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Winter is coming... ❄️

Last synced: 24 days ago
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Winter is coming... ❄️




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# WinterJS

A *blazing-fast* JavaScript server that runs Service Workers scripts according to the [Winter Community Group specification](

**WinterJS is able to handle up to 100,000 reqs/s in a single laptop** (see [Benchmark](./benchmark)).

> Note: WinterJS is not officially endorsed by WinterCG, despite sharing "Winter" in their name. There are many [runtimes supporting WinterCG](, WinterJS being one among those.

## Running WinterJS with Wasmer

The WinterJS server is published in Wasmer as [`wasmer/winterjs`](

You can run the HTTP server locally with:

wasmer run wasmer/winterjs --net --mapdir=tests:tests tests/simple.js

Where `simple.js` is:

addEventListener('fetch', (req) => {
req.respondWith(new Response('hello'));

## Running WinterJS Natively

You can run WinterJS natively by simply doing

cargo run -- tests/simple.js

And then access the server in https://localhost:8080/

# How WinterJS works

WinterJS is powered by [SpiderMonkey](, [Spiderfire]( and [hyper](
to bring a new level of awesomeness to your Javascript apps.

WinterJS is using the [WASIX]( standard to compile to WebAssembly. Please note that compiling to WASIX is currently a complex process. We recommend using precompiled versions from [`wasmer/winterjs`](, but please open an issue if you need to compile to WASIX locally.

## Limitations

WinterJS is fully compliant with the WinterCG spec, although the runtime itself is still a work in progress.
It is not recommended to use WinterJS in production yet.
For more information, see the API Compatibility section below.

# WinterCG API Compatibility

This section will be updated as APIs are added/fixed.
If an API is missing from this section, that means that it is still not implemented.

The following words are used to describe the status of an API:

* ✅ Stable - The API is implemented and fully compliant with the spec. This does not account for potential undiscovered implementation errors in the native code.
* 🔶 Partial - The API is implemented but not fully compliant with the spec and/or there are known limitations.
* ❌ Pending - The API is not implemented yet.

|`console`|✅ Stable|
|`fetch`|✅ Stable|
|`URL`|✅ Stable|
|`URLSearchParams`|✅ Stable|
|`Request`|✅ Stable|
|`Headers`|✅ Stable|
|`Response`|✅ Stable|
|`Blob`|✅ Stable|
|`File`|✅ Stable|
|`FormData`|✅ Stable|
|`TextDecoder`|✅ Stable|
|`TextDecoderStream`|✅ Stable|
|`TextEncoder`|✅ Stable|
|`TextEncoderStream`|✅ Stable|
|`ReadableStream` and supporting types|✅ Stable|
|`WritableStream` and supporting types|✅ Stable|
|`TransformStream` and supporting types|🔶 Partial|Back-pressure is not implemented
|`atob`|✅ Stable|
|`btoa`|✅ Stable|
|``|✅ Stable|
|`performance.timeOrigin`|✅ Stable|
|`crypto`|✅ Stable|
|`crypto.subtle`|🔶 Partial|Only HMAC, MD5 and SHA algorithms are supported

# Other supported APIs

The following (non-WinterCG) APIs are implemented and accessible in WinterJS:

|[Service Workers Caches API](|✅ Stable|Accessible via `caches`. `caches.default` (similar to [Cloudflare workers]( is also available.
The current implementation is memory-backed, and cached responses will *not* persist between multiple runs of WinterJS.