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A client and server implementation of the OPC UA specification written in Rust

embedded iec-62541 iot monitoring opc opc-ua rust

Last synced: 24 days ago
JSON representation

A client and server implementation of the OPC UA specification written in Rust




# Introduction

This is an [OPC UA]( server / client API implementation for Rust.

[![Build Status](](

OPC UA is an industry standard for monitoring of data. It's used extensively for embedded devices, industrial control, IoT,
etc. - just about anything that has data that something else wants to monitor, control or visualize.

Rust is a systems programming language and is therefore a natural choice for implementing OPC UA. This implementation
supports the embedded, micro and nano profiles but may grow to support features in time.

Read the [compatibility](./docs/ page for how the implementation conforms with the OPC UA spec.

Read the [change log](./ for changes per version as well as aspirational / upcoming work.

# License

The code is licenced under [MPL-2.0]( Like all open source code, you use this code at your own risk.

# Setup

Read the [setup](./docs/ for instructions on building OPCUA for Rust.

Read [cross compilation](./docs/ for hints for cross compiling OPC UA for Rust to other

# Migration notes

If you're using an earlier version of OPC UA for Rust, read the [migration](./docs/ notes.

# Design

Read the [design](./docs/ for more in-depth description of implementation.

# Tutorial

Tutorials / user guides are still work in progress.

* [Client Tutorial](docs/
* [Server Tutorial](docs/

# Further Documentation

The API documentation is generated from the latest published crates. This may be some way behind current development.

# Samples

If you want to get stuck in, there are a number of samples in the samples/ folder. The `simple-client` and the `simple-server` projects are
minimal client and server programs respectively.

# In one bash
cd opcua/samples/simple-server
cargo run
# In another bash
cd opcua/samples/simple-client
cargo run

The full list of samples:

1. [`simple-server`](samples/simple-server) - an OPC UA server that adds 4 variables v1, v2, v3 and v4 and updates them from a timer via push and pull mechanisms.
2. [`simple-client`](samples/simple-client) - an OPC UA client that connects to a server and subscribes to the values of v1, v2, v3 and v4.
3. [`discovery-client`](samples/discovery-client) - an OPC UA client that connects to a discovery server and lists the servers registered on it.
4. [`chess-server`](samples/chess-server) - an OPC UA server that connects to a chess engine as its back end and updates variables representing the state of the game.
5. [`demo-server`](samples/demo-server) - an OPC UA server that is more complex than the simple server and can be used for compliance testing.
6. [`mqtt-client`](samples/mqtt-client) - an OPC UA client that subscribes to some values and publishes them to an MQTT broker.
7. [`web-client`](samples/web-client) - an OPC UA client that subscribes to some values and streams them over a websocket.
8. [`modbus-server`](samples/modbus-server) - an OPC UA server that translates variables from MODBUS.