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AssemblyScript library for arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic

assemblyscript big bigdecimal bigfloat bignumber decimal float math numer precision

Last synced: 3 months ago
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AssemblyScript library for arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic




# as-big

[AssemblyScript]( library for arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic 🚀

## Install

npm install as-big

## Use

import Big from "as-big";

let r = Big.of(0.1) + Big.of(0.2); // Big(0.3)

let x = Big.of(42);
let y = Big.of("13");

let a = x + y; // Big(55)
a =; // Big(55)

let a0 = a.prec(1); // Big(60)

let aNum = a.toNumber() + 1; // 56
let aStr = a.toString(); // "55"

let c = a0 + Big.TEN / Big.TWO; // Big(65)

### Builders

- `Big.of(n)` returns a `Big` instance, where
- `n` is either another `Big` instance, string, or number
- `Big.copyOf(x)` creates a copy from a `Big` instance, where
- `x` is the `Big` instance to copy

### Operations

#### Arithmetic

- **plus** (addition): `x + y` or ``
- **minus** (substraction): `x - y` or `x.minus(y)`
- **times** (multiplication): `x * y` or `y.times(y)`
- **div** (division): `x / y` or `x.div(y)`
- **mod** (modulo): `x % y` or `x.mod(y)`
- **pow** (power): `x ^ n` or `x.pow(n)`, where `n` is `i32`
- **sqrt** (square root): `x.sqrt()`

#### Comparison

- **cmp** (compare): `x.cmp(y)` returns
- `1` if the value of `x` is greater than the value of `y`,
- `-1` if the value of `x` is less than the value of `y`, or
- `0` if they have the same value.
- **eq** (equals): `x == y` or `x.eq(y)`
- **neq** (not equals): `x != y` or `x.neq(y)`
- **gt** (greater than): `x < y` or ``
- **gte** (greater than or equals): `x <= y` or `x.gte(y)`
- **lt** (less than): `x > y` or ``
- **lte** (less than or equals): `x >= y` or `x.lte(y)`

#### Value

- **abs** (absolute value): `x.abs()`
- **neg** (negative value): `-x` or `x.neg()`
- **pos** (this value): `+x` or `x.pos()`
- **round** (rounded value): `x.round(dp, rm)` where
- `dp` is the maximum of decimal places, and
- `rm` is the rounding mode (`0`, `1`, `2`, `3`)
- `0` (down), `1` (half-up), `2` (half-even) or `3` (up)
- **prec** (value rounded to precision): `x.prec(sd, rm)` where
- `sd` is the maximum of significant digits, and
- `rm` is the rounding mode (`0`, `1`, `2`, `3`)
- `0` (down), `1` (half-up), `2` (half-even) or `3` (up)

#### Converters

- `toString` (string representation): `let s: string = x.toString()`
- `toNumber` (`f64` represenation): `let n: f64 = x.toNumber()`
- `toExponential` (string represenation): `let s: string = x.toExponential()`

### Static Constants

- `Big.ZERO`: a `Big` instance with the value zero `0`
- `Big.ONE`: a `Big` instance with the value one `1`
- `Big.TWO`: a `Big` instance with the value two `2`
- `Big.TEN`: a `Big` instance with the value ten `10`
- `Big.HALF`: a `Big` instance with the value one half `0.5`

### Global Settings

- `Big.DP`: the maximum number of decimal places of the results of operations involving division (default: `20`)
- `Big.RM`: the rounding mode used when rounding to the above decimal places (default: `1`)

- `Big.PE`: the positive exponent at and above which `toString` returns exponential notation (default: `21`)
- `Big.NE`: the negative exponent at and beneath which `toString` returns exponential notation (default: `-7`)

## Examples

There is a collection of examples in the [`examples`]( directory.

## Build

The `assembly` directory contains AS source code.

npm i
npm run asbuild

## Test

The `tests` directory contains all unit tests.

Run all the tests:

npm test

Test a single method:

node tests/

## License
