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Go version of Plan9 Acme Editor

acme editor go golang plan9

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Go version of Plan9 Acme Editor




[![Go Report Card](]([![Build Status](](

# Overview
Go port of Rob Pike's Acme editor. Derived from
[ProjectSerenity]( but now
increasingly divergent. ProjectSerenity was itself a transliteration
of the original Acme and libframe C code from

Named *edwood* in celebration of the formative influence of Ed Wood on
Plan9 and the truth of

Note that on unix systems, Edwood (as with Acme) requires by default some
infrastructure from [plan9port](
in particular `devdraw`, `9pserve` and `fontsrv`. (Note that many other
utilities like `win` and `9pfuse` that contribute to Edwood's utility
are also found in [plan9port]( So, you'll want to
install [plan9port]( first, unless
you choose to use the more experimental pure-Go Edwood described below.

## Edwood without plan9port

On Windows, plan9port is never used. On unix systems, plan9port is not
used only when the `duitdraw` and `mux9p` tags are used:

go get -u -tags 'duitdraw mux9p'

These tags replaces `devdraw` with
[duitdraw]( and `9pserve` with
[mux9p]( Note that there are several
outstanding [issues](
which makes Edwood more unstable and slower when not using plan9port.

Duitdraw can use TTF fonts or compressed Plan 9 bitmap fonts. If the font
name is empty, the [Go Font]( is used.
Example usage:

edwood # Use Go font at 10pt
edwood -f @12pt -F @12pt # Go font at 12pt
edwood -f /usr/share/fonts/TTF/DejaVuSans.ttf@12pt -F /usr/share/fonts/TTF/DejaVuSansMono.ttf@12pt
edwood -f $PLAN9/font/lucsans/euro.8.font -F $PLAN9/font/lucm/unicode.9.font

## Edwood on Plan 9

To build Edwood on Plan 9, use [ PR#28](

hget | tar xvz
cd edwood-master
go mod edit -replace ''
go build

# Contributions
Contributions are welcome. Just submit a pull request and we'll review
the code before merging it in.

# Discussion
Have thoughts? Questions? Want to talk about Edwood (or Acme and other related Plan9 things)? If so, I've now enabled [Edwood GitHub Discussions](

# Project Status
Edwood has reached the *useful* milestone (v0.1) and should
serve as drop-in replacement for Plan9 Port Acme. (But probably with
different bugs.) Please file issues if Acme client apps don't work
with Edwood or if your favourite Acme feature doesn't work.

# Roadmap

* More idiomatic Go and tests.
* Internal API modernization.
* Revised text handling data structures.
* More configurability: styles, keyboard shortcuts, autocomplete.
* See the issues list for the details.
* Improve the testing [code coverage](