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Vulkan path tracing with Rust

3d-graphics animation ash-rs compute-shader gltf nix path-tracer physically-based-rendering ray-tracing raytracing rendering rust skinning vulkan

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Vulkan path tracing with Rust




# `Rustracer`

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A PBR [glTF 2.0]( renderer based on Vulkan ray-tracing, written in Rust.

## Naming
This project and I are not affiliated with the [Rust Foundation]( I name it `rus-tracer` only because I love [Rust]( and ray tracing.

## Credits

This project is based on Adrien Ben's [vulkan-examples-rs](

Sample accumulation implementation, heatmap and Lucy obj model are from project [Ray Tracing In Vulkan](

I stole the PBR shaders from the [referencePT]( project and made some changes.

## Demos
[rustracer-0.2.0-Demo videos](

[rustracer-0.1.0-Demo videos](

![Lucy in Cornell](images/lucy.png)

## Features
* [x] Loading arbitrary glTF 2.0 models
* [x] Full node hierarchy
* [x] Mesh
* [x] Geometry normal generation
* [x] Two sets of texture coords
* [x] Mikktspace tangent generation
* [x] Normal mapping
* [ ] Camera
* [x] Alpha blending and testing
* [x] Full PBR material support
* [x] Metallic-Roughness workflow
* [x] Specular-Glossiness workflow
* [x] Animations
* [x] Articulated (translate, rotate, scale)
* [x] Skinning(using compute shader)
* [ ] Morph targets
* [x] Extensions
* [x] "KHR_materials_ior",
* [x] "KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness",
* [x] "KHR_materials_transmission",
* [ ] importance sampling and BTDF
* [x] "KHR_materials_variants",
* [ ] GUI support
* [x] "KHR_materials_volume",
* [ ] "KHR_materials_specular",
* [ ] "KHR_texture_transform",
* [x] "KHR_materials_unlit",
* [x] "KHR_lights_punctual",
* [x] Optimizations
* [x] Rayon-accelerated texture loading
* [x] Async model loading
* [ ] Async acceleration structure building

* [ ] Realtime ray tracing
* [ ] Rasterization mode
* [ ] G-buffer
* [ ] Hybrid mode
* [ ] SVGF denoiser
* [ ] Path regularization
* [ ] Better multi-light sampling like ReSTIR
* [ ] Blue noise and Halton sequence

* [x] Extras
* [x] Open file by drag-and-drop
* [x] Skybox
* [ ] Skydome(hdr)
* [ ] Loading multiple glTF scene dynamically
* [ ] Rigid-body simulation

## Building
### Prerequisites
- Linux and a graphics card that supports KHR ray tracing
- Currently, I hard-coded all test model paths in an enum(in [``](crates/examples/gltf_viewer/src/ and load models in the search paths(see [`resource manager`](crates/libs/resource_manager)).
- You can open arbitrary glTF file by `cargo run -- -f ` or drag-and-drop
- Windows not supported. Need some minor cfg tweaks to work on Windows. Open to pull requests.

### Build command
Thanks to the superior Rust package manager `Cargo`, building and running can be as brainless as a one-liner: `cargo run`.

However, some external C libraries like Vulkan SDK may be missing on your system(those libraries are necessary for basically any Vulkan or non-trivial graphics programming project, regardless of whatever programming language used).

- To install those libraries automatically,
- Install [Nix]( package manager(Linux only) and [direnv](
- `cd` into the project directory and `direnv allow`.
- To install external libraries manually
- `cargo run` to find out what is missing and install it
- Look into the list in [flake.nix](flake.nix).

## Assets
Pointers to glTF models:
- [My collection](./assets/models/licenses)
- [glTF sample models](
- [A ton of glTF models](
- [Open Research Content Archive]( can be converted to glTF with Blender.
- [Poly heaven](

## References
- [boksajak/referencePT](
- [NVIDIA Vulkan Ray Tracing Tutorial](
- [adrien-ben/gltf-viewer-rs](
- [adrien-ben/vulkan-examples-rs](
- [GPSnoopy/RayTracingInVulkan](
- [Ray Tracing Gems II](