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A MySQL Workbench plugin which exports a Model to Laravel 5 Migrations

database-schema laravel laravel-migration mysql-workbench

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

A MySQL Workbench plugin which exports a Model to Laravel 5 Migrations




# MySQL Workbench Export Laravel 5 Migrations Plugin

A MySQL Workbench plugin that allows for exporting a model to Laravel 5 migrations that follow PSR-2 coding standards. When exported, each migration is generated and
saved in it's own, properly named, migration file.

### Version

### Tech

This plugin requires MySQL Workbench to work properly.

And of course this plugin is open source with a [public repository](
on GitHub.

### Installation

- MySQL Workbench > Scripting > Install Plugin/Module
- Select the plugin file
- Click Open

### Usage

- Open a model in MySQL Workbench
- Tools > Catalog > Export Laravel 5 Migration

### Development

Want to contribute? Great!

### Thanks

Thanks to [all]( that have and continue to contribute to this project.

Extra thanks to [VeeeneX]( for all the great PRs!

### Todos

- Types that are unsupported by Laravel


The MIT License (MIT)

**Free Software, Hell Yeah!**