler that provides a pull model for CI/CD and versioning on job execution.



## Install

wget -c -O - | tar -xz
sudo mv cronicle /usr/local/bin/cronicle

Mac/Windows download from the [releases page.](

## Quick start
cronicle run --command "/bin/echo cronicle" --cron "@every 5s"

The `cronicle.hcl` file maintains the `schedule as code` for task execution.

`cronicle init --path cron` will produce a default file:
schedule "example" {
cron = "@every 5s"

task "hello" {
command = ["python", ""]
repo {
url = ""

`cronicle run --path cron/cronicle.hcl`
INFO[2020-10-06T21:44:16-07:00] Starting Scheduler... cronicle=start
INFO[2020-10-06T21:44:16-07:00] Loading config... cronicle=heartbeat path=./cronicle.hcl
INFO[2020-10-06T21:44:21-07:00] Queuing... schedule=example
INFO[2020-10-06T21:44:21-07:00] attempt=1 schedule=example task=hello
INFO[2020-10-06T21:44:21-07:00] X: 0.360346904169 commit=f99ad6af7de [email protected] exit=0 schedule=example success=true task=hello


## Example Deployments

* [Centralize cronicle logs on a local loki/graphana log aggregator](deploy/local/
* [Distribute cronicle tasks with nsq message broker](deploy/nsq/


## Breakdown of `cronicle.hcl`

### `repo` (optional)
A `repo` block is available at the `config`, `schedule` and `task` level but the behavior is different depending on which level it is assigned.
At the `config` level, a `repo` block enables the `cronicle.hcl` file to be tracked by a remote git repo, a heartbeat process will fetch and refresh the cronicle.hcl from the remote `repo`. At the `schedule` level, the `repo` block will be used as a default `repo` for any `tasks` that do not have an explicitly assigned `repo` block. At the `task` level a `repo` block will override the default `repo` with any details given.
_Note: setting remote requires that any changes to the cronicle repo to be made through
the remote git repo, any local changes will be removed by `git checkout`._
repo {
// url or path to a remote git repository
url = "[email protected]:jshiv/cronicle-sample.git"

// local ssh private key with read access to remote private repo
key = "~/.ssh/id_rsa"

// branch to checkout for execution
branch = ""

// commit to checkout for execution, mutually exclusive to branch
commit = ""

### `task`
Contains the executable command, dependency relationship between tasks,
a repo to execute the command against,
task "bar" {
//executable command
command = ["/bin/echo", "Hello World --date=${date}"]

//dependency relationship between tasks
depends = ["baz"]

//git repo containing source code to clone/fetch on execution
repo ...

// retry count and wait
retry ...

### `schedule`
`schedule` is the block that sets the crontap. `task` blocks are contained within the `schedule` block.
schedule "foo" {
// crontab for scheduling execution, accpets Cron experessions, @every, @once, ""
//cron = "@once" will execute the schedule on the first invocation of `cronicle run`
//cron = "" will only execute the schedule/task with `cronicle exec`. Useful when useing cronicle to codify non-scheduled commands.
cron = "@every 5s"

// IANA Time Zone
timezone = ""

// Define the window in which the schedule is valid.
// Outside of this window, tasks will not execute and a warring will be logged.
start_date = ""
end_date = ""

// Default repo for all tasks in schedule "foo"
repo {

// task "bar" will execute "@every 5s"
task "bar" {

// task "baz" will execute in parallel with task "bar"
task "baz" {

// task "last" will execute only after "bar" and "baz" succeed
task "last" {
depends = ["bar", "baz"]

### `retry` (optional)
Number of retries and time to wait between.
retry {
count = 1
seconds = 30
minutes = 0
hours = 0

### `timezone` (optional)
// timezone sets the timezone location to run cron and execute tasks by.
// default local
timezone = "America/Los_Angeles"

### `heartbeat` (optional)
// Cron expression to schedule the cronicle.hcl refresh task
heartbeat = "@every 60s"


## Bash Commands

The init command sets up a new schedule repository with a sample conicle.hcl file
cronicle init
├── cronicle.hcl
└── .repos

The `run` command starts the scheduler.
cronicle run

The `exec` command will execute a named task/schedule for a given time or date range.
cronicle exec --task bar

The `worker` will start a schedule consumer when `cronicle run --queue ` is in distributed mode.
cronicle worker --queue redis


## Command Templates
The cronicle command string accepts the following template argumets
${date}: "2006-01-02"
${datetime}: "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"
${timestamp}: "2006-01-02 15:04:05Z07:00"
${path}: task.Path