
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

Dyer is designed for reliable, flexible and fast web crawling, providing some high-level, comprehensive features without compromising speed.

crawler rust rust-programming-language spider web-crawler web-framework web-scraping

Last synced: 24 days ago
JSON representation

Dyer is designed for reliable, flexible and fast web crawling, providing some high-level, comprehensive features without compromising speed.




# [dyer](

[![API Document](](

## Overview

[dyer] is designed for reliable, flexible and fast Request-Response based service, including data processing, web-crawling and so on, providing some friendly, interoperable, comprehensive features without compromising speed.

## Features

* asynchronous, concurrent streaming and I/O, make the best of thread pool, network, and system
* Event-driven, once you set the initials and recursive generator, `dyer` will handle
the rest of it interoperably.
* User-friendly and flexible, `dyer` offers high-level, flexible, easy to use wrappers and APIs what does a lot for you.

## Feature Flag
To reduce code redundancy and speed up compilation, dyer use feature flag to mark the necessary modules/functions, Currently here are some supported Features:

- `xpath-stable`: stably parse the response html with third-party C library `libxml2`
- `xpath-alpha`: rust-native parse the html response, **NOTE** that it is experimental and unstale, remains to be improved
- `compression`: Enable HTTP Compression: `br`, `deflate`, `gzip`
- `proxy`: Enable use proxies
- `full`: Enable all features

## Guide

**Get started** by installing [dyer-cli] and looking over the [examples] and [quick start].

Crates: [Link 🔗](
Documentation: [Link 🔗](
The [Cookbook]( gives a detailed view of dyer.

[quick start]: