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Cleans dependencies and build artifacts from your projects.

cargo cleaner cli command-line disk-space gui kondo linux macos rust unity unity3d windows

Last synced: 24 days ago
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Cleans dependencies and build artifacts from your projects.




# Kondo 🧹

Cleans `node_modules`, `target`, `build`, and friends from your projects.

Excellent if

- 💾 You want to back up your code but don't want to include GBs of dependencies
- 🧑‍🎨 You try out lots of projects but hate how much space they occupy
- ⚡️ You like keeping your disks lean and zippy

20+ Supported Project Types

Cargo (Rust),
CMake (C, C++),
Composer (PHP),
Godot 4.x (C#, GDScript)

Gradle (Java)
Jupyter Notebook (Python),
Maven (Java),
Node (JavaScript)

Pub (Dart),
SBT (Scala),
Stack (Haskell),

Unity (C#),
Unreal Engine (C++),
.NET (C#, F#)

kondo cli cleaning projects

kondo gui displaying projects

CLI Video


GUI Video


## Installation

> **Warning**
> Kondo is [_essentially_]( `rm -rf` with a prompt. Use at your own discretion. Always have a backup of your projects.

### Command Line

winget install kondo


brew install kondo

**Arch Linux**

pacman -S kondo


Requires [rust](

git clone
cargo install --path kondo/kondo


Binaries available on the [releases page](

Packaging status

### Graphic User Interface

**Arch Linux**

pacman -S kondo-ui


Requires [rust]( You may need [platform specific dependencies on linux](

git clone
cargo install --path kondo/kondo-ui

Binaries available on the [releases page](

Packaging status

## Usage

> **Warning**
> Kondo is [_essentially_]( `rm -rf` with a prompt. Use at your own discretion. Always have a backup of your projects.

### Command Line Interface

Running `kondo` without a directory specified will run in the current directory.


Supplying a path will tell `kondo` where to start. Multiple paths are supported.

kondo code/my_project code/my_project_2

Passing a time will filter projects to those that haven't been modified for at least the specified period. See `kondo --help` for the full list of options.

kondo --older 3M # only projects with last modified greater than 3 months
kondo -o3M # shorthand

More options such as quiet mode, following symlinks, and filesystem restriction are viewable with `kondo --help`.

## Building/Development

To build the cli `kondo` you can run `cargo build` and `cargo run` from the projects root directory.

To build the gui `kondo-ui` you must first navigate into the `kondo-ui` directory, then you can run `cargo build` and `cargo run`.

The output binaries will be located in `target/debug/` or `target/release/` per [Cargo]( defaults.

## Similar Projects

- [The Tin Summer](
- [Detox](
- [Sweep](
- [npkill](
- [Cargo Cleanall](
- [Cargo Sweep](
- [Cargo Wipe](
- [cargo-clean-recursive](