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Adaptive Neural Trees

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Adaptive Neural Trees




# Adaptive Neural Trees

[![MIT License](](

This repository contains our PyTorch implementation of Adaptive Neural Trees (ANTs).

The code was written by [Ryutaro Tanno]( and
supported by [Kai Arulkumaran](

[Paper (ICML'19)]( | [Video from London ML meetup](

# Prerequisites
- Linux or macOS
- Python 2.7
- Anaconda >= 4.5

# Installation

- Clone this repo:
git clone
cd AdaptiveNeuralTrees
- (Optional) create a new Conda environment and activate it:
conda create -n ANT python=2.7
source activate ANT
- Run the following to install required packages.
bash ./

## Usage

An example command for training/testing an ANT is given below.

python --experiment test_ant_cifar10 #name of experiment \
--subexperiment myant #name of subexperiment \
--dataset cifar10 #dataset \
# Model details: \
--router_ver 3 #type of router module \
--router_ngf 128 #no. of kernels in routers \
--router_k 3 #spatial size of kernels in routers \
--transformer_ver 5 #type of transformer module \
--transformer_ngf 128 #no. of kernels in transformers \
--transformer_k 3 #spatial size of kernels in transformers \
--solver_ver 6 #type of solver module \
--batch_norm #apply batch-norm \
--maxdepth 10 #maximum depth of the tree-structure \
# Training details: \
--batch-size 512 #batch size \
--augmentation_on #apply data augmentation \
--scheduler step_lr #learning rate scheduling \
--criteria avg_valid_loss # splitting criteria
--epochs_patience 5 #no. of patience per node for growth phase \
--epochs_node 100 #max no. of epochs per node for growth phase \
--epochs_finetune 200 #no. of epochs for fine-tuning phase \
# Others: \
--seed 0 #randomisation seed
--num_workers 0 #no. of CPU subprocesses used for data loading \
--visualise_split # save the tree structure every epoch \
The model configurations and optimisation trajectory (e.g value of
train/validation loss at each time point) are saved in `records.jason` in the
directory `./experiments/dataset/experiment/subexperiment/checkpoints`. Similarly,
tree structure and best trained model are saved as `tree_structures.json`
and `model.pth`, respectively under the same directory. If the visualisation option
`--visualise_split` is used, the tree architecture of the ANT is saved in the PNG
format in the directory `./experiments/dataset/experiment/subexperiment/cfigures`.

By default, the average classification accuracy is also computed
on train/valid/test sets for every epoch and saved in `records.jason` file, so
running `` would suffice for both training and testing an ANT of particular

**Jupyter Notebooks**

We have also included two Jupter notebooks `./notebooks/example_mnist.ipynb`
and `./notebooks/example_cifar10.ipynb`, which illustrate how this repository
can be used to train ANTs on MNIST and CIFAR-10 image recognition datasets.

**Primitive modules**

Defining an ANT amounts to specifying the forms of primitive modules: routers,
transformers and solvers. The table below provides the list of currently implemented
primitive modules. You can try any combination of three
to construct an ANT.

| Type | Router | Transformer | Solver |
| ------------- |:-------------: | :-----------:|:-----:|
| 1 | 1 x Conv + GAP + Sigmoid | Identity function | Linear classifier |
| 2 | 1 x Conv + GAP + 1 x FC | 1 x Conv | MLP with 2 hidden layers |
| 3 | 2 x Conv + GAP + 1 x FC | 1 x Conv + 1 x MaxPool | MLP with 1 hidden layer |
| 4 | MLP with 1 hidden layer | Bottleneck residual block ([He et al., 2015]( | GAP + 2 FC layers + Softmax |
| 5 | GAP + 2 x FC layers ([Veit et al., 2017]( | 2 x Conv + 1 x MaxPool | MLP with 1 hidden layer in AlexNet ([layers-80sec.cfg]( |
| 6 | 1 x Conv + GAP + 2 x FC | Whole VGG13 architecture (without the linear layer) | GAP + 1 FC layers + Softmax |

For the detailed definitions of respective modules, please see `` and

## Citation
If you use this code for your research, please cite our ICML paper:
title={Adaptive Neural Trees},
author={Tanno, Ryutaro and Arulkumaran, Kai and Alexander, Daniel and Criminisi, Antonio and Nori, Aditya},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)},

## Acknowledgements
I would like to thank
[Daniel C. Alexander]( at University College London, UK,
[Antonio Criminisi]( at Amazon Research,
and [Aditya Nori]( at Microsoft Research Cambridge
for their valuable contributions to this paper.