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MicroPython driver for DS1307 RTC

ds1307 i2c i2c-device library micropython micropython-lib rtc

Last synced: 2 months ago
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MicroPython driver for DS1307 RTC




# MicroPython DS1307

[![License: MIT](](

MicroPython driver for DS1307 RTC


## General

MicroPython driver for DS1307 RTC

📚 The latest documentation is available at
[MicroPython DS1307 ReadTheDocs][ref-rtd-micropython-ds1307] 📚

- [Installation](#installation)
- [Install required tools](#install-required-tools)
- [Setup](#setup)
- [Install package with upip](#install-package-with-upip)
- [General](#general)
- [Specific version](#specific-version)
- [Test version](#test-version)
- [Manually](#manually)
- [Upload files to board](#upload-files-to-board)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [Unittests](#unittests)
- [Credits](#credits)

## Installation

### Install required tools

Python3 must be installed on your system. Check the current Python version
with the following command

python --version
python3 --version

Depending on which command `Python 3.x.y` (with x.y as some numbers) is
returned, use that command to proceed.

python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

pip install -r requirements.txt

## Setup

### Install package with upip

Connect the MicroPython device to a network (if possible)

import network
station = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF)
station.connect('SSID', 'PASSWORD')

#### General

Install the latest package version of this lib on the MicroPython device

import mip

For MicroPython versions below 1.19.1 use the `upip` package instead of `mip`

import upip

#### Specific version

Install a specific, fixed package version of this lib on the MicroPython device

import mip
# install a verions of a specific branch
mip.install("github:brainelectronics/micropython-ds1307", version="feature/initial-implementation")
# install a tag version
mip.install("github:brainelectronics/micropython-ds1307", version="0.1.0")

For MicroPython versions below 1.19.1 use the `upip` package instead of `mip`

import upip

#### Test version

Install a specific release candidate version uploaded to
[Test Python Package Index]( on every PR on the
MicroPython device. If no specific version is set, the latest stable version
will be used.

import mip
mip.install("github:brainelectronics/micropython-ds1307", version="0.1.0-rc1.dev1")

For MicroPython versions below 1.19.1 use the `upip` package instead of `mip`

import upip
# overwrite index_urls to only take artifacts from
upip.index_urls = ['']

See also [brainelectronics Test PyPi Server in Docker][ref-brainelectronics-test-pypiserver]
for a test PyPi server running on Docker.

### Manually

#### Upload files to board

Copy the module to the MicroPython board and import them as shown below
using [Remote MicroPython shell][ref-remote-upy-shell]

Open the remote shell with the following command. Additionally use `-b 115200`
in case no CP210x is used but a CH34x.

rshell --port /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART --editor nano

Perform the following command inside the `rshell` to copy all files and
folders to the device

mkdir /pyboard/lib
mkdir /pyboard/lib/ds1307

cp ds1307/* /pyboard/lib/ds1307

cp examples/ /pyboard
cp examples/ /pyboard

## Usage

from ds1307 import DS1307
from machine import I2C, Pin
from time import gmtime, time

# DS1307 on 0x68
I2C_ADDR = 0x68 # DEC 104, HEX 0x68

# define custom I2C interface, default is 'I2C(0)'
# check the docs of your device for further details and pin infos
# this are the pins for the Raspberry Pi Pico adapter board
i2c = I2C(0, scl=Pin(13), sda=Pin(12), freq=800000)
ds1307 = DS1307(addr=I2C_ADDR, i2c=i2c)

# get the current RTC time
print("Current RTC time: {}".format(ds1307.datetime))

# set the RTC time to the current system time
now = gmtime(time())
ds1307.datetime = now

print("Current RTC time: {}".format(ds1307.datetime))

# Print the date and time in ISO8601 format: 2023-04-18T21:14:22
print("Today is {:04d}-{:02d}-{:02d}T{:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}".format(
ds1307.year, ds1307.month,,
ds1307.hour, ds1307.minute, ds1307.second))

## Contributing

### Unittests

Run the unittests locally with the following command after installing this
package in a virtual environment

# run all tests
nose2 --config tests/unittest.cfg

# run only one specific tests
nose2 tests.test_ds1307.TestDS1307.test_addr

Generate the coverage files with

coverage html

The coverage report is placed at `reports/coverage/html/index.html`

## Credits

Based on
[Mike Causer's MicroPython TinyRTC I2C module][ref-micropython-tinyrtc-i2c]
and the [PyPa sample project][ref-pypa-sample]
