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Workflows for Fission: Fast, reliable and lightweight function composition for serverless functions

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Workflows for Fission: Fast, reliable and lightweight function composition for serverless functions




# Fission Workflows
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Fission Workflows is a workflow-based serverless function composition framework built on top of the [Fission]( Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) platform.

:warning: Fission Workflows is currently in maintenance mode due to a time constraints of the core Fission team. If you are interested in contributing or helping maintain this project, contact the Fission team on the Fission Slack. :warning:

### Highlights
- **Fault-Tolerant**: Fission Workflows engine keeps track of state, re-tries, handling of errors, etc. By internally utilizing event sourcing, it allows the engine to recover from failures and continue exactly were it left off.
- **Scalable**: Other than a backing data store, the workflow system is stateless and can easily be scaled. The independent nature of workflows allows for relatively straightforward sharding of workloads over multiple workflow engines.
- **High Performance**: In contrast to existing workflow engines targeting other domains, Fission Workflows is designed from the ground up for low overhead, low latency workflow executions.
- **Extensible**: All main aspects of the engine are extensible. For example, you can even define your own control flow constructs.
- **Lightweight**: With just the need for a single data store (NATS Streaming) and a FaaS platform (Fission), the engine consumes minimal resources.


### Philosophy

The Fission Functions-as-a-Service framework provides simplicity and
quick time-to-value for functions on any infrastructure using

Functions tend to do one logically separate task, and they're usually
short-lived. For many relatively simple applications this is good
enough. But a more complex application that uses serverless functions
must, in some way, _compose_ functions together.

There are several ways to compose functions. A function could invoke
another function using the Fission API or HTTP. But this requires the
calling function to handle serialization, networking, etc.

You could also set up functions to be invoked using message queue topics.
This requires less boilerplate within each function, but the structure
of the application is not explicit; dependencies are buried inside
mappings of message queue topics to functions.

In addition, both these approaches are operationally difficult, in
terms of error analysis, performance debugging, upgrades, etc.

Workflows have been popular in other domains, such as data processing
and scientific applications, and recently got introduced into the
serverless model by AWS Step Functions and Azure Logic Apps.

Fission Workflows is an open-source alternative to these workflow
systems. It allows users to compose Fission functions in powerful
ways. Users can define their own control flow constructs, which in
most other workflow engines are part of the internal API.

### Concepts

**Workflows** can generally be represented in as a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG).
Consider the following example, a common pattern, the diamond-shaped workflow:

![Workflow Example](Docs/assets/workflow-example.png)

In this graph there is a single _starting task_ A, a _scatter task_ B
triggering parallel execution of two _branches_ with tasks C and D,
followed by a _synchronizing task_ E collecting the outputs of the
parallel tasks.

Finally the graph concludes once _final task_ F completes.

Although Fission Workflows has more functionality such as
conditional branches and advanced control flow options, it
fundamentally executes a dependency graph.

apiVersion: 1
output: WhaleWithFortune
run: fortune
inputs: "{$.Invocation.Inputs.default}"

run: whalesay
inputs: "{$.Tasks.GenerateFortune.Output}"
- GenerateFortune
**Task** (also called a function here) is an atomic task, the 'building block' of a workflows.

Currently there are two options for executing tasks. First, Fission is
used as the main function execution runtime, using _fission functions_
as tasks. Second, for very small tasks, such as flow control
constructs, _internal functions_ execute within the workflow
engine to minimize the network overhead.

A workflow execution is called a **(Workflow) Invocation**. The Fission Workflows engine
assigns an UID invocation and stores it, persistently, in the data-store. This allows
users to reference the invocation during and after the execution, such as to view the
progress so far.

Finally, **selectors** and **data transformations** are _inline
functions_ which you can use to manipulate data without having to
create a task for it. These _inline functions_ consist of commonly
used transformations, such as getting the length of an array or
string. Additionally, selectors allow users to only pass through
certain properties of data. In the example workflow, the JSONPath-like
selector selects the `default` input of the invocation:

See the [docs](./Docs) for a more extensive, in-depth overview of the system.

### Usage
# Add binary environment and create two test function on your Fission setup
fission env create --name binary --image fission/binary-env
fission function create --name whalesay --env binary --deploy examples/whales/
fission function create --name fortune --env binary --deploy examples/whales/

# Create a workflow that uses those two functions; a workflow
# is just a function that uses the special "workflow" environment.
fission function create --name fortunewhale --env workflow --src examples/whales/

# Map a HTTP GET to your new workflow function
fission route create --method GET --url /fortunewhale --function fortunewhale

# Invoke the workflow with an HTTP request
curl $FISSION_ROUTER/fortunewhale
See [examples](./examples) for other workflow examples.

### Installation
See the [installation guide](./

### Compiling
See the [compilation guide](./

### Status and Roadmap

This is an early release for community participation and user
feedback. It is under active development; none of the interfaces are
stable yet. It should not yet be used in production!

Contributions are welcome in whatever form, including testing,
examples, use cases, or adding features. For an overview of current
issues, checkout the [roadmap](./Docs/ or browse through
the open issues on Github.

Finally, we're looking for early developer feedback -- if you do use
Fission or Fission Workflows, we'd love to hear how it's working for
you, what parts in particular you'd like to see improved, and so on.

Talk to us on [slack]( or