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Rails gem for Sir Trevor integration.

Last synced: 28 days ago
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Rails gem for Sir Trevor integration.




# Sir Trevor Rails

A Rails gem for integrating Sir Trevor JS into your Rails 3/4/5/6 application.

## Upgrade guide to v0.6.0

There is a breaking change which needs to be applied if you've defined custom ruby blocks.

Create an initializer ``config/initializers/sir_trevor_rails.rb``

Add your custom block types in the initializer:

class SirTrevorRails::Block
def self.custom_block_types
# Type should be string based and prefix of your class name.
["Custom"] # Would relate to CustomBlock

## Upgrade guide from v0.4.0-rc.1

Version 0.4.0 represents a major refactor and contains significant API changes.

* The SirTrevor gem has been renamed from ``sir-trevor-rails`` to ``sir_trevor_rails`` you will need to update your Gemfile.
* There are no more form helpers or view helpers so relace ``f.sir_trevor_text_area :content`` with ``f.text_area :content``.
* SirTrevor JS and it's dependencies are no longer bundled with the gem and need to be downloaded and installed manually or with bower. [See the SirTrevor JS repo for more](
* In your model, register your SirTrevor content like this ``sir_trevor_content :content`` where ``:content`` is the name of the field on your where you store SirTrevor content.
* In your views, you no longer need to use the ``render_sir_trevor`` helper. Instead, simply render your content like this ``<%= render @item.content %>``

## Usage

Add Sir Trevor to your Gemfile

gem 'sir_trevor_rails'

bundle install

Include Sir Trevor JS in your project following the instructions set out [here](

## Generators: Views

Grab all of the default block type partials by running the following generator command:

rails g sir_trevor_rails:views

This will copy all of the SirTrevor block partials into `app/views/sir_trevor/blocks/`

## Rendering

In your models pass the attribute name of your Sir Trevor content to `sir_trevor_content`

sir_trevor_content :content

In your view files, call render to display the Sir Trevor content

<%= render @item.content %>

## Handling image uploads

We don't provide a default image uploader out of the box, because everyone will have different requirements. To see an example of an image uploader, please refer to our Rails examples in the [Sir Trevor JS repository](

## Handling markdown

Use the ``sir_trevor_markdown`` method in your custom block partials to correctly parse the markdown in a block

## Querying the block content

Use the following methods to query the Sir Trevor content


Does this content have an image block?


Return the first video block in the content

## Add custom block types with custom methods

Create an initializer ``config/initializers/sir_trevor_rails.rb``

Add your custom block types in the initializer:

class SirTrevorRails::Block
def self.custom_block_types
# Type should be string based and prefix of your class name which would be for the following.
# TextBlock, HeadingBlock, CustomBlock
["Text", "Heading", "Custom"]

## Add custom methods for block content

Create an initializer ``config/initializers/sir_trevor_rails.rb``

Write your method in the initializer:

class SirTrevorRails::BlockArray
def your_custom_method_here
# some code

Call your method on the ST content


## Generators: Blocks

Run the blocks generator to create templates for your custom blocks

rails g sir_trevor_rails:block my_custom_block

This will generate an html file for rendering the block, a javascript file for the editor and a ruby block class.

## Block Classes

Ruby block classes can be used like decorators for the block content. See the [tweet block class]( for an example

## Requirements

- Rails 3.x/4.x/5.x/6.x

## To do

- Add tests

## Licence

Sir Trevor Rails is released under the [MIT Licence](MIT-LICENSE)

## Changelog