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Optional static typing for Python

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Optional static typing for Python




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Mypy: Static Typing for Python

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Got a question?

We are always happy to answer questions! Here are some good places to ask them:

- for anything you're curious about, try [gitter chat](
- for general questions about Python typing, try [typing discussions](

If you're just getting started,
[the documentation](
and [type hints cheat sheet](
can also help answer questions.

If you think you've found a bug:

- check our [common issues page](
- search our [issue tracker]( to see if
it's already been reported
- consider asking on [gitter chat](

To report a bug or request an enhancement:

- report at [our issue tracker](
- if the issue is with a specific library or function, consider reporting it at
[typeshed tracker]( or the issue
tracker for that library

To discuss a new type system feature:

- discuss at [](
- there is also some historical discussion at the [typing-sig mailing list]([email protected]/) and the [python/typing repo](

What is mypy?

Mypy is a static type checker for Python.

Type checkers help ensure that you're using variables and functions in your code
correctly. With mypy, add type hints ([PEP 484](
to your Python programs, and mypy will warn you when you use those types

Python is a dynamic language, so usually you'll only see errors in your code
when you attempt to run it. Mypy is a *static* checker, so it finds bugs
in your programs without even running them!

Here is a small example to whet your appetite:

number = input("What is your favourite number?")
print("It is", number + 1) # error: Unsupported operand types for + ("str" and "int")

Adding type hints for mypy does not interfere with the way your program would
otherwise run. Think of type hints as similar to comments! You can always use
the Python interpreter to run your code, even if mypy reports errors.

Mypy is designed with gradual typing in mind. This means you can add type
hints to your code base slowly and that you can always fall back to dynamic
typing when static typing is not convenient.

Mypy has a powerful and easy-to-use type system, supporting features such as
type inference, generics, callable types, tuple types, union types,
structural subtyping and more. Using mypy will make your programs easier to
understand, debug, and maintain.

See [the documentation]( for
more examples and information.

In particular, see:

- [type hints cheat sheet](
- [getting started](
- [list of error codes](

Quick start

Mypy can be installed using pip:

python3 -m pip install -U mypy

If you want to run the latest version of the code, you can install from the
repo directly:

python3 -m pip install -U git+
# or if you don't have 'git' installed
python3 -m pip install -U

Now you can type-check the [statically typed parts] of a program like this:


You can always use the Python interpreter to run your statically typed
programs, even if mypy reports type errors:

python3 PROGRAM

You can also try mypy in an [online playground]( (developed by
Yusuke Miyazaki). If you are working with large code bases, you can run mypy in
[daemon mode], that will give much faster (often sub-second) incremental updates:

dmypy run -- PROGRAM

[statically typed parts]:
[daemon mode]:


Mypy can be integrated into popular IDEs:

- Vim:
- Using [Syntastic]( in `~/.vimrc` add
`let g:syntastic_python_checkers=['mypy']`
- Using [ALE]( should be enabled by default when `mypy` is installed,
or can be explicitly enabled by adding `let b:ale_linters = ['mypy']` in `~/vim/ftplugin/python.vim`
- Emacs: using [Flycheck](
- Sublime Text: [SublimeLinter-contrib-mypy](
- Atom: [linter-mypy](
- PyCharm: [mypy plugin]( (PyCharm integrates
[its own implementation]( of [PEP 484](
- VS Code: provides [basic integration]( with mypy.
- pre-commit: use [pre-commit mirrors-mypy](

Web site and documentation

Additional information is available at the web site:

Jump straight to the documentation:

Follow along our changelog at:


Help in testing, development, documentation and other tasks is
highly appreciated and useful to the project. There are tasks for
contributors of all experience levels.

To get started with developing mypy, see [](

If you need help getting started, don't hesitate to ask on [gitter](

Mypyc and compiled version of mypy

[Mypyc]( uses Python type hints to compile Python
modules to faster C extensions. Mypy is itself compiled using mypyc: this makes
mypy approximately 4 times faster than if interpreted!

To install an interpreted mypy instead, use:

python3 -m pip install --no-binary mypy -U mypy

To use a compiled version of a development
version of mypy, directly install a binary from

To contribute to the mypyc project, check out