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iOS and Android App for

Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation

iOS and Android App for




# oppna-program-reklistan-app

iOS and Android app to help medical professionals in Region Västra Götaland, Sweden, to prescribe drugs.

It fetches data via JSON from the companion website []( and stores in the app for offline usage. Built with [NativeScript]( The backend site which supplies the data is built with [Liferay](

[![Screenshot of YouTube video](](

[Watch video demonstration (43 seconds)](

## Installation

# Clone this repo
git clone

# Install all dependencies and prepare the project, this will run for a while.
npm install

# Follow the instructions under the heading 'Setting iOS app icons/launch images' below.

## Re-preparing the app
If you've already set up the project as described above, but want to rebuild the app (because source code has changed...) do:

# cd to/the/project/root

# Checkout the code

npm run prepare

# Build the app as described under 'Building the app'

## Building the app

### Android

First, run through _Re-preparing the app_ as described above.

Then, bump the version number. From the root directory run:

npm run bump android

Then, from root/rekapp, run (after replacing the path and pwd in the command):

tns build android --release --key-store-path /path/to/keystore/file.keystore --key-store-password KEYSTORE-PWD --key-store-alias VGR --key-store-alias-password KEYSTORE-PWD

Your compiled APK will be placed in.


Point your web browser to []( Log in with license account. Select _REKlistan_, press _APK_ and the _Beta_ tab. Press _Upload APK for beta version_. Select the newley created apk and wait a few hours for Google to process it. Then you can release it to beta/production.

### iOS

First, run through _Re-preparing the app_ as described above.

Then, bump the version number. From the root directory run:

npm run bump ios

Then, from the app-root/rekapp, open XCode by running

open platforms/ios/rekapp.xcodeproj/

Select _Product_ > _Archive_. If the _Archive_ option is grayed out do the following: On the top of the XCode window you have a few build buttons (Play, Stop, etc). To the right of the stop icon it says _rekapp > [Some emulator]_. Press the emulator (this is the build destination) and select a non-emulator. There's probably a choice called something like _Generic iOS Device_ - select that. Now Archive should be enabled. Press it.

App will now build. Wait half a minute and a window with all archived versions will now be shown. Press _Upload to App Store_. It'll take a while as Apple will do an automatic validation of the package (and tell you if something's wrong).

Point your web browser to []( Select _My Apps_ and _REKlistan_. To add the build as a new TestFlight (beta) version. Select _TestFlight_ and then _External Testing_. Click _Add build to test_, select the just created build and then fill out the form.

Wait while (could be a couple of hours up to a few days!) while Apple screens the app. You're not getting a mail when they're done so you've to look in from time to time.

## Setting iOS app icons/launch images

First time, after adding the ios platform by running `tns platform add` you need to add all app icons and launch images to the project. Do this by following this guide.

1. From the root of the project start xcode by running `open rekapp/platforms/ios/rekapp.xcodeproj`
2. In xcode, select _rekapp_ on the top left. Scroll down to _App Icons and Launch Images_, it should look like this:


3. Press _Use Asset Catalog_ next to _App Icons Source_. Press _Migrate_ in the dialog. The screens should now look like this:


4. Press the little gray arrow next to _App Icons Source [AppIcon]_.

5. On the new screen, select both _AppIcon_ and _Brand Assets_, right click and select _Remove Selected Items_. The list should now be empty.


6. At the bottom of the screen, press the plus sign and select _Import..._


7. Select the three folders inside `resources/app-settings/Images.xcassets` and


8. The screen should now look like this


9. Press _rekapp_ in the leftmost column to return to the main screen


10. Scroll down to _App Icons and Launch Images_ again. And set the 3 fields so that _App Icons Source_ = `AppIcon`, Launch Images Source = `LaunchImage` and clear out _Laynch Screen File_ (it should be empty). When all done, it should look like the screenshot below.


All done!

## Hacks

These hacks are installed automagically when `npm install`-ing the project. The text below if just documentation of the hacks and nothing you need to do manually.

