
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

Last synced: 4 months ago
JSON representation




# Who am I ?
Hey I am Lupin, an Open Source [Telegram]( [Python Chat Bot]( build to supercharge your [LogSeq]( with great features like
Interstitial Journaling | Flashcards | Brainmaps | PDF / Web Annotations | {TODO; DOING; LATER} | Bookmarks | Images upload and more

# Getting Started
There are two methods to deploy Lupin. You can install it manaully or your can use Docker. Either method will require that you place information in a `config.ini` file.

## Manually via Python and PIP:
Assuming you are already using [LogSeq]( & are familar with Python.

Lupin requires Python version >= 3.x

1. Clone me `git clone`
1. [Create a telegram bot](
1. Install [Python Telegram Bot]( library using `pip install python-telegram-bot` or `pip3 install python-telegram-bot`
1. Install [PyGithub]( library using `pip install pyGitHub` or `pip3 install pyGitHub`
1. Install the `requests` library using `pip install requests` or `pip3 install requests`
1. Generate a Github token from ``
1. Rename `config.sample.ini` to `config.ini`
1. Change values in `config.ini` to fit your environment
1. Run the bot using `python` or `python3`

## Docker
The container is based off the [official python 3]( images.

The only requirement is that you have [Docker]( installed.

Before pulling the container please follow these steps:
1. Create a telegram bot: [](
1. Generate a Github personal token from [](
1. Download [config.sample.ini]( and save it as`config.ini`
1. Change values in `config.ini` to fit your environment

**Note**: That if you do not change the time zone _(TZ)_ your timestamp will reflect Eastern US Time _(America/New_York)_. You can see a [list of time zones here]( that way you can have the timestamp reflect a time zone of your choosing.

You can run an instance of Lupin where your `config.ini` is located by typing this in your terminal:
docker run -d \
--name lupin \
--mount type=bind,source=$(pwd)/config.ini,target=/app/config.ini \
-e TZ=America/New_York \
--restart unless-stopped \

You could also create a `docker-compose.yaml` file and copy/paste the text from below or [download it]( from the repo, save it where your `config.ini` is located. You can then deploy Lupin by typing this in your terminal `docker-compose up -d` in the same directory.

version: "3.2"
container_name: lupin
image: digitalknk/lupin
- type: bind
source: ./config.ini
target: /app/config.ini
TZ: America/New_York
restart: unless-stopped

When a new update to the container is released, you can update your pulled image by running one of these depending your deployment strategy where your `config.ini` is located:

If you used the `docker run` command:
docker stop lupin
docker rm lupin
docker run -d \
--name lupin \
--mount type=bind,source=$(pwd)/config.ini,target=/app/config.ini \
-e TZ=America/New_York \
--restart unless-stopped \

If a `docker-compose.yaml` is used:
docker-compose stop
docker-compose rm -f
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d

# Features
* Privacy always - self hosted & open source
* Security
* Entries are only accepted from telegram BotAuthorizedIDs so not anyone can add entries to your journal
* Fully customization with config.ini file
* Rename it
* Translate it (no hard coded messages)
* much more
* Send a thought (any text) and Lupin will make your Interstitial Journaling a breeze
* Timestamp it: supporting both 12 and 24 hrs format
* You can also turn off the timestamp all together if that's what you want
* Enter it in your Github hosted Jounral
* Send your TODO list (by including TODO in the text) and Lupin will convert it to a LogSeq TODO
* TODO command is customizable
* Send a link and Lupin automatically create a #bookmark entry in your Journal in the form of
* 18:48 #bookmark [title](link)
* #bookmark tag is customizable
* Send a YouTube video link and Lupin will automatically embedded in your Journal in the form of
* 18:52 {{Youtube link}}
* Send `/anno uri` to import all your annotations from for the uri from [Hypothesis](
* Support for both LogSeq regular Journal and custom Journal folder and/or file
* Spaced Repetion: Spaced Repetition capabilities based on SuperMemo2 Algorithm
* Calendar Generation: Auto generates [PiotrSss]( calendar and puts them in the sidebar
* Theme Switcher: Switch between multiple themes by calling /themes
* Generate Mindmaps of your pages by called /getMM PageTitle
* Support for [AGE encryption]( and encrypted Graphs
## Spaced Repetition
Supported format for flaschards is
## #flashcardtag
### Question 1
#### answer line 1
#### answer line 2
### Question 2
#### Answer 2
Flashcard tag is customizable
Algorithm used is SuperMemo2
Triggers are
/tsr import --> scan - import - update your flashcards
/tsr x -> retrieve x flashcards from you pending pool
/tsr -> retrieve the default number of cards set in your config .ini file
Below entry in config.ini specifies you default number of flashcards
## Theme Switcher
Before being able to use this feature you need to name your various themes in the format `ThemeName.custom.css` and place them in the /logseq folder

## Commands summary
| Command | Description |
| /start | Just a greeting |
| /uptime | returns Lupin Uptime |
| /ver | returns Lupin running Version |
| /help | help command (WIP) |
| /anno URL | Import hypothesis annotations from URL |
| /importFC | Imports your Flashcards into Lupin |
| /srs import | alias of /importFC |
| /srs x | starts a round of SRS for x flashcards |
| /getMM pageTitle | Generates a dynamic MindMap for pageTitle |
| /pullNow | Pulls all pages from your Git for fast access |
| /themes | calls the theme changer |
| /encryptAll | Encrypts all your pages with AGE keys |
| /decryptAll | Decrypts all your pages back to clear text |
## Screenshots
Imported [Hypothesis]( notes into LogSeq
# Credits
* [Python Telegram Bot](
* [PyGithub](
* [LogSeq](
* [Hypothesis](
* [PiotrSss](
* [Doctorpangloss](
* [Markmap](
* [PyAge](
## License
[MIT License](./LICENSE)