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A Python wrapper around the OpenWeatherMap web API

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A Python wrapper around the OpenWeatherMap web API





**A Python wrapper around OpenWeatherMap web APIs**

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## What is it?
PyOWM is a client Python wrapper library for OpenWeatherMap (OWM) web APIs. It allows quick and easy consumption of OWM data from Python applications via a simple object model and in a human-friendly fashion.

PyOWM runs on Python 3.7+

**Former Dark Sky API users**: you can can use PyOWM to get [OpenWeatherMap's OneCall API]( data as an easy replacement to Dark Sky

### What kind of data can I get with PyOWM ?
With PyOWM you can integrate into your code any of the following OpenWeatherMap web APIs:

- **Weather API v2.5** + **OneCall API**, providing current weather data, weather forecasts, weather history
- **Agro API v1.0**, providing soil data and satellite imagery search and download
- **Air Pollution API v3.0**, providing data about CO, O3, NO2 and SO2
- **UV Index API v3.0**, providing data about Ultraviolet exposition
- **Stations API v3.0**, allowing to create and manage meteostation and publish local weather measurements
- **Weather Alerts API v3.0**, allowing to set triggers on weather conditions and areas and poll for spawned alerts
- **Image tiles** for several map layers provided by OWM
- **Geocoding API v1.0** allowing to perform direct/reverse geocoding

## In case of trouble...
Please **read the [FAQ](** before filing a new issue on GitHub! There are many common issues, therefore a fix for your issue might come easier than you think

## Get started

### API key

As OpenWeatherMap APIs need a valid API key to allow responses, *PyOWM won't work if you don't provide one*. This stands for both free and paid (pro) subscription plans.
You can signup for a free API key [on the OWM website](
Please notice that the free API subscription plan is subject to requests throttling.

### Example

With a free OWM API Key:

from pyowm import OWM
from pyowm.utils import config
from pyowm.utils import timestamps

# ---------- FREE API KEY examples ---------------------

owm = OWM('your free OWM API key')
mgr = owm.weather_manager()

# Search for current weather in London (Great Britain) and get details
observation = mgr.weather_at_place('London,GB')
w =

w.detailed_status # 'clouds'
w.wind() # {'speed': 4.6, 'deg': 330}
w.humidity # 87
w.temperature('celsius') # {'temp_max': 10.5, 'temp': 9.7, 'temp_min': 9.0}
w.rain # {}
w.heat_index # None
w.clouds # 75

# Will it be clear tomorrow at this time in Milan (Italy) ?
forecast = mgr.forecast_at_place('Milan,IT', 'daily')
answer = forecast.will_be_clear_at(timestamps.tomorrow())

# ---------- PAID API KEY example ---------------------

config_dict = config.get_default_config_for_subscription_type('professional')
owm = OWM('your paid OWM API key', config_dict)

# What's the current humidity in Berlin (Germany) ?
one_call_object = mgr.one_call(lat=52.5244, lon=13.4105)

## Installation
Install with `pip` for your ease:

$ pip install pyowm

There are alternatives: _setuptools_, _Windows installers_ and common Linux package managers such as _Yaourt (Arch Linux)_
_YaST/Zypper (OpenSuse)_ (please refer to the documentation for more detail)

Eager to fetch the very latest updates to PyOWM? Install the development trunk (which might be unstable). Eg on Linux:

$ git clone
$ cd pyowm && git checkout develop
$ pip install -r requirements.txt && python install

## Documentation
The library software API documentation is available on [Read the Docs](

The [Code recipes]( section comes in handy!

## Community & Contributing

Here are [some cool projects]( that use PyOWM

Join the **[PyOWM public Slack team](** by signing up [here](

_Contributors (coding, testing, packaging, reporting issues) are welcome!_ See the [the official documentation website]( for details or the []( file for a quick primer.

## License
[MIT license](