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Create, edit, share, and publish scientific and technical documents.

latex markdown pdf-generation science-research scientific-visualization writing-software

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

Create, edit, share, and publish scientific and technical documents.




# `curvenote`

[![curvenote on npm](](
[![MIT License](](

Create, edit, share and publish scientific documents.

## Overview

`curvenote` is an open source library and command line interface (CLI) to create share and publish technical documents.

- Write papers and reports in Markdown and Jupyter ([docs](
- Create and share interactive websites ([docs](
- Export to Word, LaTeX, and PDF with any [template]( ([docs](

In addition to being completely local, `curvenote` can optionally sync content to to allow you to work with collaborators who enjoy WYSIWYG editing, commenting & real time collaboration for technical documents.

## Get Started

Curvenote is available through Node and NPM. Unless you already have this on your system you will have to [install NodeJS]( See [full install instructions]( in the docs!

npm install -g curvenote
curvenote init
curvenote start
curvenote deploy


## Built with Curvenote

Curvenote allows you to easily create, edit, and publish content to the web as a fast, optimized site with interactive citations, cross-referencing, math, and dynamic figures from Jupyter Notebooks.

Curvenote can be used to create all sorts of open-access content, click the links below to see some examples!

- [Courses]( & [books](
- [Seminar]( & [conference]( websites
- [Blogs]( & [technical websites](
- [Papers]( & [reports](
- [Documentation](
- [Sharing Jupyter Notebooks](

### Interactive and Linked

The default website you create can have interactive Jupyter Notebook features, and live-preview of cross-references and citations.

[PhD Thesis]( with linked references, equations, and export to PDF.

[Interactive Papers]( with Jupyter Notebooks and interactive visualizations.

These interactive scientific sites can be easily deployed on a hosting service called []( or can also be hosted on your own custom domain.

## Work locally with Live Reload

The client library is entirely local, and rebuilds in ~50ms for most projects. Meaning you can preview your content as you are writing!


## Direct export from Curvenote

First login, see [authorization docs]( to get an API token.

curvenote token set

Then you can directly export your curvenote documents to:

- Microsoft Word (.docx)
- Markdown (.md) - using MyST
- LaTeX (.tex)
- PDF (.pdf)

curvenote export docx communicating-science.docx
curvenote export md
curvenote export tex version-control.tex -template plain_latex
curvenote export pdf version-control.pdf -template arxiv_nips

## LaTeX and PDF Dependencies

Exporting to:

- LaTeX (`latex`|`tex`) with a template option specified
- or to PDF

Requires the [jtex]( python package to be installed and available on the user's `PATH`.

With python 3.7 or greater installed, install `jtex` via pip:

python -m pip install jtex

# Development

All dependencies for `curvenote` are included in this repository (a monorepo!).

## What's inside?

`curvenote` uses [npm]( as a package manager. It includes the following packages/apps:


- `curvenote`: the Curvenote command line interface (CLI)
- `curvespace`: the web-experience for Curvenote sites, using Remix


- `ui-providers`: React providers for references and site configuration
- `myst-to-react`: expose MyST content as an article, built with React
- `site`: components and utilities for building React and Remix sites
- `icons`: icons used throughout our projects, built for React
- `citation-js-utils`: utilities for using the citation-js library
- `eslint-config-custom`: `eslint` configurations
- `tsconfig`: `tsconfig.json`s used throughout the monorepo

Each package and app is 100% [TypeScript](

### Versioning & Publishing

Curvenote uses [changesets]( to document changes to this monorepo, call `npx changeset` and follow the prompts. Later, `npm run version` will be called and then `npm run publish`.

### Utilities

`curvenote` is built and developed using:

- [TypeScript]( for static type checking
- [ESLint]( for code linting
- [Prettier]( for code formatting

### Build

To build all apps and packages, run the following command:

cd curvenote
npm run build

### Develop

To develop all apps and packages, run the following command:

cd curvenote
npm run dev