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Deep Reinforcement Learning library for humans

binder deep-learning deep-neural-networks framework lasagne opeani-gym qlearning reinforcement-learning theano

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Deep Reinforcement Learning library for humans




# AgentNet

A lightweight library to build and train deep reinforcement learning and custom recurrent networks using Theano+Lasagne
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# What is AgentNet?

agentnet structure

No time to play games? Let machines do this for you!

AgentNet is a deep reinforcement learning framework,
which is designed for ease of research and prototyping of Deep Learning models for Markov Decision Processes.

All techno-babble set aside, you can use it to __train your pet neural network to play games!__ [e.g. OpenAI Gym]

We have a full in-and-out support for __Lasagne__ deep learning library, granting you access to all convolutions, maxouts, poolings, dropouts, etc. etc. etc.

__AgentNet__ handles both discrete and continuous control problems and supports hierarchical reinforcement learning [experimental].

List of already implemented reinforcement techniques:
- Q-learning (or deep Q-learning, since we support arbitrary complexity of network)
- N-step Q-learning
- N-step Advantage Actor-Critic (A2c)
- N-step Deterministic Policy Gradient (DPG)

As a side-quest, we also provide a boilerplate to custom long-term memory network architectures (see examples).

## Installation

[Detailed installation guide](

### Try without installing
* [![Binder](](
* If you use other similar tools, see [Repo with a dockerfile](

### Quick install
* install [bleeding edge lasagne](
* [sudo] pip install --upgrade

### Full install (with examples)

1. Clone this repository: `git clone && cd AgentNet`
2. Install dependencies: `pip install -r requirements.txt`
3. Install library itself: `pip install -e .`

### Docker container

On Windows/OSX install Docker [Kitematic](,
then simply run `justheuristic/agentnet` container and click on 'web preview'.

On other linux/unix systems:

1. install [Docker](,
2. make sure `docker` daemon is running (`sudo service docker start`)
3. make sure no application is using port 1234 (this is the default port that can be changed)
4. `[sudo] docker run -d -p 1234:8888 justheuristic/agentnet`
5. Access from browser via localhost:1234

# Documentation and tutorials

A quick dive-in can be found here:
* Click [![Binder](](
* classwork.ipynb = your tutorial
* classwork_solution.ipynb = a fully implemented version with simple CNN for reference

(incomplete) Documentation pages can be found [here](

AgentNet also has full embedded documentation, so calling `help(some_function_or_object)` or
pressing shift+tab in IPython yields a description of object/function.

A standard pipeline of AgentNet experiment is shown in following examples:
* [Simple Deep Recurrent Reinforcement Learning setup](
* Most basic demo, if a bit boring. Covers the problem of learning "If X1 than Y1 Else Y2".
* Uses a single RNN memory and Q-learning algorithm

* [Playing Atari SpaceInvaders with Convolutional NN via OpenAI Gym](
* Step-by-step explanation of what you need to do to recreate DeepMind Atari DQN
* Written in a generic way, so that adding recurrent memory or changing learning algorithm could be done in a couple of lines

# Advanced examples

##### If you wish to get acquainted with the current library state, view some of the ./examples
* [Playing Atari with Convolutional NN via OpenAI Gym](
* Can switch to any visual game thanks to awesome Gym interface
* Very simplistic, non-recurrent suffering from atari flickering, etc.
* [Deep Recurrent Kung-Fu training with GRUs and actor-critic](
* Uses the "Playing atari" example with minor changes
* Trains via Advantage actor-critic (value+policy-based)
* [Simple Deep Recurrent Reinforcement Learning setup](
* Trying to guess the interconnected hidden factors on a synthetic problem setup
* [Stack-augmented GRU generator](
* Reproducing with less code
* [MOAR deep recurrent value-based LR for wikipedia facts guessing](
* Trying to figure a policy on guessing musician attributes (genres, decades active, instruments, etc)
* Using several hidden layers and 3-step Q-learning
* More to come

AgentNet is under active construction, so expect things to change.
If you wish to join the development, we'd be happy to accept your help.