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Load environment variables from a .env file.

dotenv matlab

Last synced: 3 days ago
JSON representation

Load environment variables from a .env file.




# dotenv for MATLAB

> A MATLAB implementation of dotenv

Storing [configuration in the environment]( is one of the tenets of a [12-factor app]( dotenv for MATLAB® lets you store configuration data (passwords, API keys, server names, etc.) outside of your code. This lets you share your code without sharing your configuration data.

![screenshot](config/dotenv-compare.png "MATLAB Screenshot")


[![View dotenv-for-MATLAB on File Exchange](](

## Installation

Put `dotenv.m` somewhere on your [search path](

## Usage Example

`dotenv()` will try and load a file named `.env` from the current working folder. Alternatively, you can specify the path with `dotenv('path/to/file.env')`.


# Obligatory XKCD


d = dotenv();
opts = weboptions('HeaderField', ["accept", "any"; "authorization", d.env.password])
url = ""
response = webread(url, opts);

Common places you may need to do this are [`weboptions()`](, [working with remote data like S3 buckets](, the [Database Toolbox](, or [`ftp()`](

## Rules

The parsing engine currently supports the following rules:

* empty lines are skipped
* lines beginning with `#` are treated as comments
* empty values become empty strings (`DB_HOST=` becomes `DBHOST: ''`)
* whitespace is removed from both ends of unquoted values (`DB_HOST=some server` becomes `DB_HOST:'some server'`)
* quoted values are escaped (`DB_PASS=" some password "` becomes `DB_PASS:' some password '`)

Examples are in the [config](config/) directory.

## FAQ

### Should I commit my `.env` file?

No. You should put `*.env` in your `.gitignore` file. [MATLAB.gitignore]( plus `*.env` is a good start.

## Development Setup

Clone the repository. You can run `runtests('tests')` from the project root to run the [unit test suite](tests/).

## Bugs?

I would love to hear if this breaks on any weird strings or doesn't work the way you expected.