
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

Simple integration for and analytics

nextjs plausible plausible-analytics

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

Simple integration for and analytics




# Next-Plausible · [![npm version](](

Simple integration for and analytics.

See it in action at, and [this commit]( for a real world example.

**Important:** If you're using a version of next lower than `11.1.0` please use `next-plausible@2` to avoid type checking errors (see

## Usage

### Include the Analytics Script

To enable Plausible analytics in your Next.js app you'll need to expose the Plausible context, ``, at the top level of your application inside [`_app.js`](

// pages/_app.js
import PlausibleProvider from 'next-plausible'

export default function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }) {
return (


If you want to enable Plausible analytics only on a single page you can wrap the page in a `PlausibleProvider` component:

// pages/home.js
import PlausibleProvider from 'next-plausible'

export default Home() {
return (

My Site

{/* ... */}


If are using [the app directory]( include `PlausibleProvider` inside the root layout:

// app/layout.js
import PlausibleProvider from 'next-plausible'

export default function RootLayout({ children }) {
return (



#### `PlausibleProvider` Props

| Name | Description |
| -------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `domain` | The domain of the site you want to monitor. |
| `customDomain` | Set this if you use a custom domain to serve the analytics script. Defaults to See for more details. |
| `trackOutboundLinks` | Set this to `true` if you want to enable [outbound link click tracking]( |
| `trackFileDownloads` | Set this to `true` if you want to enable [file download tracking]( |
| `taggedEvents` | Set this to `true` if you want to enable [custom event tracking in HTML elements]( |
| `trackLocalhost` | Set this to `true` if you want to enable [localhost tracking]( |
| `manualPageviews` | Set this to `true` if you want to disable [automatic pageview events]( |
| `pageviewProps` | Set the [custom properties for pageviews]( The `event-` prefix will be added automatically. See [an example](test/page/pages/pageViewPropsAsObject.js). |
| `revenue` | Set this to `true` if you want to enable [ecommerce revenue tracking]( |
| `hash` | Set this to `true` if you want to [use hash-based routing]( |
| `exclude` | Set this if you want to exclude a set of pages from being tracked. See for more details. |
| `selfHosted` | Set this to `true` if you are self hosting your Plausible instance. Otherwise you will get a 404 when requesting the script. |
| `enabled` | Use this to explicitly decide whether or not to render script. If not passed the script will be rendered in production environments (checking NODE_ENV and VERCEL_ENV). |
| `integrity` | Optionally define the [subresource integrity]( attribute for extra security. |
| `scriptProps` | Optionally override any of the props passed to the script element. See [example](test/page/pages/scriptProps.js). |

### Proxy the Analytics Script

To avoid being blocked by adblockers plausible [recommends proxying the script]( To do this you need to wrap your `next.config.js` with the `withPlausibleProxy` function:

const { withPlausibleProxy } = require('next-plausible')

module.exports = withPlausibleProxy()({
// ...your next js config, if any
// Important! it is mandatory to pass a config object, even if empty

This will set up the necessary rewrites as described [here]( and configure `PlausibleProvider` to use the local URLs so you can keep using it like this:




Optionally you can overwrite the proxied script subdirectory and name, as well as the custom domain for the original script:

const { withPlausibleProxy } = require('next-plausible')

module.exports = withPlausibleProxy({
subdirectory: 'yoursubdirectory',
scriptName: 'scriptName',
customDomain: '',
// ...your next js config, if any
// Important! it is mandatory to pass a config object, even if empty

This will load the script from `/yoursubdirectory/js/scriptName.js` and fetch it from ``.


- Proxying will only work if you serve your site using `next start`. Statically generated sites won't be able to rewrite the requests.
- If you are self hosting plausible, you need to set `customDomain` to your instance otherwise no data will be sent.
- Bear in mind that tracking requests will be made to the same domain, so cookies will be forwarded. See If this is an issue for you, from `[email protected]` you can use [middleware]( to strip the cookies like this:

import { NextResponse } from 'next/server'

export function middleware(request) {
const requestHeaders = new Headers(request.headers)
requestHeaders.set('cookie', '')
request: {
headers: requestHeaders,

export const config = {
matcher: '/proxy/api/event',

### Send Custom Events

Plausible supports custom events as described at This package provides the `usePlausible` hook to safely access the `plausible` function like this:

import { usePlausible } from 'next-plausible'

export default function PlausibleButton() {
const plausible = usePlausible()

return (

plausible('customEventName', {
props: {
buttonId: 'foo',
Send with props


If you use Typescript you can type check your custom events like this:

import { usePlausible } from 'next-plausible'

type MyEvents = {
event1: { prop1: string }
event2: { prop2: string }
event3: never

const plausible = usePlausible()

Only those events with the right props will be allowed to be sent using the `plausible` function.

## Developing

- `npm run build` will generate the production scripts under the `dist` folder.