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A cross platform minimalistic text user interface

terminal tui widget

Last synced: 24 days ago
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A cross platform minimalistic text user interface




# titik

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Titik is a crossplatform TUI widget library with the goal of being able to interact
intuitively on these widgets.


It uses [`crossterm`]( as the underlying backend.

To run the demo use the following command:
cargo run --example demo 2>/dev/null
Note: `2>/dev/null` is sending the debugging log from `eprintln` into the `/dev/null` device

Without doing so, will result a flicker in your screen caused by debugging info and tui mixed
in one terminal output.

Alternatively, you can pipe the debugging log from `eprintln` into a file say `/tmp/debug.log`
by doing so:
cargo run --example demo 2>/tmp/debug.log

You can then open a new terminal and tail the `/tmp/debug.log` file
tail -f /tmp/debug.log

License: MIT