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Generate x86 Assembly with Go

assembly code-generation go golang x86-64

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Generate x86 Assembly with Go





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Generate x86 Assembly with Go

`avo` makes high-performance Go assembly easier to write, review and maintain. The `avo` package presents a familiar assembly-like interface that simplifies development without sacrificing performance:

* **Use Go control structures** for assembly generation; `avo` programs _are_ Go programs
* **Register allocation**: write functions with virtual registers and `avo` assigns physical registers for you
* **Automatically load arguments and store return values**: ensure memory offsets are correct for complex structures
* **Generation of stub files** to interface with your Go package

For more about `avo`:

* Introductory talk ["Better `x86` Assembly Generation with Go"]( at [dotGo 2019]( ([slides](
* [Longer tutorial at Gophercon 2019]( showing a highly-optimized dot product ([slides](
* Watch [Filippo Valsorda]( live code the [rewrite of `` assembly with `avo`](
* Explore [projects using `avo`](doc/
* Discuss `avo` and general Go assembly topics in the [#assembly]( channel of [Gophers Slack](

_Note: APIs subject to change while `avo` is still in an experimental phase. You can use it to build [real things](examples) but we suggest you pin a version with your package manager of choice._

## Quick Start

Install `avo` with `go get`:

$ go get -u

`avo` assembly generators are pure Go programs. Here's a function that adds two `uint64` values:

//go:build ignore

package main

import . ""

func main() {
TEXT("Add", NOSPLIT, "func(x, y uint64) uint64")
Doc("Add adds x and y.")
x := Load(Param("x"), GP64())
y := Load(Param("y"), GP64())
ADDQ(x, y)
Store(y, ReturnIndex(0))

`go run` this code to see the assembly output. To integrate this into the rest of your Go package we recommend a [`go:generate`]( line to produce the assembly and the corresponding Go stub file.

//go:generate go run asm.go -out add.s -stubs stub.go

After running `go generate` the [`add.s`](examples/add/add.s) file will contain the Go assembly.

// Code generated by command: go run asm.go -out add.s -stubs stub.go. DO NOT EDIT.

#include "textflag.h"

// func Add(x uint64, y uint64) uint64
TEXT ·Add(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-24
MOVQ x+0(FP), AX
MOVQ y+8(FP), CX
MOVQ CX, ret+16(FP)

The same call will produce the stub file [`stub.go`](examples/add/stub.go) which will enable the function to be called from your Go code.

// Code generated by command: go run asm.go -out add.s -stubs stub.go. DO NOT EDIT.

package add

// Add adds x and y.
func Add(x uint64, y uint64) uint64

See the [`examples/add`](examples/add) directory for the complete working example.

## Examples

See [`examples`](examples) for the full suite of examples.

### Slice Sum

Sum a slice of `uint64`s:

func main() {
TEXT("Sum", NOSPLIT, "func(xs []uint64) uint64")
Doc("Sum returns the sum of the elements in xs.")
ptr := Load(Param("xs").Base(), GP64())
n := Load(Param("xs").Len(), GP64())

Comment("Initialize sum register to zero.")
s := GP64()
XORQ(s, s)

Comment("Loop until zero bytes remain.")
CMPQ(n, Imm(0))

Comment("Load from pointer and add to running sum.")
ADDQ(Mem{Base: ptr}, s)

Comment("Advance pointer, decrement byte count.")
ADDQ(Imm(8), ptr)

Comment("Store sum to return value.")
Store(s, ReturnIndex(0))

The result from this code generator is:

// Code generated by command: go run asm.go -out sum.s -stubs stub.go. DO NOT EDIT.

#include "textflag.h"

// func Sum(xs []uint64) uint64
TEXT ·Sum(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-32
MOVQ xs_base+0(FP), AX
MOVQ xs_len+8(FP), CX

// Initialize sum register to zero.

// Loop until zero bytes remain.
CMPQ CX, $0x00
JE done

// Load from pointer and add to running sum.

// Advance pointer, decrement byte count.
ADDQ $0x08, AX
JMP loop

// Store sum to return value.
MOVQ DX, ret+24(FP)

Full example at [`examples/sum`](examples/sum).

### Features

For demonstrations of `avo` features:

* **[args](examples/args):** Loading function arguments.
* **[returns](examples/returns):** Building return values.
* **[complex](examples/complex):** Working with `complex{64,128}` types.
* **[data](examples/data):** Defining `DATA` sections.
* **[ext](examples/ext):** Interacting with types from external packages.
* **[pragma](examples/pragma):** Apply compiler directives to generated functions.

### Real Examples

Implementations of full algorithms:

* **[sha1](examples/sha1):** [SHA-1]( cryptographic hash.
* **[fnv1a](examples/fnv1a):** [FNV-1a]( hash function.
* **[dot](examples/dot):** Vector dot product.
* **[md5x16](examples/md5x16):** AVX-512 accelerated [MD5](
* **[geohash](examples/geohash):** Integer [geohash]( encoding.
* **[stadtx](examples/stadtx):** [`StadtX` hash]( port from [dgryski/go-stadtx](

## Adopters

Popular projects[^projects] using `avo`:

[^projects]: Projects drawn from the `avo` third-party test suite. Popularity
estimated from Github star count collected on May 1, 2024.

[golang / **go**](
:star: 119.7k
> The Go programming language

[klauspost / **compress**](
:star: 4.5k
> Optimized Go Compression Packages

[golang / **crypto**](
:star: 2.9k
> [mirror] Go supplementary cryptography libraries

[klauspost / **reedsolomon**](
:star: 1.8k
> Reed-Solomon Erasure Coding in Go

[bytedance / **gopkg**](
:star: 1.6k
> Universal Utilities for Go

[cloudflare / **circl**](
:star: 1.2k
> CIRCL: Cloudflare Interoperable Reusable Cryptographic Library

[segmentio / **asm**](
:star: 850
> Go library providing algorithms optimized to leverage the characteristics of modern CPUs

[zeebo / **xxh3**](
:star: 382
> XXH3 algorithm in Go

[zeebo / **blake3**](
:star: 368
> Pure Go implementation of BLAKE3 with AVX2 and SSE4.1 acceleration

[lukechampine / **blake3**](
:star: 332
> An AVX-512 accelerated implementation of the BLAKE3 cryptographic hash function

See the [full list of projects using `avo`](doc/

## Contributing

Contributions to `avo` are welcome:

* Feedback from using `avo` in a real project is incredibly valuable. Consider [porting an existing project to `avo`](
* [Submit bug reports]( to the issues page.
* Pull requests accepted. Take a look at outstanding [issues]( for ideas (especially the ["good first issue"]( label).
* Join us in the [#assembly]( channel of [Gophers Slack](

## Credits

Inspired by the [PeachPy]( and [asmjit]( projects. Thanks to [Damian Gryski]( for advice, and his [extensive library of PeachPy Go projects](

## License

`avo` is available under the [BSD 3-Clause License](LICENSE).