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Visual Studio extension for Rust

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Visual Studio extension for Rust




Visual Studio extension for Rust

[![Build status](](


Currently in development, and not feature complete. Stable versions are
available [on the Visual Studio extension gallery](

Unstable, but more recent builds are downloadable from [AppVeyor]( (choose "Configuration:
Release" and "Artifacts").

## Features

* Project support based on Cargo
* Syntax highlighting
* Autocomplete
* Go to definition
* Debugging for both MSVC and GNU toolchains
* Conditional breakpoints
* Watch window (with the ability to change the runtime state)
* Immediate window (with the ability to change the runtime state)
* Set next statement
* Call stack view and navigation


## How to contribute?

### Issues

Feel free to open issues, post comments about progress, questions, new ideas,
brain storming etc. You can remove and edit comments as a way of refining ideas
in the issue tracker. This is very helpful because many concerns in this
project are very complex. Many issues needs to be broken down into new
issues before they can be implemented.

Issues marked *Ready* represent tasks that have a clear design and
deliverables. They are recommended starting points if you don't
want to spend time discussing and evaluating implementation.

Issues marked *Information* require some wider perspective and discussion.
They are perfect if you want to have an impact on the project but don't have
the time to spend coding.

### Code

1. Fork the main repository
2. Work on a feature in your own private branch
3. Once you are finished with you work or want someone to you, open a pull
4. Someone will review your code and merge it. Some fixes might be required on
your side.

## Prerequisites

To build this, you'll need Visual Studio 2015 and matching
[Visual Studio SDK]( for
the VS plugin, [WiX Toolset 3.10 or higher]( for the setup
project and [Java RE](
NuGet will take care of the rest.

## Build configuration

If you plan to hack on Visual Rust you should understand difference between
our two build configurations.
* For the `Release` configuration the main project is `VisualRust.Setup`,
its output is a .msi file that consists of two parts:
* MSBuild integration: this lets you build Rust projects (.rsproj) from
the command line and Visual Studio.
* Visual Studio plugin(s): this adds support for Rust projects (.rsproj)
inside Visual Studio. Syntax highlighting, project system, item templates.
Everything except building.

* For the `Debug` build main project is called simply `VisualRust` and it builds
`VisualRust.vsix` which is a VS plugin in a format that is suitable for
local installation and debugging. **It doesn't contain MSBuild integration**

Consequently, for the debug build you'll want to either install just MSBuild
integration from the .msi file or build it yourself (`VisualRust.Build`) and
copy to `%ProgramFiles(x86)%\MSBuild\VisualRust`.

Also you'll want to modify `VisualRust` project with location of your
Visual Studio installation to [launch it automatically when debugging](


This project is currently maintained by [vosen](

Feel free to mail him or ask around in `#rust-gamedev` on


Same as Rust, dual MIT/ASL2. Any contributions made are under this license.