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A jQuery plugin that makes mobile navigation easy.

jquery navigation

Last synced: 3 months ago
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A jQuery plugin that makes mobile navigation easy.




#jQuery navobile

For full documentation please see the demo page.

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[View live demo](



The css required for the plugin is [here]( because its always better to control styling in CSS where possible.


There are a few parameters for the plugin, they are mostly optional.

* cta - the element that will open the navigation on click (default: '#show-navigation')
* content - the selector that wraps the content that will slide out (default: '#content')
* direction - the direction and therefore side that the content slides (default: 'ltr')
* easing - jQuery easing function to use in $.animate fallback (default: 'linear') for more easing options you will require [jQuery.easing](
* changeDOM - Boolean, whether the plugin needs to move the navigation in the DOM structure (default: false)
* copyBoundEvents - Boolean, if changeDOM is true, whether to or not to copy across any bound events (default: false)
* openOffsetLeft - String, the percentage you want navobile to open (default: '80%') N.B. If you alter this you will also need to change the width of [.navobile-navigation](
* hammerOptions - a Javascript object containing the options detailed here: Only needed if you are using bindSwipe/bindDrag (default: {})


There are a handful of useful events fired by navobile.

* navobile:open - fired when the navigation cta is tapped and navobile is hidden
* navobile:opened - fired when the navobile is fully open
* navobile:close - fired when the navigation cta is tapped and navobile is visible
* navobile:closed - fired when the navobile is fully closed

All of these are triggered on the document, below is a jQuery example:

$(document).bind('navobile:open', function() {alert('navobile is opening')});


Developed and maintained by [Made](


Key contributions:

* [Seb Ashton](


Licensed under [New BSD License](