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Upstream connection load balancing and failover module for Openresty

Last synced: about 1 month ago
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Upstream connection load balancing and failover module for Openresty




# lua-resty-upstream

Upstream connection load balancing and failover module

# Table of Contents

* [Status](#status)
* [Overview](#overview)
* [upstream.socket](#upstream.socket)
* [new](#new)
* [init_background_thread](#init_background_thread)
* [connect](#connect)
* [process_failed_hosts](#process_failed_hosts)
* [get_pools](#get_pools)
* [save_pools](#save_pools)
* [sort_pools](#sort_pools)
* [bind](#bind)
* [upstream.api](#upstream.api)
* [new](#new-1)
* [set_method](#set_method)
* [create_pool](#create_pool)
* [set_priority](#set_priority)
* [add_host](#add_host)
* [remove_host](#remove_host)
* [down_host](#down_host)
* [up_host](#up_host)
* [upstream.http](#upstream.http)
* [status_codes](#status_codes)
* [new](#new-2)
* [init_background_thread](#init_background_thread-1)
* [request](#request)
* [set_keepalive](#set_keepalive)
* [get_reused_times](#get_reused_times)
* [close](#close)
* [HTTP Healthchecks](#http-healthchecks)

# Status

Experimental, API may change without warning.

Requires ngx_lua > 0.9.5

# Overview

Create a lua [shared dictionary](
Define your upstream pools and hosts in init_by_lua, this will be saved into the shared dictionary.

Use the `connect` method to return a connected tcp [socket](

Alternatively pass in a resty module (e.g [lua-resty-redis]( or [lua-resty-http]( that implements `connect()` and `set_timeout()`.

Call `process_failed_hosts` to handle failed hosts without blocking current request.

Use `resty.upstream.api` to modify upstream configuration during init or runtime, this is recommended!

`resty.upstream.http` wraps the [lua-resty-http]( from @pintsized.

It allows for failover based on HTTP status codes as well as socket connection status.

lua_shared_dict my_upstream_dict 1m;
init_by_lua '
upstream_socket = require("resty.upstream.socket")
upstream_api = require("resty.upstream.api")

upstream, configured = upstream_socket:new("my_upstream_dict")
if not upstream then
api = upstream_api:new(upstream)

if not configured then -- Only reconfigure on start, shared mem persists across a HUP
api:create_pool({id = "primary", timeout = 100})
api:set_priority("primary", 0)
api:set_method("primary", "round_robin")
api:add_host("primary", { id="a", host = "", port = "80", weight = 10 })
api:add_host("primary", { id="b", host = "", port = "81", weight = 10 })

api:create_pool({id = "dr"})
api:set_priority("dr", 10)
api:add_host("dr", { host = "", port = "82", weight = 5 })
api:add_host("dr", { host = "", port = "83", weight = 10 })

api:create_pool({id = "test", priority = 5})
api:add_host("primary", { id="c", host = "", port = "82", weight = 10 })
api:add_host("primary", { id="d", host = "", port = "83", weight = 10 })

init_worker_by_lua 'upstream:init_background_thread()';

server {

location / {
content_by_lua '
local sock, err = upstream:connect()


# upstream.socket

### new
`syntax: upstream, configured = upstream_socket:new(dictionary, id?)`

Returns a new upstream object using the provided dictionary name.
When called in init_by_lua returns an additional variable if the dictionary already contains configuration.
Takes an optional id parameter, this *must* be unique if multiple instances of upstream.socket are using the same dictionary.

### init_background_thread
`syntax: ok, err = upstream:init_background_thread()`

Initialises the background thread, should be called in `init_worker_by_lua`

### connect
`syntax: ok, err = upstream:connect(client?, key?)`

Attempts to connect to a host in the defined pools in priority order using the selected load balancing method.
Returns a connected socket and a table containing the connected `host`, `poolid` and `pool` or nil and an error message.

When passed a [socket]( or resty module it will return the same object after successful connection or nil.

Additionally, hash methods may take an optional `key` to define how to hash the connection to determine the host. By default `ngx.var.remote_addr` is used. This value is ignored when the pool's method is round robin.

resty_redis = require('resty.redis')
local redis =

local key = ngx.req.get_headers()["X-Forwarded-For"]

local redis, err = upstream:connect(redis, key)

if not redis then
ngx.log(ngx.ERR, err)
ngx.status = 500
return ngx.exit(ngx.status)

ngx.log(, 'Connected to ' .. .. ':' ..
local ok, err = redis:get('key')

### process_failed_hosts
`syntax: ok, err = upstream:process_failed_hosts()`

Processes any failed or recovered hosts from the current request.
Spawns an immediate callback via [](, does not block current request.

### get_pools
`syntax: pools = usptream:get_pools()`

Returns a table containing the current pool and host configuration.

primary = {
up = true,
method = 'round_robin',
timeout = 100,
priority = 0,
hosts = {
web01 = {
host = "",
weight = 10,
port = "80",
lastfail = 0,
failcount = 0,
up = true,
healthcheck = true
web02 = {
host = "",
weight = 10,
port = "80",
lastfail = 0,
failcount = 0,
up = true,
healthcheck = { interval = 30, path = '/check' }
secondary = {
up = true,
method = 'round_robin',
timeout = 2000,
priority = 10,
hosts = {
dr01 = {
host = "",
weight = 10,
port = "80",
lastfail = 0,
failcount = 0,
up = true


### save_pools
`syntax: ok, err = upstream:save_pools(pools)`

Saves a table of pools to the shared dictionary, `pools` must be in the same format as returned from `get_pools`

### sort_pools
`syntax: ok, err = upstream:sort_pools(pools)`

Generates a priority order in the shared dictionary based on the table of pools provided

### bind
`syntax: ok, err = upstream:bind(event, func)`

Bind a function to be called when events occur. `func` should expect 1 argument containing event data.

