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Development repository for the certificate cookbook

certificate chef chef-cookbook chef-resource hacktoberfest managed-by-terraform

Last synced: 4 days ago
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Development repository for the certificate cookbook




# Certificate cookbook

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## Description

This recipe automates the common task of managing x509 certificates and keys from encrypted Data Bags. This cookbook
provides a flexible and reusable resource to set up certificates from various sources.

### Warning about Vault mode

Pulling data from Chef Vault is not supported when using `chef-solo`, and will result in a failure condition.

### Testing with encrypted data_bags

The stub files in `test/integration` are for testing only and should not be used in production. These files include a
self-signed "snake oil" certificate/key and an `encrypted_data_bag_secret` file which are not secure to use beyond

## Requirements

### Prepping certificate data

The certificate strings in the data bag need all newlines replaced with literal `\n`s. This conversion can be done with
a Ruby one-liner:

ruby -e 'p'

This will turn the input file from the normal certificate format:


Into this:


Add the converted certificate / chain / key to the desired databag, attributes, or Chef Vault store:

"id": "example",
"cert": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nCertificate Here...",
"key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY\nPrivate Key Here...",
"chain": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nCA Root Chain Here..."

The `chain` entry may be optional if the CA's root chain is already trusted by the server.

## Recipes

This cookbook comes with three simple example recipes for using the *certificate_manage* LWRP.

### `certificate::default`

Creates certificates from the data bag item `certificates/$HOSTNAME`.

### `certificate::wildcard`

Same as the default recipe, except for the data bag item name is `wildcard` instead of the node hostname.

The resulting files will be named wildcard.pem (cert), wildcard.key (key), and wildcard-bundle.crt (CA Root chain)

### `certificate::manage_by_attributes`

Defines `certificate_manage` resources dynamically from node attributes.

Attributes Equivalent resources

node['certificate'] = [
'foo' => {
data_bag_type: 'none',
plaintext_cert: 'plain_cert',
plaintext_key: 'plain_key',
plaintext_chain: 'plain_chain',
{'test' => {}},

certificate_manage 'foo' do
data_bag_type 'none'
plaintext_cert 'plain_cert'
plaintext_key 'plain_key'
plaintext_chain 'plain_chain'

certificate_manage 'test'

## Resources

### `certificate_manage`

Sets up certificates from data bags or Chef Vault stores.

| Property | Default | Description |
| `data_bag` | `certificate` | Name of the data bag to look in |
| `data_bag_secret` | `Chef::Config['encrypted_data_bag_secret']` | Path to the file with the data bag secret |
| `data_bag_type` | `encrypted` | Where to get certificate data from: `encrypted` or `unencrypted` data bag, `vault` for Chef Vault, or `none` for plaintext properties |
| `search_id` | Resource name | Name of the data bag item to use |
| `plaintext_cert` | | Manual cert input for `none` data bag type |
| `plaintext_key` | | Manual key input for `none` data bag type |
| `plaintext_chain` | | Manual chain input for `none` data bag type |
| `cert_path` | `/etc/pki/tls` on RHEL, else `/etc/ssl` | Directory to place certificates in |
| `create_subfolders` | `true` | Whether to use `private/` and `certs/` subdirectories under `cert_path` |
| `cert_file` | `$FQDN.pem` | Basename of the certificate |
| `key_file` | `$FQDN.key` | Basename of the private key |
| `chain_file` | `$HOSTNAME-bundle.pem` | Basename of the chain certificate |
| `nginx_cert` | `false` | Whether to create a combined cert/chain certificate for use with Nginx instead of separate certs |
| `combined_file` | `false` | Whether to combine the cert, chain, and key into a single file |
| `owner` | `root` | File owner of the certificates |
| `group` | `root` | File group of the certificates |
| `cookbook` | `certificate` | Cookbook containing the certificate file template. |

### Example

The following example will place certificates defined in the `certificates/mail` data bag item under `/etc/postfix/ssl`
owned by postfix.

certificate_manage "mail" do
cert_path "/etc/postfix/ssl"
owner "postfix"
group "postfix"

### .certificate, .key, .chain helper method usage

Some helper methods are exposed for retrieving key/certificate paths in other recipes:

- `.certificate` - The final path of the certificate file. i.e. `#{cert_path}/certs/#{cert_file}`
- `.key` - The final path of the key file. i.e. `#{cert_path}/private/#{key_file}`
- `.chain` - The final path of the chain file. i.e. `#{cert_path}/certs/#{chain_file}`

# where node.fqdn = ''
tld = certificate_manage 'top_level_domain'
tld_cert_location = tld.certificate # => /etc/ssl/certs/

# where node.fqdn = ''
sbd = certificate_manage 'sub_domain' do
cert_path '/bobs/emporium'
create_subfolders false
sbd_cert_location = sbd.key # => /bobs/emporium/

### Setting FQDN during the converge

If the FQDN of the node is updated during converge, be sure to use [lazy attribute
evaluation]( to ensure `node['fqdn']` refers to the
updated value.

certificate_manage "wildcard" do
cert_file lazy { "#{node['fqdn']}.pem" }
key_file lazy { "#{node['fqdn']}.key" }
chain_file lazy { "#{node['fqdn']}-bundle.crt" }

### Using the `none` data bag type

The `none` option does not use a data bag, requiring the certificate, key, and/or chain to be passed directly to the
resource. This allows you to use the `certificate_manage` resource for all of your certificate needs, even if the
certificate data is stored in an unsupported location.

certificate_manage "fqdn-none-plaintext" do
cert_file lazy { "#{node['fqdn']}.pem" }
key_file lazy { "#{node['fqdn']}.key" }
chain_file lazy { "#{node['fqdn']}-bundle.crt" }
data_bag_type 'none'
plaintext_cert "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n...\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n\n"
plaintext_key "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n...\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n\n",
plaintext_chain "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n...\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n\n",

## Contributors

This project exists thanks to all the people who [contribute.](

### Backers

Thank you to all our backers!


### Sponsors

Support this project by becoming a sponsor. Your logo will show up here with a link to your website.
