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A powerful Minecraft command library.

beet datapack mcfunction minecraft minecraft-commands

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

A powerful Minecraft command library.





# Mecha

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[![PyPI - Python Version](](
[![Code style: black](](

> A powerful Minecraft command library.

from mecha import Mecha

mc = Mecha()

function = """
as @a # For each "player",
at @s # start at their feet.
anchored eyes # Looking through their eyes,
facing 0 0 0 # face perfectly at the target
anchored feet # (go back to the feet)
positioned ^ ^ ^1 # and move one block forward.
rotated as @s # Face the direction the player
# is actually facing,
positioned ^ ^ ^-1 # and move one block back.
if entity @s[distance=..0.6] # Check if we're close to the
# player's feet.
say I'm facing the target!

ast = mc.parse(function, multiline=True)
print(mc.serialize(ast)) # execute as @a at @s anchored eyes facing ...

## Introduction

This package provides everything you need for working with Minecraft commands in Python, whether you're looking to process commands or build abstractions on top.

### Features

- Extensible and version-agnostic `mcfunction` parser
- Clean, immutable and hashable abstract syntax tree with source location
- Command config resolver that flattens and enumerates all the valid command prototypes
- Powerful rule dispatcher for processing specific ast nodes
- Composable ast visitors and reducers
- Comes with useful syntactic extensions like relative locations, nesting and implicit execute
- Compile-time scripting with [Bolt](, a subset of Python integrated into command syntax
- Rich function analyzer for keeping track of command statistics
- Execute arbitrary compilation passes in your [`beet`]( pipeline
- _(soon)_ Expressive command API for writing commands in Python

## Credits

- [A few test cases are adapted from `SPYGlass`](
- [Multiline example by `AjaxGb` (MCC discord)](
- [Multiline syntax derived from the `hangman` plugin](
- [Partially inspired by `Trident`](

## Installation

The package can be installed with `pip`.

$ pip install mecha

## Command-line utility

$ mecha --help
Usage: mecha [OPTIONS] [SOURCE]...

Validate data packs and .mcfunction files.

-m, --minecraft VERSION Minecraft version.
-l, --log LEVEL Configure output verbosity.
-s, --stats Collect statistics.
-j, --json FILENAME Output json.
-v, --version Show the version and exit.
-h, --help Show this message and exit.

You can use the command-line utility to check data packs and function files for errors. The command arguments can be zipped and unzipped data packs, individual function files, and if you specify a directory that's not a data pack it will recursively grab all the `.mcfunction` files in the directory. You can use the `--minecraft` option to select between versions `1.16`, `1.17`, and `1.18`.

$ mecha path/to/my_data_pack
Validating with mecha vX.X.X

ERROR | mecha Expected curly '}' but got bracket ']'.
| path/to/my_data_pack/data/demo/functions/foo.mcfunction:5:34
| 4 |
| 5 | say hello @a[scores={foo=1, bar=2]
| : ^

Error: Reported 1 error.

The `--stats` option will output a report that shows how many commands, selectors and scoreboards were used. You can also use the `--json` option to output the raw statistics in a json file.

INFO | stats Analyzed 1 function
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Total commands (1 behind execute) | 4
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| /scoreboard | 3
| objectives add | 1
| players set | 1
| players operation matches ... | 1
| as | 1
| run | 1
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Total selectors | 3
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| @e | 2
| [tag] | 2
| [scores] | 1
| @s | 1
| @e with missing or inverted type | 2
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Scoreboard objectives | 2
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| my_consts (dummy) | 3
| 10 | 2
| foo | 3

## Github action

You can use `mecha` to check your data packs and function files for errors without having to install anything using the [`mcbeet/check-commands`]( github action.

# .github/workflows/check-commands.yml
name: Check commands
on: [push]

runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- uses: mcbeet/check-commands@v1
source: .

This allows you to make sure that your commands don't contain any error when you push to your repository. For more details check out the [action README](

## Contributing

Contributions are welcome. Make sure to first open an issue discussing the problem or the new feature before creating a pull request. The project uses [`poetry`](

$ poetry install

You can run the tests with `poetry run pytest`.

$ poetry run pytest

The project must type-check with [`pyright`]( If you're using VSCode the [`pylance`]( extension should report diagnostics automatically. You can also install the type-checker locally with `npm install` and run it from the command-line.

$ npm run watch
$ npm run check

The code follows the [`black`]( code style. Import statements are sorted with [`isort`](

$ poetry run isort mecha tests
$ poetry run black mecha tests
$ poetry run black --check mecha tests


License - [MIT](