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✨ A simple project to get you started with your first open source contribution.

first-timers good-first-issue

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

✨ A simple project to get you started with your first open source contribution.





✨ A simple project to help people make their first open source pull request

> PLease keep in mind that pull requests on this project won't count towards Hacktoberfest. This project is just to help and encourage new developers to get familiar with open source contribution.

## :cloud: Introduction:
Hello Contributors!
Open Source projects are a great way for enhancing your coding skills and exploring new technologies.
But top of that contributing to Open Source Projects is FUN.
The joy of the first time when your pull request gets accepted is amazing. Which you are going to find today by contributing to this project.

## :star: Aim:
- To make an Open Source contribution.
- To use GitHub and Git.
- Get familiar with NodeJs.
- Make a Pull Request.

## :grey_question: Who Can Contribute?
Anyone from an absolute beginner to a developer can contribute to enhance your open source experience.

## :green_heart: NodeJs:
Node.js is a run-time environment which includes everything you need to execute a program written in JavaScript. It’s used for running scripts on the server to render content before it is delivered to a web browser.

NPM stands for Node Package Manager, which is an application and repository for developing and sharing JavaScript code.

## :hammer: Prerequisite :
- Setup your GitHub account. To familiarize with GitHub go through [GitHub Hello World Guide](
- You can download [GitHub Desktop App]( or use Git on command line.
- Install [nodejs]( on your local machine globally. Click [here]( for more information.

## :sparkles: Steps :

1. Fork this repository and clone it to your computer.

2. Install the dependencies locally

npm install

3. Now create a new remote branch with any name you want

git checkout -b "myCard"

4. Now go to `contributors/index.js` file and add your details.

5. Run this command to check for any remaining typos and style errors

npm run lint:fix

5. Push your local changes that you have made

git add .
git commit -m "Add YOURNAME's card"
git push -u origin myCard

6. Now create the pull request

Your changes would not be visible immediately.
Your pull request will be reviewed, get accepted and merged by the project maintainer.

You can now celebrate ! :confetti_ball:

### Congrats :tada: .You have successfully created your pull request. Now wait for PR to be reviewed and get merged!