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Bezier curves and paths in Swift for building vector applications

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Bezier curves and paths in Swift for building vector applications




# BezierKit

[![License: MIT](](
[![CocoaPods Compatible](](

BezierKit is a comprehensive Bezier Path library written in Swift.

- [Warning! Prerelease software!](#warning-prerelease-software)
- [Features](#features)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [License](#license)

## Warning! Prerelease software!

Please note that BezierKit is currently pre-release software. Its releases follow [semantic versioning]( which means that until it reaches 1.0 status the API may not be stable or backwards compatible.

## Features
- [x] Constructs linear (line segment), quadratic, and cubic Bézier curves
- [x] Draws curves via CoreGraphics
- [x] Determines positions, derivatives, and normals along curves
- [x] Lengths of curves via Legendre-Gauss quadrature
- [x] Intersects curves and computes cubic curve self-intersection to any degree of accuracy
- [x] Determines bounding boxes, extrema,
- [x] Locates nearest on-curve location to point
- [x] to any degree of accuracy
- [x] Splits curves into subcurves
- [x] Offsets and outlines curves
- [ ] Comprehensive Unit and Integration Test Coverage
- [ ] Complete Documentation

## Installation

### CocoaPods

[CocoaPods]( is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. You can install it with the following command:

$ gem install cocoapods

To integrate BezierKit into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, add it to your target in your `Podfile`:

target '' do
pod 'BezierKit', '>= 0.15.0'

Then, run the following command:

$ pod install

### Swift Package Manager

The [Swift Package Manager]( is a tool for automating the distribution of Swift code and is integrated into the `swift` compiler.
Once you have your Swift package set up, adding BezierKit as a dependency is as easy as adding it to the `dependencies` value of your `Package.swift`.

// swift-tools-version:5.0
import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
name: "",
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", from: "0.15.0"),

## Usage

### Constructing & Drawing Curves

BezierKit supports cubic Bezier curves (`CubicCurve`) and quadratic Bezier curves (`QuadraticCurve`) as well as line segments (`LineSegment`) each of which adopts the `BezierCurve` protocol that encompasses most API functionality.

import BezierKit

let curve = CubicCurve(
p0: CGPoint(x: 100, y: 25),
p1: CGPoint(x: 10, y: 90),
p2: CGPoint(x: 110, y: 100),
p3: CGPoint(x: 150, y: 195)

let context: CGContext = ... // your graphics context here
Draw.drawSkeleton(context, curve) // draws visual representation of curve control points
Draw.drawCurve(context, curve) // draws the curve itself

### Intersecting Curves

The `intersections(with curve: BezierCurve) -> [Intersection]` method determines each intersection between `self` and `curve` as an array of `Intersection` objects. Each intersection has two fields: `t1` represents the t-value for `self` at the intersection while `t2` represents the t-value for `curve` at the intersection. You can use the `ponit(at:)` method on either of the curves to calculate the coordinates of the intersection by passing in the corresponding t-value for the curve.

Cubic curves may self-intersect which can be determined by calling the `selfIntersections()` method.

let intersections: [Intersection] = curve1.intersections(with: curve2)
let points: [CGPoint] = { curve1.point(at: $0.t1) }

Draw.drawCurve(context, curve: curve1)
Draw.drawCurve(context, curve: curve2)
for p in points {
Draw.drawPoint(context, origin: p)

### Splitting Curves

The `split(from:, to:)` method produces a subcurve over a given range of t-values. The `split(at:)` method can be used to produce a left subcurve and right subcurve created by splitting across a single t-value.

Draw.setColor(context, color: Draw.lightGrey)
Draw.drawSkeleton(context, curve: curve)
Draw.drawCurve(context, curve: curve)
let subcurve = curve.split(from: 0.25, to: 0.75) // or try (leftCurve, rightCurve) = curve.split(at:)
Draw.setColor(context, color:
Draw.drawCurve(context, curve: subcurve)
Draw.drawCircle(context, center: curve.point(at: 0.25), radius: 3)
Draw.drawCircle(context, center: curve.point(at: 0.75), radius: 3)

### Determining Bounding Boxes

let boundingBox = curve.boundingBox
Draw.drawSkeleton(context, curve: curve)
Draw.drawCurve(context, curve: curve)
Draw.setColor(context, color: Draw.pinkish)
Draw.drawBoundingBox(context, boundingBox: curve.boundingBox)

### More

BezierKit is a powerful library with *a lot* of functionality. For the time being the best way to see what it offers is to build the MacDemos target and check out each of the provided demos.

## License

BezierKit is released under the MIT license. [See LICENSE]( for details.