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AngularJS/RequireJS seed project. [Documentation](


# Get NPM dependencies:
npm install

# Install global NPM dependencies:
npm -g install bower
npm -g install gulp
npm -g install karma

# Also to be able to run tests from CLI
# without browser window popping consider
# to install PhantomJS:

[Gulp]( flows

To make development faster and more automated there are several Gulp tasks available:

* `gulp`

Builds project into `build` directory. Under the hood compiles and compresses Sass/CSS, compiles scripts
with ([RequireJs]( and [uglifies]( it.

* `gulp bump-version`

Works with gitflow releases.
E.g. when you’re on `release/0.4.4` branch it will update cache beaters to follow version.

* `gulp karma`

Starts Karma server watching scripts updates.

* `gulp karma-ci`

Runs tests against the build (which should be run first) and quits, is good to use in CI scenarios.

* `gulp protractor`

Runs E2E tests against source files.

* `gulp protractor-ci`

Runs E2E tests against the build.

* `gulp sass`

Compiles Sass project, feeds output to [Autoprefixer]( and minifies it via

* `gulp watch`

Listens to changes to stylesheets and scripts and reloads browser page during development.

Code style

To make code prone to minification [ng-annotate]( module is used.

Vendor update

* `bower install`

To update all the dependencies to the latest compatible versions.

## Tests

Tests use Jasmine for assertions.

You can write tests in both Coffee and JS
(see `/source/js/modules/home/home-ctrl.spec.js` and `/source/js/modules/home/`).

### E2E Tests

[Protractor]( is used to provide way to do E2E tests. To install go to `client`
directory and run:

npm install -g protractor

// This installs Selenium standalone
// server and Chrome driver:
webdriver-manager update

// Start the server with:
gulp webdriver

// To test source:
gulp protractor

Check `p.conf` and `p-compiled.conf` for Protractor settings.

Checkout [Protractor docs]( for more information.

## Future Releases

You can checkout planned new features on the [Trello Board](
Also feel free to create feature requests on github issues.