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Reproducible machine learning analysis of gene expression and alternative splicing data

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Reproducible machine learning analysis of gene expression and alternative splicing data




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What is flotilla?

`flotilla` is a Python package for visualizing transcriptome (RNA expression) data from hundreds of
samples. We include utilities to perform common tasks on these large data matrices, including:

* Dimensionality reduction
* Classification and Regression
* Outlier detection
* Network graphs from covariance
* Hierarchical clustering

And common tasks for biological data including:

* Renaming database features to gene symbols
* Coloring/marking samples based on experimental phenotype
* Removing poor-quality samples (technical outliers)

Finally, `flotilla` is a platform for active collaboration between bioinformatics scientists and
traditional "wet lab" scientists. Leveraging [interactive widgets](
in the [iPython Notebook](,
we have created tools for simple and streamlined data exploration including:

* Subsetting sample groups and feature (genes/splicing events) groups
* Dynamically adjusting parameters for analysis
* Integrating external lists of features from the web or local files

These empower the "wet lab" scientists to ask questions on their own and gives bioniformatics
scientists a platform and share their analysis tools.

What flotilla is **not**

`flotilla` is not a genomics pipeline. We expect that you have already generated
data tables for gene expression, isoform expression and metadata. `flotilla` only makes
it easy to integrate all those data parts together once you have the pieces.

Learn how to use flotilla
Please refer to our [talks]( to learn more
about how you can
apply our tools to your data.


Docker Installation Instructions

[Docker]( is the preferred method to obtain the most up-to-date
version of `flotilla`. Every change we make to the source code triggers a new build of a virtual
machine that contains flotilla and all its dependencies.

Please follow instructions [here](docker/ to get, install, and run the `flotilla` image.

Local install (on your computer)

To install, first install the
[Anaconda Python Distribution](, which comes
pre-packaged with a bunch of the scientific packages we use all the time,

### Create a Flotilla sandbox

We recommend creating a "sandbox" where you can install any and all packages
without disturbing the rest of the Python distribution. You can do this with

conda create --yes --name flotilla_env --file conda_requirements.txt

You've now just created a "virtual environment" called `flotilla_env` (the first
argument). Now activate that environment with,

source activate flotilla_env

Now at the beginning of your terminal prompt, you should see:


Which indicates that you are now in the `flotilla_env` virtual environment. Now
that you're in the environment, follow along with the non-sandbox
installation instructions.

### Install and update all packages in your environment

To make sure you have the latest packages, on the command line in your
terminal, enter this command:

conda install --yes --file conda_requirements.txt

Not all packages are available using `conda`, so we'll install the rest using
`pip`, which is a Python package installer and installs from
[PyPI](, the Python Package Index.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Next, to install the latest release of `flotilla`, do

pip install flotilla

If you want the bleeding-edge master version (that we work really hard to make
sure it's always working but could be buggy!), then install the `git` master

pip install git+git://

Test dataset

We have prepared a slice of the full dataset for testing and demonstration purposes.

Run each of the following code lines in its own IPython notebook cell for an interactive feature.

import flotilla
study = flotilla.embark(flotilla._shalek2013)





IMPORTANT NOTE: for this test,several failures are expected since the test set is small.
Adjust parameters to explore valid parameter spaces.
For example, you can manually select `all_genes` as the `feature_subset`
from the drop-down menu that appears after running these interactive functions.

Problems? Questions?

We invite your input! Please leave any feedback on our [issues page](

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Proudly sponsored by a NumFOCUS John Hunter Technical Fellowship to Olga