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A Jalaali (Jalali, Persian, Khorshidi, Shamsi) calendar system plugin for moment.js.

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A Jalaali (Jalali, Persian, Khorshidi, Shamsi) calendar system plugin for moment.js.




# moment-jalaali

A Jalaali (Jalali, Persian, Khorshidi, Shamsi) calendar system plugin for moment.js.

[![Build Status](](

Jalali calendar is a solar calendar that was used in Persia, variants of which today are still in use in Iran as well as Afghanistan. [Read more on Wikipedia]( or see [Calendar Converter](

This plugin adds Jalaali calendar support to [momentjs]( library.

Calendar conversion is based on the [algorithm provided by Kazimierz M. Borkowski]( and has a very good performance.

## Note (Feb 2022)

If you just need to display date and time in Persian calendar, you may use `Intl` which is ECMAScript Internationalization API with a [very good browser support]( For example:

const d = new Date(2022,2,21)

// Simple format
console.log(new Intl.DateTimeFormat('fa-IR').format(d));
// => ۱۴۰۱/۱/۱

// Full long format
console.log(new Intl.DateTimeFormat('fa-IR', {dateStyle: 'full', timeStyle: 'long'}).format(d));
// => ۱۴۰۱ فروردین ۱, دوشنبه، ساعت ۰:۰۰:۰۰ (‎+۳:۳۰ گرینویچ)

// Latin numbers
console.log(new Intl.DateTimeFormat('fa-IR-u-nu-latn', {dateStyle: 'full', timeStyle: 'long'}).format(d));
// => 1401 فروردین 1, دوشنبه، ساعت 0:00:00 (‎+3:30 گرینویچ)

// English US locale with Persian calendar
console.log(new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-US-u-ca-persian', {dateStyle: 'full', timeStyle: 'long'}).format(d));
// => Monday, Farvardin 1, 1401 AP at 12:00:00 AM GMT+3:30

// Just year
console.log(new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-US-u-ca-persian', {year: 'numeric'}).format(d));
// => 1401 AP

// Just month
console.log(new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-US-u-ca-persian', {month: 'short'}).format(d));
// Farvardin

// Just day
console.log(new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-US-u-ca-persian', {day: 'numeric'}).format(d));
// => 1

## Where to use it

Like `momentjs`, `moment-jalaali` works in browser and in Node.js.

### Node.js

npm install moment-jalaali

var moment = require('moment-jalaali')

### Browser

You may use the `node_modules/build/moment-jalaali.js` file.




## API

This plugin tries to mimic `momentjs` api. Basically, when you want to format or parse a string, just add a `j` to the format token like 'jYYYY' or 'jM'. For example:

m = moment('1360/5/26', 'jYYYY/jM/jD') // Parse a Jalaali date
m.format('jYYYY/jM/jD [is] YYYY/M/D') // 1360/5/26 is 1981/8/17

m.jYear() // 1360
m.jMonth() // 4
m.jDate() // 26
m.jDayOfYear() // 150
m.jWeek() // 22
m.jWeekYear() // 1360

m.add(1, 'jYear')
m.add(2, 'jMonth')
m.add(3, 'day')
m.format('jYYYY/jM/jD') // 1361/7/29

m.format('jYYYY/jM/jD') // 1361/12/1

m.format('jYYYY/jM/jD') // 1392/1/1

m.subtract(1, 'jYear')
m.subtract(1, 'jMonth')
m.format('jYYYY/jM/jD') // 1390/12/1

moment('1391/12/30', 'jYYYY/jMM/jDD').isValid() // true (leap year)
moment('1392/12/30', 'jYYYY/jMM/jDD').isValid() // false (common year)
moment.jIsLeapYear(1391) // true
moment.jIsLeapYear(1392) // false

moment.jDaysInMonth(1395, 11) // 30
moment.jDaysInMonth(1394, 11) // 29

moment('1392/6/3 16:40', 'jYYYY/jM/jD HH:mm').format('YYYY-M-D HH:mm:ss') // 2013-8-25 16:40:00

moment('2013-8-25 16:40:00', 'YYYY-M-D HH:mm:ss').endOf('jMonth').format('jYYYY/jM/jD HH:mm:ss') // 1392/6/31 23:59:59

// Complex parse:
moment('1981 5 17', 'YYYY jM D').format('YYYY/MM/DD') // 1981/07/17

To add Persian language, use loadPersian method:


### Options

| Param | Type | Default | Description | Example |
| ---------------- | ------- | ------- | ---------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------- |
| usePersianDigits | Boolean | `false` | Use persian digits (Use at your own risk) | `moment.loadPersian({usePersianDigits: true})` |
| dialect * | String | `persian` | Available values = `persian`, `persian-modern` | `moment.loadPersian({dialect: 'persian-modern'})` |

*use dialect option to change `usePersian` dialect, available options are:

* persian: default dialect(امرداد، آدینه، ...)

* persian-modern: modern dialect(مرداد، جمعه، ...)

#### in case getting error `'humanize' of undefined`

you should also require locale fa


### React Native

To use `fromNow()` in React Native projects:

import moment from "moment-jalaali";
import fa from "moment/src/locale/fa";
moment.locale("fa", fa);

## Related Projects

### react-datepicker2

A simple and reusable Datepicker component for React (with persian jalali calendar support) [Demo](
created by [@mberneti](

### react-advance-jalaali-datepicker

A React module, which provides different jalaali (persian) datepicker types such as, range date and time picker, developed base on `moment-jalaali`. [react-advance-jalaali-datepicker]( created by [@A-Kasaaian](

### ng-persian-datepicker

[ng-persian-datepicker]( is an angular 8+ date-time picker component for shamsi calendar system with some useful customization settings.

### ng-jalali-flat-datepicker

A lightweight angular.js date picker using `moment-jalaali` is [thg303/ng-jalali-flat-datepicker]( created by [@thg303](

### pholiday

A library based on `moment-jalaali` for calculating holidays in Persian calendar is [shkarimpour/pholiday]( created by [@shkarimpour](

### moment-hijri

Another calendar system plugin for `momentjs` is [moment-hijri]( created by [@xsoh](

### vue-persian-datetime-picker

[vue-persian-datetime-picker]( is a `vuejs` plugin to select jalali date and time, created by [@talkhabi](

### react-native-general-calendars

[react-native-general-calendars]( is a `react-native` component with support of gregorian, jalaali and hijri calendar to selectand work with date and time, created by [@rghorbani](

### imrc-datetime-picker

[imrc-datetime-picker]( is a `react` component with support of gregorian and jalaali calendar in both english and persian (modern) languages to select and work with date and time, created by [@smrsan76](

## License