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πŸ”’ Strongly typed library for querying and modeling DynamoDB documents in TypeScript.

dynamodb library nodejs query strongly-typed typescript

Last synced: 12 days ago
JSON representation

πŸ”’ Strongly typed library for querying and modeling DynamoDB documents in TypeScript.




πŸ”’ DDB-Table

Strongly typed library for querying and modeling DynamoDB documents in TypeScript.

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**DDB-Table** was built to provide strongly-typed data structures over DynamoDB tables. Using **AWS
DocumentClient** & **TypeScript** you can easily fetch and store any JSON document and validate it’s
structure statically. Query secondary indexes and run complicated update expressions without any
error on runtime.

await table
.update('[email protected]')
.set('FullName', 'John Doe')
// 🚨 TypeScript Error: 'fullName' is not assignable to 'Email' | 'FullName'
.condition((cond) => cond.eq('fullName', 'Johnny Doe'))

### Main Features

- **Strongly Typed** - End-to-end TypeScript validation for your data.
- **Easy Query Expressions** - Automatically escape name attributes and values.
- **Smart Projections** - Make sure you only access the fields you project.
- **Query & Scan Indexes** - Complete support for global or local indexes.
- **Pure JavaScript** - Also works without TypeScript.

### Sponsored by ❀️

If you like this project, please [consider sponsoring us]( to help us continue to maintain and improve
this project.

## Install

npm i ddb-table

## Usage

import Table from 'ddb-table';
import { DynamoDBClient } from '@aws-sdk/client-dynamodb';
import { DynamoDBDocument } from '@aws-sdk/lib-dynamodb';

interface MessageSchema {
threadId: string;
timestamp: number;
senderId: string;
message: string;
status: 'sent' | 'received';
tags?: Set;
attachments: {
name: string;
URL: string;

const client = new DynamoDBClient({
// settings...

// create the basic table definition
const messages = new Table({
tableName: 'Messages',
primaryKey: 'threadId',
sortKey: 'timestamp',
documentClient: DynamoDBDocument.from(client);

const updateRes = await messages
.update('[email protected]', 1588191225322)
.set('message', 'Hello World!')
.add('tags', new Set(['unread', 'important']))
.set('attachments', (exp) =>
exp.listAppend([{ name: 'Test', URL: '' }]),


#### Working with indexes as well:

// create a secondary index definition
type SenderTimestampIndex = Pick<
'threadId' | 'timestamp' | 'senderId'

const outboxIndex = messages.index<
>('senderId-timestamp-index', 'senderId', 'timestamp');

const it = outboxIndex
.keyCondition((cond) => cond.eq('senderId', '[email protected]'))
.keyCondition((cond) =>
cond.between('timestamp', - 3600e3,,
.project({ threadId: 1, message: 1 })

for await (const item of it) {

### Error Handling

import { DynamoDBExceptionName } from 'ddb-table';

try {
await table.put(...).exec();
} catch (err) {
if ((err as DynamoDBServiceException)?.name === DynamoDBExceptionName.ConditionalCheckFailedException) {
// handle exception

## License

[MIT](LICENSE) license Β© 2022 [Neuledge](