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Fast command line app in rust/tokio to run commands in parallel. Similar interface to GNU parallel or xargs plus useful features. Listed in Awesome Rust utilities.

command-line parallel rust tokio

Last synced: 24 days ago
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Fast command line app in rust/tokio to run commands in parallel. Similar interface to GNU parallel or xargs plus useful features. Listed in Awesome Rust utilities.




# rust-parallel



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Run commands in parallel and aggregate outputs. Async application using [tokio](

[Example commands]( and [detailed manual](

Similar interface to [GNU Parallel]( or [xargs]( plus useful features:
* Run commands from [stdin](, [input files](, or [`:::` arguments](
* Automatic parallelism to all cpus, or [configure manually](
* Transform inputs with [regular expressions](
* Prevent [output interleaving](
* [Very fast in benchmarks](
* Shell mode to run [bash functions]( and [commands](
* [TUI progress bar]( using [indicatif](
* Path cache
* [Command timeouts](
* [Structured debug logging](
* [Dry run mode](

Listed in [Awesome Rust - utilities](

## Contents:
* [Installation](#installation)
* [Documents](#documents)
* [Tech Stack](#tech-stack)

## Installation:

1. Download a pre-built release from [Github Releases]( for Linux, MacOS, or Windows.
2. Extract the executable and put somewhere in your $PATH.

For manual installation/update:
1. [Install Rust](
2. Install the latest version of this app from [](
$ cargo install rust-parallel
3. The same `cargo install rust-parallel` command will also update to the latest version after initial installation.

## Documents:
1. [Examples]( - complete runnable commands to give an idea of overall features.
1. [Manual]( - more detailed manual on how to use individual features.
1. [Benchmarks](
1. [Output Interleaving]( - output interleaving in rust-parallel compared with other commands.

## Tech Stack:
* [anyhow]( used for application error handling to propogate and format fatal errors.
* [clap]( command line argument parser.
* [itertools]( using [`multi_cartesian_product`]( to process `:::` command line inputs.
* [indicatif]( optional TUI progress bar.
* [regex]( optional regular expression capture groups processing for `-r`/`--regex` option.
* [tokio]( asynchronous runtime for rust. From tokio this app uses:
* `async` / `await` functions (aka coroutines)
* Singleton `CommandLineArgs` instance using [`tokio::sync::OnceCell`](
* Asynchronous command execution using [`tokio::process::Command`](
* [`tokio::sync::Semaphore`]( used to limit number of commands that run concurrently.
* [`tokio::sync::mpsc::channel`]( used to receive inputs from input task, and to send command outputs to an output writer task. To await command completions, use the elegant property that when all `Senders` are dropped the channel is closed.
* [tracing]( structured debug and warning logs.
* [`tracing::Instrument`]( is used to provide structured debug logs.
* [which]( used to resolve command paths for path cache.