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A flat file CMS with a swappable parser and template engine.

philecms php psr-15 psr-7

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

A flat file CMS with a swappable parser and template engine.




# PhileCMS

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A Markdown file-based CMS written in PHP.

[Check out the starter video]( or [read the wiki for in-depth documentation](

## Why use PhileCMS?

Phile was forked from Pico when a few community members wanted to contribute more and increase the rate of development. Here is a small list of differences:

* Object Oriented Design (classes)
* Events system
* Replacable core modules (plugins)
* Parser (default: [Markdown](
* Template Engine (default: [Twig](
* Cache (default: [phpFastCache](
* Error handler (default: [Whoops](
* Meta parser (default: Phile parser)
* Simple Data Persistence (default: Phile file-based)
* Per-Plugin `config.php` files
* Namespaced plugins so classes can have the same name
* PSR-0, PSR-1/2, PSR-7/15

## Quick Start


* PHP 7.2.0+
* a web-server

Download the release from , copy the files to your web-server and open the root directory in the browser.

Or use composer and run it locally:

composer create-project --no-dev phile-cms/phile;
cd Phile;
php -S localhost:8080;

On a fresh installation you will see a page with a setup instructions. Follow them. For detailed instructions please see the [installation help](

## Plugins

Phile can be extended with [a wide variety of plugins](

Generally a plugin can always be installed manually: clone or download the plugin into `plugins/{vendor}/{pluginName}` folder. **Example**: [phileRss]( would be installed into `plugins/phile/rssFeed`.

Many plugins also allow composer installation:

composer require phile/rss-feed

Always check the plugin readme for specialised installation instruction.

## Getting Help

[![Gitter chat](](

You can [read the wiki]( if you are looking for examples more development information.

If you *find a bug* please report it on the [issues page](, but remember to include a bunch of details and also what someone can do to re-create the issue.

Issues with plugins should be reported *on the offending plugins homepage* this goes for themes as well.

## Contributing

Help make PhileCMS better by checking out the GitHub repository and submitting pull requests.
See [developer guildlines]( for more information.