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A basic Python library to demonstrate reading, writing, display, and simple processing of complex SAR data using the NGA SICD standard.

radar sar sicd synthetic-aperture-radar

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A basic Python library to demonstrate reading, writing, display, and simple processing of complex SAR data using the NGA SICD standard.




SarPy is a basic Python library to read, write, and do simple processing
of complex SAR data using the NGA SICD format *(standards linked below)*.
It has been released by NGA to encourage the use of SAR data standards
throughout the international SAR community. SarPy complements the
[SIX]( library (C++) and the
[MATLAB SAR Toolbox](, which are
implemented in other languages but have similar goals.

Some sample SICD files can be found

Relevant Standards Documents
A variety of SAR format standard are mentioned throughout this ReadMe, here are
associated references.

*Sensor Independent Complex Data (SICD)* - latest version (1.3.0; 2021-11-30)

1. [Volume 1, Design & Implementation Description Document](
2. [Volume 2, File Format Description Document](
3. [Volume 3, Image Projections Description Document](
4. [Schema](

*Sensor Independent Derived Data (SIDD)* - latest version (3.0; 2021-11-30)
1. [Volume 1, Design and Implementation Description Document](
2. [Volume 2, NITF File Format Description Document](
3. [Volume 3, GeoTIFF File Format Description Document](
4. [Schema](

*Compensated Phase History Data (CPHD)* - latest version (1.1.0; 2021-11-30)
1. [Design & Implementation Description](
2. [Design & Implementation Schema](

Both SICD and SIDD files are NITF files following specific guidelines
*Basic Image Interchange Format (BIFF)* - latest edition (2021.2; 2021-04-20)
1. [National Imagery Transmission Format](

For other NGA standards inquiries, the standards registry can be searched


Basic Capability
The basic capabilities provided in SarPy is generally SAR specific, and largely
geared towards reading and manipulating data provided in NGA SAR file formats.
Full support for reading and writing SICD, SIDD, CPHD, and CRSD (standard pending)
and associated metadata structures is currently provided, and this is the main
focus of this project.

There is additionally support for reading data from complex data formats analogous
to SICD format, *usually called Single Look Complex (SLC) or Level 1*, from a
variety of commercial or other sources including
- Capella (**partial support**)
- COSMO-SkyMed (1st and 2nd generation)
- GFF (Sandia format)
- RadarSat-2
- Radar Constellation Mission (RCM)
- Sentinel-1
- TerraSAR-X.

For this SLC format data, it is read directly as though it were coming from a SICD
file. *This ability to read does not generally apply to data products other
than the SLC or Level 1 product, and there is typically no direct NGA standard
analog for these products.*

Some general TIFF and NITF reading support is provided, but this is not the main
goal of the SarPy library.

Documentation for the project is available at

If this documentation is inaccessible, it can be built locally after checking out
this repository using sphinx via the command `python build_sphinx`.
This depends on python package `sphinx`.

SarPy was developed at the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA). The
software use, modification, and distribution rights are stipulated within the
MIT license.

The core library functionality depends only on `numpy >= 1.11.0` and `scipy`.

Optional Dependencies and Behavior
There are a small collection of dependencies representing functionality which may
not be core requirements for much of the sarpy targeted tasks. The tension between
requiring the least extensive list of dependencies possible for core functionality
and not having surprise unstated dependencies which caused unexpected failures is
evident here. It is evident that there are many viable arguments for making any
or all of these formally stated dependencies. The choices made here are guided by
practical realities versus what is generally considered best practices.

For all packages on this list, the import is tried (where relevant), and any
import errors for these optional dependencies are caught and handled. In other words,
a missing optional dependency **will not** be presented as import time. Excepting
the functionality requiring `h5py`, this import error handling is probably silent.

Every module in sarpy can be successfully imported, provided that numpy and scipy
are in the environment. Attempts at using functionality depending on a missing
optional dependency will generate an error **at run time** with accompanying
message indicating the missing optional dependency.

- Support for reading single look complex data from certain sources which provide
data in hdf5 format require the `h5py` package, this includes Cosmo-Skymed, ICEYE,
and NISAR data.

- Reading an image segment in a NITF file using jpeg or jpeg 2000 compression
and/or writing a kmz image overlay requires the `pillow` package.

- CPHD consistency checks, presented in the `sarpy.consistency` module, depend on
`lxml>=4.1.1`, `networkx>=2.5`, `shapely>=1.6.4`, and `pytest>=3.3.2`. Note that these
are the versions tested for compliance.

- Some less commonly used (in the sarpy realm) NITF functionality requires the use
and interpretation of UTM coordinates, and this requires the `pyproj` package.

- Building sphinx documentation (mentioned below) requires packages `sphinx`,
and `sphinx_gallery`.

- Optional portions of running unit tests (unlikely to be of relevance to anyone
not performing development on the core sarpy package itself) require the `lxml`

From PyPI, install using pip (may require escalated privileges e.g. sudo):
pip install sarpy
Note that here `pip` represents the pip utility for the desired Python environment.

For verbose instructions for installing from source, see
[here]( It is recommended that
still the package is built locally and installed using pip, which allows a proper
package update mechanism, while `python install` **does not**.

Issues and Bugs
Support for Python 2 has been dropped. The core sarpy functionality has been
tested for Python 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, and 3.11.

Changes to sarpy for the sole purpose of supporting a Python version beyond
end-of-life are unlikely to be considered.

Information regarding any discovered bugs would be greatly appreciated, so please
feel free to create a GitHub issue. If more appropriate, contact [email protected].

Integration Branches
Integration branches (branches prefixed with `integration/`) are used to stage content under
consideration for inclusion in the `master` branch and future SarPy releases.
These branches can be used to access features and bug fixes that have not been fully released.

Pull Requests
Efforts at direct contribution to the project are certainly welcome, and please
feel free to make a pull request. Pull requests should be authored against the `master`
branch but may be retargeted to a suitable integration branch upon review.
Note that any and all contributions to this project will be released under the MIT license.

Software source code previously released under an open source license and then
modified by NGA staff is considered a "joint work" (see 17 USC 101); it is partially
copyrighted, partially public domain, and as a whole is protected by the copyrights
of the non-government authors and must be released according to the terms of the
original open source license.

Associated GUI Capabilities
Some associated SAR specific graphical user interface tools are maintained in the
[sarpy_apps project](