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Dummy project to try out new tools for me like Docker and RabbitMQ

Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation

Dummy project to try out new tools for me like Docker and RabbitMQ




# Dummy Docker-ized microservices

## Description

### Goal of the project
For me to try for the first (or maybe second) time a bunch of technologies, tools and concepts:
* python
* docker
* nginx
* rabbitmq
* microservices
* cassandra

### What does this app do?
Offers an ugly web UI where the user can do two things:
* submit a new sentence in a particular language (English, Spanish, ...)
* get a list of all sentences submitted so far translated into a particular language

### Architecture
The architecture is clearly over-engineered, but one of the points of this project is precisely to have several services running on their own docker container talking to each other via rabbitmq.

![alt tag](

The app is made of several components, all of them running in their own docker container. The components are the following:
* **nginx**: has two responsibilities:
* serve the static content of the web UI.
* route requests to the right endpoint services by looking into the request URI and HTTP method.
* **new_sentence endpoint service**: service running a very simple Python webserver using the Flask framework. It listens for HTTP POST requests on `/sentences`. This service is responsible for receiving new sentences from the web UI, doing input validation on the body of the request and publishing the sentences to RabbitMQ.
* **get_sentences endpoint service**: another service running a very simple Python webserver, also using Flask. It listens for HTTP GET requests on `/sentences`. Responsible for retrieving the list of all sentences in a particular language and returning such list to the web UI.
* **translation service**: consumes new sentences from RabbitMQ and translates them into other languages using the Microsoft Translation Service. Publishes each translated sentence to RabbitMQ.
* **storage service**: consumes original and translated sentences and stores them in Cassandra.
* **cassandra**: used for:
* storing all sentences, both the original and its translations.
* retrieve all sentences in a particular language.
* **rabbitmq**: used for communication between all the python services.
* **logging service**: consumes each message published to any RabbitMQ exchange and logs them.

### How does the build and deploy mechanism work?
For now, the deployment consists of firing up all containers in your local machine. I have not yet tried to get them to work through a cluster of machines or in the cloud, but I intend to do that as it is something I find very interesting.

#### Build and deploy in your local machine
I make use of []( to build and deploy the app with a single command: `fig up`. This command looks into the `/fig.yml` file for the specification of each container and it does the two following steps:

1. download the necessary images for each container from the Docker Hub (this will take a pretty long time the first time you build)
2. launch the containers with the specs stated in `fig.yml`, i.e. ports, volumes, links, command and so on.

## Build and run

### Platform
This app has only been tested on:
* Ubuntu Desktop 14.04
* Ubuntu Server 14.04 running on a VirtualBox VM

### Dependencies
Make sure your machine has these packages before building:
* docker
* python
* pip

To perform the translations you need to create a Microsoft Services free account [here]( Then go [here]( and register a new application to obtain a ClientId and a Secret. Now go to the root directory of the project, open the file called `config` and add your ClientId and Secret.

### How to build and deploy
Simply run:

### Operate
Tail the logs:
sudo fig logs

Stop a service:
sudo fig stop service_name

Connect to cassandra:

## Things to look into
* running multiple containers of a particular service
* upgrade handling
* upgrade handling on contract changing between services
* upgrade handling on common code change
* running app on a cluster instead of a single machine
* running app on aws
* coreOS
* vagrant
* better port handling
* reload python service code without stopping it