
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

A lightweight web framework built on hyper, implemented in Rust language.

Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation

A lightweight web framework built on hyper, implemented in Rust language.




# Sapper


Sapper, a lightweight web framework, written in Rust.

Sapper focuses on ergonomic usage and rapid development. It can work with **stable** Rust.

Sapper now is based on hyper 0.10.13.

## Tutorial

Look into [json demo](, you can learn how to parse http parameters, and return json;

Look into [mvc diesel demo](, you can learn how to use database, how to render template, and how to redirect.

[English Tutorial](


## Import

In Cargo.toml,

sapper = "0.1"

## Basic Example

Now, you can boot the example server with:

cd examples/basic/
cargo build
cargo run

and open the browser, visit




or any other url to test it.

## Other Examples

1. [tiny](
2. [init_global](
3. [query params](
4. [body params](
5. [session](
6. [template rendering](
7. [simple logger](
8. [response json](
10. [mvc diesel demo](

11. more continued...

## Basic Benchmark

mike@mike-Vostro-3653:~/works2/wrk$ uname -a
Linux mike-Vostro-3653 4.10.0-21-generic #23-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 28 16:14:22 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

mike@mike-Vostro-3653:~/works2/wrk$ cat /proc/cpuinfo
processor : 0
vendor_id : GenuineIntel
cpu family : 6
model : 94
model name : Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-6100 CPU @ 3.70GHz
cpu MHz : 832.183
cache size : 3072 KB
bogomips : 7392.00

mike@mike-Vostro-3653:~/works2/sapper/examples/tiny$ cargo run --release
Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 36.27 secs
Running `target/release/tiny`
Listening on

output: hello, world!

mike@mike-Vostro-3653:~/works2/wrk$ ./wrk -t2 -c100 -d30s
Running 30s test @
2 threads and 100 connections
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 21.73us 139.92us 16.02ms 99.87%
Req/Sec 235.94k 26.75k 259.73k 76.33%
7045973 requests in 30.04s, 598.04MB read
Requests/sec: 234536.10
Transfer/sec: 19.91MB

## Features

- Sapper supplies only basic framework;
- Three level granularity (global, module, function handler) middleware controller and unified middleware presentation;
- Typesafe abstraction, keep the same spirit with hyper;
- For easy using, will supply some convenient macros to help write business logics;
- Global object cross requests;

## Philosophy

Typed, hierarchical control, and middlewares.

### Typed

In Sapper, nearly every important thing is a `Type`. They are:

- Each module is a type, different modules are different types;
- Every middleware supplies some (0 to n) types for handler getting values;
- Inherited from hyper's typed spirit, all headers, mime and so on should use types for manipulation.

### Hierarchical Control

- Sapper forces you to put router in each module (in, you can not write it, no space left for you to write);
- Sapper forces you to seperate the router binding and the handler realization;
- Sapper's plugin processor can be used in app level wrapper, module level wrapper, and each handler. These three level hierarchical controls make it flexible to construct your business.

### Middlewares

Sapper's core contains only router system, request and response definitions, middleware system, and some other basic facilities. Nearly all practical features, such as query parameter, body parameter, cookie, session, json, xml, orm..., are supplied by the corresponding middlewares.

Sapper's middleware is very easy to write. One rust module realized a function on the prototype of

fn (&mut Request) -> Result<()>; // before plugin
fn (&Request, &mut Response) -> Result<()>; // after plugin

can be thought as Sapper's middleware. Sample middleware: [sapper_query](


1. [X] QueryParams (x-www-form-urlencoded);
2. [X] BodyParams (x-www-form-urlencoded);
3. [X] BodyJsonParams;
3. [X] Basic static file serving for dev;
5. [X] Global object shared cross requests;
6. [X] Macros;
4. [ ] Multipart;

## Middlewares

- [sapper_query]( parsing query string for req;
- [sapper_body]( parsing body parameters for req, including url form encoded, json type, json to struct macro;
- [sapper_logger]( record request and caculate its time;
- [sapper_session]( a cookie plugin, and else supply a helper set_cookie function;
- [sapper_tmpl]( use tera to render template;

## Related Projects

Thanks to these projects below:

- [hyper]( Sapper is based on hyper mio branch;
- [iron]( Sapper learns many designs from iron;
- [router]( Sapper steals router about code from it;
- [recognizer]( Sapper uses this route recognizer;

## License