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Plugins for the main mediaelement project

audio dash flash hls html5-video html5-video-player video

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

Plugins for the main mediaelement project




# ![MediaElementJS](

# MediaElement.js Plugins


This repository contains plugins built for MediaElementJS.

* Author(s): John Dyer []( and Rafael Miranda [](
* Website: [](
* License: [MIT](
* Contributors: [all contributors](

# Table of Contents

* [Installation](#installation)
* [Guidelines to Contribute](#guidelines)
* [Node.js](#nodejs)
* [General Conventions](#conventions)
* [Template to create a Feature](#template)
* [Template for Translations](#translations)
* [A word on `ES6` for Features](#es6)
* [Available plugins](#plugins)

## * IMPORTANT CHANGES on `2.3.0` version

As part of the continuous improvements the player, we have decided to drop completely support for IE9 and IE10, since market share of those browsers together is 0.4%, according to

This change is for `MediaElement` and `MediaElement Plugins` repositories.

# Installation

Download the package from, and reference any plugins you need from `dist` folder and add any configuration related to the plugin.

Or you can use a CDN; check

For example, if you want to install `Speed` plugin do the following:

var player = new MediaElementPlayer('playerId', {
defaultSpeed: 0.75,
// other configuration elements


Some of them will contain CSS styles so place them after the main player stylesheet:


# Guidelines to Contribute

## Node.js

Download it at and follow the steps to install it, or install `node.js` with `npm`.

Once installed, at the command prompt, type `npm install`, which will download all the necessary tools.

## General Conventions

* Tab size is **8** for indentation.
* **ALWAYS** make changes to the files in the `/src/` directory, and **NEVER** in `/dist/` directory. This is with the sole purpose of facilitating the merging (and further, the compiling) operation, and help people to see changes more easily.
* Use [JSDoc]( conventions to document code. This facilitates the contributions of other developers and ensures more quality in the product.
* **BEFORE PUSHING** any changes, run `npm run eslint` to ensure code quality.
* The file for the feature must be placed inside a folder matching its name, as well as any SVG/CSS elements needed (i.e, `loop/loop.js`).
* Update `package.json` with a command under the `script` configuration to make sure it will be bundled and compiled properly. For more reference, [review the file](package.json).
* Make sure you also create a `docs/` file describing its purpose, API, etc., and add the name with a link to its document in the `README` file to keep documentation up-to-date.
* **DO NOT REINVENT THE WHEEL**: Use the utilities that `MediaElement` provides for DOM manipulation/AJAX/etc. Check [this link]( for more details.
* You can also include CSS inside the feature folder, matching the name of the feature JS file and adding CSS styles for "legacy" and BEM naming convention.
* If using an icon, its size **MUST** be **20x20px**, so it matches all the rest of the icons' dimensions.
.mejs__[feature_name], .mejs-[feature_name] {
// all your styles

## Template to create a Feature
'use strict';

* [Name of feature]
* [Description]

// If plugin needs translations, put here English one in this format:
// mejs.i18n.en["mejs.id1"] = "String 1";
// mejs.i18n.en["mejs.id2"] = "String 2";

// Feature configuration
Object.assign(mejs.MepDefaults, {
// Any variable that can be configured by the end user belongs here.
// Make sure is unique by checking API and Configuration file.
// Add comments about the nature of each of these variables.

Object.assign(MediaElementPlayer.prototype, {

// Public variables (also documented according to JSDoc specifications)

* Feature constructor.
* Always has to be prefixed with `build` and the name that will be used in MepDefaults.features list
* @param {MediaElementPlayer} player
* @param {HTMLElement} controls
* @param {HTMLElement} layers
* @param {HTMLElement} media
build[feature_name] (player, controls, layers, media) {
// This allows us to access options and other useful elements already set.
// Adding variables to the object is a good idea if you plan to reuse
// those variables in further operations.
const t = this;

// All code required inside here to keep it private;
// otherwise, you can create more methods or add variables
// outside of this scope

// Optionally, each feature can be destroyed setting a `clean` method

* Feature destructor.
* Always has to be prefixed with `clean` and the name that was used in MepDefaults.features list
* @param {MediaElementPlayer} player
* @param {HTMLElement} controls
* @param {HTMLElement} layers
* @param {HTMLElement} media
clean[feature_name] (player, controls, layers, media) {}

// Other optional public methods (all documented according to JSDoc specifications)

## Template for Translations

If translatable strings are part of the plugin, you will need to create a `[feature_name]-i18n.js` file with this format:
'use strict';

if ( !== undefined) {["mejs.id1"] = "";
if (mejs.i18n.cs !== undefined) {
mejs.i18n.cs["mejs.id1"] = "";
// And the rest of the languages
**NOTE**: The more languages are integrated on `MediaElementPlayer`, the bigger this template will become.

Also, if you are adding a new language to `MediaElementPlayer`, you will need to add it in all the existing `i18n` files in the same way described in the template above.

### A word on `ES6` for Features

All the features are written using `Ecmascript 2015` specifications.

See`src/` directory, and check how the files were written to ensure compatibility.

**Note**: the `for...of` loop could have been used, but in order to bundle them and reduce the size of the bundled files, it is **strongly recommended to avoid** its use.

## Available plugins

* [A11y](docs/ - compatible with MediaElementJS 5.x
* [Ads](docs/
* [AirPlay](docs/
* [Chromecast](docs/
* [Context Menu](docs/
* [Facebook Pixel](docs/
* [Google Analytics](docs/
* [Google Tag Manager](docs/
* [Jump Forward](docs/
* [Loop](docs/
* [Markers](docs/
* [Markers Rolls](docs/
* [Playlist](docs/
* [Postroll](docs/
* [Preview](docs/
* [Quality](docs/ - compatible with MediaElementJS 4.x
* [Skip Back](docs/
* [Source Chooser](docs/
* [Speed](docs/
* [Stop](docs/
* [Snapshot](docs/
* [VAST/VPAID](docs/
* [VRView](docs/

# Changelog

Changes available at [Change Log](