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Chef cookbook to install flywaydb and execute flyway commands

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Chef cookbook to install flywaydb and execute flyway commands




# Flywaydb Cookbook

[![Cookbook Version](][supermarket]


Installs [flywaydb]( and allows for execution of flyway commands via resource

Connector/J Drivers

- To use a MariaDB Connector/J driver version other than the one that ships with flywaydb, set
`node['flywaydb']['mariadb']['version']` attribute to
[version]( desired.
- To use MySQL Connector/J driver instead of MariaDB Connector/J driver for jdbc:mysql: connections,
set `mysql_driver` attribute to true.

## Requirements

- Chef 11+

### Platforms

- CentOS/RedHat
- Debian/Ubuntu
- Windows

## Usage

Use migrate, info, validate, baseline, or repair actions to _install_
flywaydb (if not installed) and _execute_ associated flyway command.
An install action is also available if you just want to install
flywaydb but not execute any flyway commands.

### Attributes

* `flyway_conf` - Configuration path or settings to copy or
create `conf/flyway.conf`. The flyway.conf file will be
regenerated for each flywaydb execution and will be blanked out if
flyway_conf is nil to prevent alt_conf from inadvertently inheriting
its settings. Settings in alt_conf override settings in flyway.conf.
Settings in parameters override all settings. Default: `nil`.
* `alt_conf` - Alternative configuration path or settings. An array
containing paths and/or settings is also supported. Each path and
settings are written as `conf/#{name}[_#{i + 1}].conf`
where name is the resource name and i is the index in array. Each item
in array will result in an independent execution of Flyway. Settings in
alt_conf override settings in flyway.conf. Settings in parameters override
all settings. Default: `nil`.
* `parameters` - Command-line parameters to pass to flyway command.
Settings in parameters override all settings. Default: `{}`.
* `mysql_driver` - MariaDB Connector/J driver is the default driver
for *jdbc:mysql:* connections. Set to true to download and install
MySQL Connector/J driver under `drivers` directory. This will then
become the default driver for *jdbc:mysql:* connections.
Default: `false`.
* `name` - Name of the alternative conf file when alt_conf is defined.
Defaults to resource block name.
* `install_dir` - The base install directory. Default Linux: `/opt/flywaydb`
Windows: `#{ENV['SYSTEMDRIVE']}/flywaydb`.
* `debug` - Print debug output during execution of flyway commands.
Default: `false`.
* `user` - The owner of flywaydb. Creates a flyway user when nil or uses
value passed in. Default `nil`.
* `group` - The group of flywaydb. Creates flyway or modifies Administrators
group when nil (or set to Administrators on Windows for backwards
compatibility) or uses value passed in. Default `nil`.
* `password` - Required only on Windows Servers that throw 'The
password does not meet the password policy requirements.' error when
creating flyway user. Default: `nil`.
* `sensitive` - Suppress logging the Flyway command executed to hide
sensitive information but still log Flyway stdout and stderr to
Chef-client. Writing of conf files will also be suppressed when
executing with Chef-client versions that support sensitive.
Default: `true`.
* `timeout` - Number of seconds to wait on flyway process before
raising an Exception. Default: `259_200` (72hrs).

### Examples

#### Single migration using settings

flywaydb 'myapp' do
url: 'jdbc:mysql//localhost/mydb',
user: 'root',
locations: 'filesystem:/opt/myapp/db/migration',
cleanDisabled: true
action :migrate

#### Single migration using file path

flywaydb 'myapp' do
action :migrate

#### Multiple migrations using settings

flywaydb 'myapp' do
user: 'root',
url: 'jdbc:mysql//localhost/mysql'
schemas: 'custA',
locations: 'filesystem:/opt/myapp/db/migration/core,/opt/myapp/db/migration/custA'
schemas: 'custB',
locations: 'filesystem:/opt/myapp/db/migration/core,/opt/myapp/db/migration/custB'
password: password
action :migrate

#### Multiple migrations using file paths

flywaydb 'myapp' do
password: password
action :migrate

## ChefSpec Matchers

This cookbook includes custom [ChefSpec]( matchers you can use to test
your own cookbooks.

Example Matcher Usage

expect(chef_run).to migrate_flywaydb('flyway').with(
flyway_conf: {
'user' => 'root',
'url' => 'jdbc:mysql://localhost/mysql'
alt_conf: [
'schemas' => 'custA',
'locations' => 'filesystem:/opt/myapp/db/migration/core,/opt/myapp/db/migration/custA'
'schemas' => 'custB',
'locations' => 'filesystem:/opt/myapp/db/migration/core,/opt/myapp/db/migration/custB'
parameters: {
'password' => 'password'
debug: false,
sensitive: true

Cookbook Matchers

- migrate_flywaydb(resource_name)
- clean_flywaydb(resource_name)
- baseline_flywaydb(resource_name)
- info_flywaydb(resource_name)
- repair_flywaydb(resource_name)
- validate_flywaydb(resource_name)
- install_flywaydb(resource_name)

## Getting Help

- Ask specific questions on [Stack Overflow](
- Report bugs and discuss potential features in [Github issues](

## Contributing

Please refer to [CONTRIBUTING](

## License

MIT - see the accompanying [LICENSE]( file for details.