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JSON Web Token implementation in Rust.

auth0-jwt authentication cryptography jwt jwt-token rust

Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation

JSON Web Token implementation in Rust.




Frank JWT [![Build Status](]( [![](](

Implementation of [JSON Web Tokens]( in Rust.

## Algorithms and features supported
- [x] HS256
- [x] HS384
- [x] HS512
- [x] RS256
- [x] RS384
- [x] RS512
- [x] ES256
- [x] ES384
- [x] ES512
- [x] Sign
- [x] Verify
- [ ] iss (issuer) check
- [ ] sub (subject) check
- [ ] aud (audience) check
- [x] exp (expiration time) check
- [ ] nbf (not before time) check
- [ ] iat (issued at) check
- [ ] jti (JWT id) check

## Usage

Put this into your `Cargo.toml`:

frank_jwt = ""

And this in your crate root:

extern crate frank_jwt;
#[macro_use] extern crate serde_json;

use frank_jwt::{Algorithm, encode, decode};

## Example

let mut payload = json!({
"key1": "val1",
"key2": "val2"

let mut header = json!({});
let secret = "secret123";
let jwt = encode(&header, secret.to_string(), &payload, Algorithm::HS256);

use std::env;

let mut payload = json!({
"key1": "val1",
"key2": "val2"

let mut header = json!({});
let mut keypath = env::current_dir().unwrap();
let jwt = encode(&header, &keypath.to_path_buf(), &payload, Algorithm::RS256);
let (header, payload) = decode(&jwt, &keypath.to_path_buf(), Algorithm::RS256, &ValidationOptions::default());

## Validation Options
The ValidationOptions structure allows for control over which checks should be preformed when decoding a JWT. Calling new on this will provide a default set of values. There is also a dangerous function that will return validation options that doesn't perform any checking.

The default values are:

* Perform expiry check
* Allow 0 leeway for the expiry check.

It's worth noting that if the expiry check is requested and an exp claim is not within the JWT the check will fail validation.

## License

Apache 2.0

## Tests

cargo test

## Contributors