Returns `true` on a successful bind or `nil` and an error message on failure.

local function host_down_handler(event)
ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "Host: ",, ":",, " in pool '",,'" is down!')
local ok, err = upstream:bind('host_down', host_down_handler)

#### Event: host_up

Fired when a host changes status from down to up.
Event data is a table containing the affected host and pool.

#### Event: host_down

Fired when a host changes status from up to down.
Event data is a table containing the affected host and pool.

# upstream.api
These functions allow you to dynamically reconfigure upstream pools and hosts

### new
`syntax: api, err = upstream_api:new(upstream)`

Returns a new api object using the provided upstream object.

### set_method
`syntax: ok, err = api:set_method(poolid, method)`

Sets the load balancing method for the specified pool.
Currently randomised round robin and hashing methods are supported.

### create_pool
`syntax: ok, err = api:create_pool(pool)`

Creates a new pool from a table of options, `pool` must contain at least 1 key `id` which must be unique within the current upstream object.

Other valid options are

* `method` Balancing method
* `timeout` Connection timeout in ms
* `priority` Higher priority pools are used later
* `read_timeout`
* `keepalive_timeout`
* `keepalive_pool`
* `status_codes` See [status_codes](#status_codes)

Hosts cannot be defined at this point.

Note: IDs are converted to a string by this function

Default pool values
{ method = 'round_robin', timeout = 2000, priority = 0 }

### set_priority
`syntax: ok, err = api:set_priority(poolid, priority)`

Priority must be a number, returns nil on error.

### add_host
`syntax: ok, err = api:add_host(poolid, host)`

Takes a pool ID and a table of options, `host` must contain at least `host`.
If the host ID is not specified it will be a numeric index based on the number of hosts in the pool.

Note: IDs are converted to a string by this function

{ host = '', port = 80, weight = 0}

### remove_host
`syntax: ok, err = api:remove_host(poolid, host)`

Takes a poolid and a hostid to remove from the pool

### down_host
`syntax: ok,err = api:down_host(poolid, host)`

Manually marks a host as down, this host will *not* be revived automatically.

### up_host
`syntax: ok,err = api:up_host(poolid, host)`

Manually restores a dead host to the pool

# upstream.http

Functions for making http requests to upstream hosts.

### status_codes
This pool option is an array of status codes that indicate a failed request. Defaults to none.

The `x` character masks a digit

['5xx'] = true, -- Matches 500, 503, 524
['400'] = true -- Matches only 400

### new
`syntax: httpc, err = upstream_http:new(upstream, ssl_opts?)`

Returns a new http upstream object using the provided upstream object.

`ssl_opts` is an optional table for configuring SSL support.
* `ssl` set to `true` to enable SSL Handshaking, default `false`
* `ssl_verify` set to `false` to disable SSL certificate verification, default `true`
* `sni_host` a string to use as the sni hostname, default is the request's Host header

https_upstream = Upstream_HTTP:new(upstream_ssl, {
ssl = true,
ssl_verify = true,
sni_host = ""

### init_background_thread
`syntax: ok, err = upstream_http:init_background_thread()`

Initialises the background thread, should be called in `init_worker_by_lua`.

Do *not* call the `init_background_thread` method in `upstream.socket` if using the `upstream.http` background thread

### request
`syntax: res, err_or_conn_info, status? = upstream_api:request(params)`

Takes the same parameters as lua-resty-http's [request]( method.

On a successful request returns the lua-resty-http object and a table containing the connected host and pool.

If the request failed returns nil, the error and a suggested http status code

local ok, err, status = upstream_http:request({
path = "/helloworld",
headers = {
["Host"] = "",
if not ok then
ngx.status = status
local host =
local pool = err.pool

### set_keepalive
`syntax: ok, err = upstream_http:set_keepalive()`

Passes the keepalive timeout / pool from the pool configuration through to the lua-resty-http `set_keepalive` method.

### get_reused_times
`syntax: ok, err = upstream_http:get_reused_times()`

Passes through to the lua-resty-http `get_reused_times` method.

### close
`syntax: ok, err = upstream_http:close()`

Passes through to the lua-resty-http `close` method.

## HTTP Healthchecks

Active background healthchecks can be enabled by adding the `healthcheck` parameter to a host.

A value of `true` will enable the default check, a `GET` request for `/`.

The `healthcheck` parameter can also be a table of parameters valid for lua-resty-http's [request]( method.

With a few additional parameters

* `interval` to set the time between healthchecks, in seconds. Must be >= 10s. Defaults to 60s
* `timeout` sets the connect timeout for healthchecks. Defaults to pool setting.
* `read_timeout` sets the read timeout for healthchecks. Defaults to pool setting.
* `status_codes` a table of invalid response status codes. Defaults to pool setting.

Failure for the background check is according to the same parameters as for a frontend request, unless overriden explicitly.

-- Custom check parameters
api:add_host("primary", {
host =,
port = 80,
healthcheck = {
interval = 30, -- check every 30s
timeout = (5*1000), -- 5s connect timeout
read_timeout = (15*1000), -- 15s connect timeout
status_codes = {["5xx"] = true, ["403"] = true}, -- 5xx and 403 responses are a fail
-- resty-http params
path = "/check",
headers = {
["Host"] = "",
["Accept-Encoding"] = "gzip"

-- Default check parameters
api:add_host("primary", {host =, port = 80, healthcheck = true})


* IP based sticky sessions
* Slow start - recovered hosts have lower weighting
* Active TCP healthchecks
* Use Cap'n Proto instead of JSON for serialisation
* HTTP Minimum Rises - Hosts must have n succesful healthchecks before being marked up
* HTTP Specific options
* Cookie based sticky sessions