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Advent of Code solutions in PHP by TBali

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Advent of Code solutions in PHP by TBali




# Advent of Code solutions in PHP by TBali

![php v8.3](
![AoC stars](⭐-450-green)

* [AoC website](
* My AoC username: `tbali0524`
* [Puzzle list]( with topics and my completion status
* Some [memes]( from AoC subreddit
* Link to this repo on [GitHub](

## Installation

The solutions are using only the standard php library, they have NO 3rd-party package dependencies.
However, [Composer]( is used for its class autoloader:

composer install

Note: Some solutions require more memory than what a default PHP installation provides, so it is recommended to set `memory_limit = -1` in `php.ini`.

## Batch solution runner

Run solutions from the project base directory with:

php src/aoc.php [LANGUAGE] [YEAR] [DAY]

| Argument | Effect |
| `LANGUAGE` given | invoke interpreter with standalone solution scripts |
| `all` given as the `LANGUAGE` | invoke standalone solution scripts in all languages |
| `LANGUAGE` not given | invoke class-based PHP solutions |
| none of `YEAR` and `DAY` given | run all solutions |
| only `YEAR` given | run all solutions for that season only |
| both `YEAR` and `DAY` given | run a specific solution |

On Windows, the shortcut `.\aoc.bat [LANGUAGE] [YEAR] [DAY]` also works.

Possible values for `LANGUAGE`:
_all, dart, f#, go, groovy, java, javascript, lua, perl, php, python, ruby, scala_.

## Puzzle input

* Directory pattern: `input/YYYY/`, where `YYYY` is the year.
* Filename pattern: `AocYYYYDayDD.txt`, where `DD` is the day padded to 2 digits with zero.
* Optional additional example input can be in `AocYYYYDayDDex1.txt`, `AocYYYYDayDDex2.txt`, etc.
* Alternatively, a single string input can be given in the `STRING_INPUT` or `EXAMPLE_STRING_INPUTS` constants in the solution class.
* Additionally, some extra large input can be given in `AocYYYYDayDDlarge1.txt`, `AocYYYYDayDDlarge2.txt`, ...
* These will be run ONLY if the `LARGE_SOLUTIONS` constant array is overriden in the solution class.

## Class-based PHP solutions

* Directory pattern: `src/AocYYYY/`.
* Filename pattern: `AocYYYYDayDD.php`.
* For a new solution, use the template in `src/Aoc2024Day00.php`.
* Solution should implement class `AocYYYYDayDD`, extending `SolutionBase`.
* It should implement the `solve()` method and override the constants in the [Solution](src/Aoc/Solution.php) interface.
* The `solve()` method must be callable repeatedly with different inputs.
* After successful submit, the puzzle answers shall be recorded in the `SOLUTIONS` class constant (for future regression tests).

## Standalone script-based solutions

* Directory pattern: `src/other/AocYYYY/`.
* Filename pattern: `AocYYYYDayDD.ext`.
* (For `PHP` only: the pattern is `AocYYYYDayDDscr.php` to avoid having the same source filename as the class-based solution.)
* The script shall read the input file (if needed), print the problem ID and the solution.

## Custom Composer scripts

The following helper commands are defined in [composer.json](composer.json):

|Command |Description |
|start |Run all solutions with AocRunner|
|test |Run solutions and create test coverage report with [PHPUnit](|
|cs |Check coding style compliance to `PSR12` with [PHP_CodeSniffer](|
|cs-fixer |Check coding style compliance to `PSR12` plus extra rules with [PHP-CS-Fixer]( (no fix applied)|
|cs-fixer-do |Apply coding style fixes with _PHP-CS-Fixer_|
|doc |Create documentation with [phpDocumentor](|
|lint |Check syntax errors with [Parallel-Lint](|
|loc |Get code summary report with [phploc](|
|metrics |Generate code metrics report with [PhpMetrics](|
|stan |Run static analysis with [PHPStan](|
|qa |Run code quality checks: _PHP\_CodeSniffer, PHP-CS-Fixer, PHPStan_|
|qa-full |Run all code quality checks: _PHP\_CodeSniffer, PHP-CS-Fixer, PHPStan, Parallel-Lint, PhpMetrics, phpDocumentor, PHPUnit, and run all solutions_|
|open-cover |Open generated test coverage report in browser _(fixed file path)_|
|open-doc |Open generated documentation in browser _(fixed file path)_|
|open-metrics |Open generated code metrics report in browser _(fixed file path)_|
|clean |Delete generated cache and report files in `.tools` and `docs` directories _(Windows only)_|

__Note:__ The above tools are NOT listed in `composer.json` as dev dependencies. Instead, the commands must be available in the `PATH`. See minimum version requirements in the config files.