### WebView and rendering
This can be removed once []( is released.

Currently, the WebView (used to display advices/drugs) isn't rendering correctly on older Android (probably <= 4.3).

To solve this, the file `rekapp/node_modules/tns-core-modules/ui/web-view/` is patched at Line 71 and 83.

Where it says something like:

this._android.loadDataWithBaseURL(baseUrl, content, "text/html; charset=utf-8", "utf-8", null);

`; charset=utf-8` part of the `"text/html; charset=utf-8"` is removed, so that it reads:

this._android.loadDataWithBaseURL(baseUrl, content, "text/html", "utf-8", null);

Same thing on line 71.

### WebView and images
This can be removed once []( is released.

Currently the WebView isn't can't show pre-downloaded images on Android. There's [an open GitHub issue]([]( which solves this.

The file `rekapp/node_modules/tns-core-modules/ui/web-view/` is patched at Line 84.

this._android.loadData(src, "text/html; charset=utf-8", "utf-8");

is replaced with

var baseUrl = "file:///" + require("file-system").knownFolders.documents().path + '/';
this._android.loadDataWithBaseURL(baseUrl, src, "text/html", "utf-8", null);

## Development
This is a ES2015/EcmaScript 6 app. All source files lives in the `src` directory and gets compiled into ES5 into the `/rekapp` directory.

Images in vector format in `src/app/images` gets converted into png images of different sizes (@2x, @3x, hdpi, etc) and copied to `rekapp/app/images` when `gulp images` is run. Images, already in png format, in `src/app/images-fixed` just gets copied to `rekapp/app/images` when the same gulp task is run.

### Automation
The `npm install` and `npm run prepare` commands will run a whole lot of magic to prepare the app for you. Rather then describing all magic which happens here, take a look at the `root/package.json` file under the `scripts` section.

### Never - ever - touch files in the rekapp/platforms folder
These files are generated and will be overwritten.

If you want to change the `AndroidManifest.xml`/`rekapp-Info.plist` files, edit them in `root/resources/app-settings` and run `tns run prepare` to copy them to the right place.

If you want to change the hacks (as described above), edit them in `root/resources/hacks` and run `tns run prepare` to copy them to the right place. If you want to add/remove a hack; take a look at the `internal:copy-hacks` task in `root/package.json`.

### When developing, run:

# To start the emulator the first time
gulp startIOS

# To watch for file changes. When a file is changed
# the source is recomipled (from ES2015 to ES5) and
# changes pushed to the emulator.
gulp livesyncIOS

or run:

gulp watchFullIOS

Currently, NativeScript does unfortunately not display `console.log` or exception statements in the terminal when running with livesync. Therefor we still have to do full rebuilds with the `watchFullIOS` command to get terminal outputs.

### File structure
| - gulpfile.js - Development gulp file (for recompiling, etc)
| - node_modules - Development modules
| - package.json - Development package.json
| - rekapp - The actual app.
| - app - The actual app
| - node_modules - App modules
| - package.json - App package json
| - resources - Resources which are not bundled with the app
| - src - Source of the app. Files gets moved from here to 'rekapp'


* Javascript source files (ES2015) gets compiled and moved from `src` to `rekapp`. XML and CSS files gets copied without alternation.
* Javascript files in `src/thirdparty` gets moved from `src` to `rekapp` _without_ compilation.
* To install app dependencies, run `npm install [package] --save` from the `rekapp` folder. The NativeScript build process will copy them to the correct places in the app. They may be required in the normal way (`let theModules = require('theModule')`)

### Changes to app settings
These changes are done to the iOS/Android app settings.

#### Set Android Permissions

Edit: `rekapp/platforms/android/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml` and add:



#### Disable landscape mode and remove Android Title Bar by:

##### Android

Edit: `rekapp/platforms/android/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml` and change






##### iOS

Edit: `rekapp/platforms/ios/rekapp/rekapp-Info.plist`

To allow SSL Connections on iOS9+. Add as a child to the outermost ``:




To change app name, change:




and then, to change allowed orientations, change:










